Story 245/Battle under the waves

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An Ordinary day takes place today, Like any other the birds were chirping and the sea was churning with waves. However something else would occur that normally nobody would be able to see. Today Adam would Document an interaction between a Sperm Whale and a Colossal Squid.

Adam successfully managed to get into his pressure suit which would allow him to resist the freezing depths of the ocean's strong crushing forces. He looked at his camera then at the crashing cold waves before doing a dive. The water parted as Adam entered it's wavy blue surface and he began to swim downwards. watching as the small and then soon larger fish people passed by him. some were curious but some were not as he swam deeper. Soon he got to the twilight zone, a section of the ocean where the light from the sun was starting to disappear.

"ok, I believe in the Midnight zone we can find both the colossal squid and some diving sperm whales" Adam said as he tapped his suit and it began to sparkle.

This suit was supposed to also be used to maybe attract fish so that he could say hi. He eventually entered the Midnight zone where the alleged colossal squids lived. eventually he got to the exact depth this species thrives and it only took Adam several minutes before he saw something in the distance.

It was a ring of small lights which were getting closer and closer. Adam took a closer look and saw it was no ring of lights and instead was the eyes of the colossal squid type girl he was looking for

Indeed the eyes were alluring which was exactly how this species got their food by drawing them in. "Eek! who are you?? You're no fish??" Adam heard the large girl speak some cephalopod language but because he had a translator device in his ears he could hear what she said. "No I'm not a fish, just a researcher human, I don't mean to disturb your presence" Adam said as the squid girl heard something he didn't. It was a clicking noise which caused her to feel dread.

She heard the sound of an arch nemesis, The Sperm whale.

"I can't chat, I gotta puff away" She said before swimming away towards the distance.

Then from above came the Aformentioned sperm whale. This one was clearly young but did have the courage to come down here and hunt. He was as tall as she was and tried to grab at her.

Adam watched as the boy whale lunged at the squid with the need to eat her. She reacted with instincts and grabbed his neck with her tentacles, trying to puncture them in an attempt to slay him so she can escape.

"MMmmph, No I won't fail my first hunt" The Whale boy exclaimed as he thrashed his neck out of the hooked tentacles and then clamped his jaws over her head. (CHOMP!) The boy's mouth bulged out and he started cramming the girl down his food pipe. Adam simply recorded with his eye lenses as the boy crammed her down. In no time the young man whale reached the squid's stomach which was where her tentacles started.

"Incredible strength, I like how despite the fact he is unexperienced he still ate his meal" Adam said as this was a marvelous scene.

The boy eventually slurped the squid girl down like pasta and he licked his lips with a tongue. "My first hunt! Mama will be proud" The boy said as he started swimming back up towards the surface, his stomach already starting to smoothe out.

Adam was happy with his recording so he too began to follow the whale back to the surface.

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