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"Alright baby, you ready?" Dean asked a month later. Sasha was twenty seven weeks pregnant now with Hannah. She and Dean were going to court for the trials dealing with Simon. Sasha wanted him to go with her for moral support and Dean was happy to do so.

"About as ready as I'll be. I just don't want to face him but I know I will." Sasha groaned before grabbing her purse and walking over to her boyfriend.

"He can't do anything to you, baby. You're safe with me." Dean whispered as he held Sasha close to him.

"Thanks babe. Let's get this show on the road." Sasha sighed before they headed out to the trials.

Sasha and Dean were at the courthouse for nearly six hours for the trials. They were trying to get Simon convicted of domestic violence and abuse. They knew it would take a while, but it was definitely taking a mental toll on Sasha having to see him. She was relieved that she had Dean though since he made sure to make her feel safe with him.

"Glad that's over." Sasha breathed once they got in Dean's car. They were going to get something to eat and then head back to her home.

"So, now we just play the waiting game." Dean added as they began the drive to the restaurant.

"Mhm. They're hoping before I have Hannah that we'll know. I just hope everything happens before I give birth. I don't wanna have to deal with this after she's born." She admitted before taking a drink of water.

"It'll all work out baby. I promise." He kissed her hand before they eventually got to the restaurant and enjoyed the rest of the day together as well as the rest of Dean's off days.


A couple days later, Dean headed back out on the road. Sasha was a bit emotional since she'd miss him but she knew he also had to get back to work. While he'd be gone, Sasha would be going over to hang out with Becky and three month old Mavis. Since Sasha lived closer, she's been able to hang out with Becky a lot more. Also being with her and Mavis would help her a little bit when Hannah got here. They've become family for Sasha and Dean, which they couldn't be more grateful for.

"Becky!" Sasha grinned as she walked into her friend's home, seeing her with baby Mavis.

"Oh my gosh! Hi Sasha! You look cute." Becky beamed as she saw Sasha dressed in a jumpsuit and her bump was ever showing. But she loved it.

"Thank you! How've you been? It's been a few weeks." She asked as they sat down on Becky and Seth's back patio. He recently returned to work after Mavis' birth, so Sasha hasn't reached out too much and let them have their space for her to get into a routine.

"Everything's going good over here. We have a routine down and everything. What about you? How'd the trials go?" Becky asked as she got a drink of water and handed Mavis to Sasha.

"Oh, it went." Sasha sighed as Becky furrowed her brows.

"Basically we're playing the waiting game. We're hoping everything is finalized before Hannah's here but we really don't know." She explained as Becky shook her head.

"The bastard should be dead for what he did to you. But that's just me." Becky shrugged as she still felt awful for what happened with Sasha. All of her friends were now extremely protective over her due to the situation.

"Oh I know. But, I just try not to think about it. We've got the baby shower coming up and prepping for Hannah to be here." Sasha smiled. Becky and Bayley were helping Sasha plan that. They were so excited to welcome baby Hannah in the next few months.

"It's gonna be so much fun. You'll be a great mom. I have no doubts." Becky beamed before hugging her friend.

"Thanks Becks. I really appreciate that!" The brunette beamed before enjoying the rest of the day with her best friend and niece. She just really appreciated all the support she was getting for baby Hannah and herself to heal from the traumatizing relationship. She was doing her best to move forward, which Sasha was doing well. Now, she just had to do the finishing preparations for baby Hannah Elizabeth.

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