Story 293/Adam Loren Versus Ms. Lynch

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Before the Story starts, Ms. Lynch is a character that was created originally by Lampton on, A teacher who eats students alike. And since lampton is one of my favorite vore artists this is a Gift to them. This story also is how Adam has all his Academic sheets such as his Graduation Certificate.

Adam was finally deciding on something to do since he had this curse, He could try and finish school. When he was living as a Rich boy he as homeschooled but now that he was...Free? he could attend High school. He decided he would Go to the nearby school which seemed to also have a bad Aura.

it took a few hours but eventually he was allowed to start on Monday. That Sunday Adam decided to take a walk in the park, but he eventually bumped into somebody. She was an adult who had short black hair and a teacher's uniform. "Hmm...You must be Adam, The new student" She said as she got up. "yeah, I'm Adam. A-adam Loren" He said as he got up and looks at the taller woman. "Since you bumped into me today I want to show you what happens at our School" The Woman said as she suddenly picked Adam up by the Shoulders.

Adam went wide eyed as he realized he attended a school with pred teachers, however he needed to keep his composure so that he wouldn't let any of his secrets slip out and flay her mind.

"Think of this as an Welcoming Ceramony, Heh" The Lady chuckled before unhinging her jaw and Inserting Adam's head. his face was sucked into her throat, however he remained still which was nearly unheard of from Ms. Lynch. Ms. Lynch put her hands on his sides and started shoving his body in. She gulped hard, getting his head inside completely and soon moving onto his shoulders. She continued swallowing, soon getting past his chest and onto his stomach. Some more swallows would get her to his Pelvis. By this point, her belly was expanding and stretching her uniform as her Meal was filling her up. Ms. Lynch was slightly suspicious on how easy this was but hey free meal. She kept going, slurping his legs, soon getting past his knees. It didn't take too long to reach his feet and send the rest of him down into her stomach. Inside her stomach was super tight and dark, with the stomach acids already being out implied she was wanting to eat him before she even saw him.

"My My, What a strange prey you are" She said as she traced his stomach bulges, feeling his shoulder then his ears and knees.

"Mmff....Warm" Adam tried to make himself look like he was too scared to move, something he learned to do recently to fool preds. It was working with the teacher too, she wasn't able to understand why it was so easy.

Adam watched as his body slowly melted into protein and mush to be slurped down into the teacher's intestines, She didn't need to hold her stomach to move around so she stretched which crushed the stomach walls further into her meal before walking home.

Meanwhile Adam reformed in his House that he got, he didn't buy it he ate the owners which were crackheads so nobody would miss them.

The Next Day he decided if he were to be eaten at this new school he should do something to make sure that a Pred would have a nice time eating him. He spent all night making it. It was a School Uniform that looked identical to the one he usually wore but this one was enchanted, it was made of Hersey's chocolate and also had teeny tiny sprinkles from cupcakes all over it. to top it all off it smelled good! Adam likes being eaten when he allows it, he wasn't quite mad about feeding his soon to be teacher so he decided he'd make it worth it.

The Next day he put on the suit and went to the bus. He got on and went to one of the back seats. There were two reasons for this, one of which is that nobody would be able to see him write in his diary he's had since his original life, and Two was that if someone ate him they wouldn't be seen easily. Adam is kinda weird, but hey if he gets his classmates a good snack they might like him.

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