Story 279/The Green Gluttonous Witch

Start from the beginning

Adam knew this would be suspicious but he was grateful for being taken in and plus if he was poisoned what's the point of being eaten later?

So he sat down at the end of the table and let Witchy wrap a Napkin around Adam's neck which she honestly didn't need to do but hey dinner should be well marinated in trust.

"Thank you Greeny!" And with that Adam went to town eating the food. it was so good and by the end Adam not only had a saucy and icing covered face but also had a bowling ball sized potbelly under his grey shirt with a dinosaur on it.

"Urp~ Thank you greeny...hhahhhh...i'm so exhausted" Adam said with a drawn out sigh while he lulled his icing covered tongue out of his mouth. He was very sleepy from all this food so he was kinda woozy.

"Oh my, you ate all the food, You're like a miniature me...hehe. I'll bring you to bed" She gently picked up Adam and brought him into a second room in the house and put him in the bed.

She however didn't close the door because there was always the chance the kid tries to escape only to realize the doors were locked.

"Thank you.....greennnyyyzz.......zz..." Adam quickly fell asleep during his sentence and snored while he slept on the bed.

Witchy left in order to prepare herself to eat him.

She prepared everything and opened the door again with a hungry intent, her belly growling like a cauldron full of ingredients.

She rubs her green belly before getting to the edge of the bed where Adam's toes were.

Witchy crouched down, lining up her lips with Adam's bare feet. She gently reached forward to hold her Prey's ankles as she began to swallow him whole.

(Grrllppp... glkkk...)

Witchy casually restrained the muscles of her throat as much as she could, so she could swallow slowly, efficiently, and most importantly... quietly. Adam's ankles and legs slid in between plush black lips, and were gently tugged into the gullet to travel down the green esophagus. And all the while, he just kept snoring, even as his legs were surrounded by wet, squishy warmth.

Slow and steady won the race, after all. Witchy couldn't risk Adam waking up during the swallowing process. not that he would be hard to get down while awake but more like her being annoyed from cries of horror and the eyes tearing up from betrayal.

Witchy climbed onto the bed as she swallowed Adam up to his waist. These clothes were cute and all, but they certainly didn't taste good to the child eater. No is food and if it didn't taste good she had to be the good kid and eat her broccoli.

Then suddenly, when he was swallowed up to his chest, Adam's sleepy eyelids fluttered open and the two locked eyes. However Adam expected this in the end but wanted to play along so he could repay the woman who helped him in the woods.

"Mmmhhh...?" Adam mumbled trying to act groggy.

In a moment of slight panic, Witchy reached forward to cup her green hand around the top of Adam's head and shoved her the rest of the way into her gullet. Her Black lips closing around the crown of Adam's skull as he was sent down with one last rippling gulp.


She licks her lips with her green tongue as Adam was in her stomach.

"What...happened?" Adam rubbed his surroundings as Witchy sat up and slapped her stomach.

"Ahh~ That was good~" She moaned with delight as Adam pretended to squirm a bit.

her stomach growled around Adam as it squeezed inwards while grinding stomach acids into his skin. "Do you have any last words? before my body claims you?" Witchy asked as she jiggled her stomach while walking out of the guest bedroom to her own.

The words Adam said however made her feel something she never did before. "Thank you...Those are my last words" Adam said as he gently hugs his knees to his chest with one arm while the other rubs the eerie green stomach walls.

Witchy sat on the side of her bed a bit confused. Out of all the tasty kids and even adults she ate she never once got this response. She poked her stomach with two fingers where his knee was. "Now what does that mean?" She asked but she felt Adam's knee cave in from the assault of the hydrochloric acids.

Adam was half submerged in the stomach acids and losing consciousness. "Oh! well not like It matters, after all you're my dinner" Witchy said as she shakes her stomach and Adam is completely covered in stomach acids.

Witchy laid down on her bed and pulled the covers over her belly. Digestion didn't take long at all and Adam was gone in a matter of minutes. The Witch's breasts expanded over the time that she had slept and unknown to her Adam reformed in the guest room.

Adam sat up and made sure to clean off the afterbirth on him since that always happened when he reformed. he then took the towel and put it in Witchy's laundry. Then Adam began to clean the things that needed to be cleaned. He started with the table he had eaten at, cleaning the plates and dishes before then cleaning the table itself.

He even attended to Witchy's broom which despite being sentient didn't alert witchy as it was cleaned. The Boy essentially acted like Snow White as he even cleaned her Cauldron she cooked spells in.

When Witchy woke up she immediately smelled something was off. The house was more clean than when she went to sleep. She got out of bed and first fondled with her bulbous chest a bit before going into the kitchen. To her surprise it was squeaky clean. "What the? When did this happen?" She began to also follow her nose over to the Pretzel window. Outside was...That boy?

He was currently tending to the garden in the back yard used for potion making by watering the plants. She was baffled for one of the first times in her life. The boy she had eaten a night ago was there and tending to the backyard like a Butler.

acting silently she crept out the window and grabbed him by the shoulders with a firm grip. "Ah!" Adam screamed as he had been startled by the grab as Witchy turned him to face her.

"How? How are you there? You're supposed to be dead" Witchy said as she stared at him with a scowl of confusion.

"H-hey OW! put me down please and I'll tell you Greeny" He said wincing from her nails digging in his shoulders.

Witchy rolled her eyes and put him down, he sat the water can down and looked up at her. "Essentially...I'm cursed" Adam said putting it simply.

Witchy's scowl went away and was replaced with curiosity. "What type of curse?" She asked looking not just at him but also through him.

"Well...It's a type of Immortality curse" Adam began to explain. Witchy gathered that Any time Adam was killed he would reform from and Inky black viscous ribcage that opened one rib at a time like an Iron maiden and he would be set to roam again against his will. Adam actually teared up telling her because it pained him to remind himself why he was still alive.

Witchy didn't know how she felt about this. She had never experienced a boy as Enigmatic as him and yet things began to make sense. How it was so easy to lure him to her house and feed him without him being suspicious. "So...If you're immortal why are you still here and didn't leave to call authorities or something?" Witchy asked as she would think anyone with the experience she put him through would go to get the Proper Authorities to catch her.

"Well...You did help me out of the woods when I was lost, you could have eaten me right there and not bothered to ask my name but you took me in. As such i'm repaying the favor even if it wasn't intentional" He said as this gave Witchy the realization why the whole house was clean.

"You are too nice for this world you know...But I can't just kick you out" Witchy sighed before grabbing Adam by the arm and pulling him into the house.

She did feel kind of grateful for him cleaning her nasty house. She usually forgets to clean it because of her daily dose of eating children. "I only have one rule, If I keep you here you are first on the dinner menu every day" Witchy said not drifting far from her gluttonous nature at all in fact.

"Deal" Adam said without hesitation as Witchy walked up to the guest bedroom door and took a pen out of her hat before writing on the top of the wall "Adam's Room".

Adam's eyes sparkled seeing the Woman would take care of him in return for him being her meal forever.

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