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Saturday|Night One Of WrestleMania

"Holy shit. It's really happening." Sasha grinned as she and Dean were eating some breakfast early in the morning before they'd head to AT&T Stadium.

It was WrestleMania Saturday. Sasha was facing Rhea in the main event for her Raw Women's Championship. Sasha would be retaining, but was excited for the match overall. Dean's match was the following night but would still be going in support for his wife. She couldn't wait for her match and to have her first WrestleMania back since Hannah's birth. It was full circle.

"You're gonna do awesome babygirl. Very deserving for the main event." He grinned, softly kissing her before sharing a quick hug.

"Thanks babe. I can't wait. I also can't wait to see Hannah later." She smiled. Hannah was still with Seth's parents, Holly and Bob. They wanted the girls to rest before a long night and wanted to spend time with them. They were basically Hannah's grandparents and loved to be with her as well. Sasha and Dean were eternally grateful for the family they found.

"Me too, she'll be excited to see her mommy." He chuckled.

The two got ready to head to the stadium. Once they arrived, they definitely soaked in the calm before the storm. Sasha rehearsed her entrance as she would have a huge entrance, very much Sasha Banks esque. She watched Rhea perform hers as well. They also spent some time with their friends and the legends who were happy to give them advice. Everyone was excited for their main event. Sasha was trying not to let the nerves give to her as in a few hours there would be a hundred thousand fans waiting to watch her main event match.

"Hannah baby! Hi sweetheart!" Sasha gleamed once she saw Holly bringing Hannah to her.

"Mommy!" She cheered. Sasha and Holly caught up for a few minutes before she went to go find Seth and Becky. Sasha had Hannah sit with her while she got her hair and makeup done.

"Mommy has match?" She asked, her big blue eyes looking up at her mother.

"Yep mommy has a match, mommy has a big match." Sasha giggled at her daughter, holding her close.

"Oh." Hannah giggled, smiling at her mom.

Sasha really enjoyed the one on one time she got with her daughter before her match. It's exactly what she needed. Once her hair and makeup was done, Sasha quickly met with Dean to hand off Hannah so she could go get her gear on. Her gear was black and green with crystals and sparkles all over it. She had her hair pin straight as well as a dramatic eye look. She was definitely feeling the nerves but also in the zone for her huge match. She just wanted to make a statement in her main event match.

"You look good babe." Dean grinned as he saw his wife ready for her main event match. It would be in about forty minutes. So, she was grabbing anything she needed last minute before making her way to where she needed to be for her epic entrance.

"Thanks baby. I'm so nervous but I was born to do this. I am not afraid, I was born to do this." She grinned at him while the three made their way up. Dean took Hannah to watch Sasha's match from gorilla. They were going to have her ringside, but didn't want her out in all the chaos with some fans. She would be content with her daddy.

"You were born to do this. You got this babygirl. We'll be watching and cheering you on. I love you so much." He smiled, the two sharing a quick kiss. Sasha then made her way to where she needed to be. Dean and Hannah headed to gorilla where Rhea and everyone else was to watch the match.

"Next up is our main event. Sasha Banks versus Rhea Ripley for the Raw Women's Championship." Michael Cole said at ringside. Then, they played the video package leading up to the match. Afterwards, Rhea made her entrance. Once she was in the ring, Sasha's music started playing.

"It's boss time!" Michael Cole cheered. The fans got confused as they didn't see Sasha at first. Then they loudly roared for her when they saw her driving a Lamborghini up on the stage. Once she stepped out, she held the title up high, continuing her entrance while confetti flew everywhere for her. She made her way to the ring and the match would begin.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Let the match begin.

Sasha and Rhea took a moment to fully soak in their main event moment. The crowd roared for the two. Rhea started off strong, showing her strength before Sasha gathered herself and they really got the match started. It was very back and forth. Rhea definitely showed her strength and dominance while Sasha showed her quickness and creative abilities to be extra crafty. It came down to the end when Sasha hit a new finisher, which she liked to call Rent's Due. She got the pin as she new she wouldn't be able to make Rhea tap out.

"Here is your winner, and still! The Raw Women's Champion, Sasha Banks!" The announcer cheered as the crowd erupted for her. That was an impeccable main event match. The fans ate it up and loved every second of it. Once Sasha's hand was raised, she began crying a bit now that her biggest dream has come true. What a life.

"Holy shit baby that was awesome!" Dean grinned, picking her up in his free arm while he had Hannah in the other.

"Thanks babe. I can't believe that just happened!" She cried, hugging her husband and daughter.

"Believe it because you did awesome. I am so proud of you. We both are." He grinned, passionately kissing his wife. She was so grateful for the life she had and to finally be able to cross off her biggest goal. Sasha finally main evented WrestleMania.

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