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A few weeks had passed and wrestling hasn't left Sasha's mind. She was still indecisive though, so for now she was focusing on Hannah and now wedding planning. But, she still wanted to weigh out her options.

Today though, she was going to take Hannah to the zoo. Becky and Mavis would be joining as well. Seth was out of town for some media that he was asked to do. Dean was on his way back from being on the road. He was going to stop by to see Sasha's lawyer though. They wanted to get the ball rolling on Dean adopting Hannah, so he was going to figure out everything that needed to be done.

"Hey guys!" Sasha beamed as she and Hannah met up with Becky and Mavis, now that they were at the zoo.

"Hey! Where's your soon to be hubby?" Becky smiled as they began walking around the zoo to let the girls see the animals.

"He's on his way home. What have you been up to? I've been seeing you at Black and Brave a lot." Sasha replied as she mentioned Seth's wrestling school.

"Mhm, I'm getting ready to come back. It's taken a bit longer since Mav's almost one, but I'm excited to come back." Becky admitted as Sasha gasped with excitement for her friend.

"Yay! I'm so happy for you!" She cheered as Sasha wasn't fully sure if Becky was going to return to the ring, but was excited that she was.

"Thanks girl, what about you? Are you gonna return to the ring?" Becky asked as they stopped for some water.

"I'm not sure, I've been getting the itch to come back though. You returning just makes the itch get worse." Sasha giggled.

"Why don't you return if you've got the itch that bad?"

"I dunno, I think just going back to it with Hannah now makes me nervous. How would that even work for both of us to wrestle full time and be a family and then plan a wedding?"

"I get that, but you just take it one day at a time. You don't have to come back full time, or if you really wanted to be full time, you could get a bus. That's what Seth and I are doing. And it's gonna be a lifesaver. I think Hannah would do good with you guys as long as she has one of you. Or even if the two of you have a segment together, she knows the girls and me. So, I get you're worried but I don't think it'll be as bad." Becky explained and comforted Sasha.

"That's very true. You might be the one to push me to fight this wrestling itch I've got. I just don't wanna have any regrets ya know?" Sasha asked as Becky nodded her head.

"Oh I get it, that's why I'm coming back. If you feel like you're gonna regret not coming back, just put your mind at ease and do it. We all miss you in the ring. I know Bay's not coming back since she and Finn want another baby and a sibling for Austin, but the rest of us miss you." Becky admitted as Sasha was a bit stunned to hear that.

"Thanks Becks, I really appreciate that. Maybe I'll have to come back just so I have no regrets. I'm definitely going to weigh out all my options and see what's going to be best." Sasha nodded as Becky agreed with her. Now that she knew Becky was coming back, that pushed Sasha even harder to want to come back. She just wanted to have no regrets about her choices at the end of the day.

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