Chapter 150 - Epilogue

Start from the beginning

"I know already what I will say to make him wear one," said Carol proudly as we were trotting back home.


"He wants to see the wedding," she said proudly.

"Ooooh, that's a good one," I said happily. I couldn't wait to see Daryl in glasses. "Grandpa..." I chuckled to myself. Carol smiled too.

"Don't ever say that to him, because that would definitely make him NOT wear one."

"Why? He is a cute grandpa," I said still very entertained. Carol chuckled too.

"Wouldn't Negan want one?" she asked.

"Hmm... I don't know. Maybe he should," I said.

We arrived back in a good mood. We brought all the bags to the hall. Daryl appeared immediately like he smelled our arrival.

"Where've you been?" he growled.

"Raiding," said Carol simply. Daryl looked at the bags suspiciously.

"What's in those?" he asked.

Carol put a box in front of him.

"No! Hell no... uh-uh... never," he said and wanted to leave but Carol grabbed his arm.

"Oh, come on Daryl, don't be childish. It will help you," she said.

"I'm never gonna wear that thing," he stated.

"Daryl please, it's for your own good," I tried too.

"Nope," he said while Carol was still hanging on to his arm. She flashed her big puppy eyes with an angelic smile.

"Don't you want to see Lydia and Henry at their wedding?" she asked gently. Score. Daryl hesitated. I could almost hear the wheels turning in his head, thinking hard. He glanced at Carol and then at me.

"I hate you," he stated and grabbed a box. He put on the glasses, squinted, took it off, grabbed another box. He tried some of them till he found one he could see better with. Carol was smiling contented.

Daryl looked at me with the glasses on.

"Can you see?" asked Carol.

"Yeah..." said Daryl grumpily, he was offended.

"It looks good on you," I said smiling. He shot a killer glance at me. He put the glasses in a case and slipped them in his pocket, then left without another word. I exchanged glances with Carol and we burst into a quiet giggling.

"I knew that was going to convince him," said Carol.

"He looks cute I don't know why he feels like this," I said.

"He thinks it's a weakness. And he is the strong, invincible Daryl Dixon," said Carol theatrically.

"Oh, yeah. Of course. I almost forgot," I said chuckling.

"There you are," said Negan appearing by the door. "I was looking for you everywhere."

"Hi, darling," I said and pecked his cheek while he was looking at the boxes.

"What's all this?" he asked.

"Glasses," said Carol.

"Really?" he asked and started checking them out.

I fell in love with the devil |The Walking Dead| NeganxOC |CarolxDarylWhere stories live. Discover now