Story 297/A Worm in Sheep's clothing(The Bridge Worm)

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Adam was currently walking around late at light. It was not a good idea in this world, one with monsters abound. However there was one Monster that seems to be more obscure than the others seen on the news.

Adam had prepared indeed. He learned about the Deceptive Siren head and the Cruel Cartoon Cat from many police reports but the thing that he wasn't expecting would be found under a bridge at night.

Adam was walking back to his apartment that night, wanting to go and look up the first sighting of a Siren Head.

As he was walking he stopped as the flouresent street light beamed above a bridge which beneath it something pale white was laying.

"Huh?" Adam stopped to take a good look at it.

It had incredibly pale features as well as tight slit like eyes and splayed out arms while it laid on large tire sized boobs in the Tunnel entrance.

"it looks...kinda sad" Adam said as he thought the face of the creature looked kind of upset and begging.

"is it...hurt?" Adam said as he walked towards it fooled by it's false face.

"Hungry...Hungry" It repeated with a raspy weak voice, its voice was purposely weak and starving sounding so it could lure in prey like Adam.

"It must be pale because it's starving. maybe I can help" Adam thought as he pulled out a Box of of 20 piece McDonalds chicken nuggets and approached the Bridge Worm foolishly.

As he got closer the creature suddenly grabbed him with it's pale arms and to his shock her once mournful pale face suddenly flipped up like a car hood revealing a flayed face with bulging eyes and a mouth with crooked and nasty looking teeth. As soon as it's true face was revealed It suddenly struck before Adam could scream, wrapping her clawed hands around his shoulders tighter and opening her grotesque mouth wide, her jaws spread unnaturally wide revealing dark insides. Letting her maw stretch until the narrow hole of her throat at the back became a cavernous, dripping pit big enough for Adam's head to fit inside her own hungry maw. She was starving so she didn't wanna leave any part of her victim untouched.

Adam's face blanched in awe and slight terror as that pink, fleshy chasm drew over him like a Blanket. he didn't have time to squirm because of the speed the mouth came. The Adolescent Cryptid's maw came around over him before he could move or push or protest. She shoved her head fully into her mouth and onto her bottom jaw which didn't have one tongue but rather two of them.

Closing her lips around his neck, The Worm Creature let out a loud, guttural moan as she sucked on her meal, tongues lathering his face like the tubes at a car wash. he was like nothing else she'd ever tasted in her existence under this bridge.
At last, with his head now squeezed into a soft, squishy hole, the floor of which undulated and smooshed against his face, Adam couldn't find the strength to protest. The Worm's lips had a firm hold on him like a Lamprey, and she still held him tight by the shoulders like handcuffs. She wasn't letting him escape. Instead, she was going to force her all the way down so she could finally become a Highway worm like her Mother.
Wrapping his arms around him in a controlling hug, Worm girl swallowed. She shoved her mouth down over his shoulders. Her creepy lips pushed down over his slender chest, covering the Bigfoot shirt he wore and her teeth bristled against Adam like he was crawling up a rock wall. Thick stains of hot clear drool soaked down into the fabric of his shirt, darkening it turning the bright brown big foot to a darker more accurate brown. Her jaws encircled his upper torso, trapping his arms to his  side still gripping the chicken box. Adam squirmed in the encasing lock of her mouth to get deeper as he still wanted to feed it.
Adam pushed through the taut ring at the back of The Worm's mouth and found himself wrapped in the Pulsing tunnel of her throat. She slobbered a lot. Esophageal slime coating him, lubricating him for The Cryptid's next gulp. he gasped out, "EEEK! It's like That scene out of ghostbusters! I've been slimed!" His words were uselessly muffled, little more than dull trails of consonants buried by her thick tube.

The Bridge Worm's throat gave another heavy, Guttural gulp as she pushed her mouth down lower. Shoving Adam deeper into her tight gullet, down through her chest, towards her needy belly. Her pale neck bulged as she swallowed his chest and stomach, her chapped and crimson lips slithering all the way to his waist. The fat lump of his head sank through her pale skin and forced out rounded sac against her stomach. Inside, Adam felt a slippery, squeezing ring wrap up over head as she passed through it. Into The Worm's bubbling gut ready to use him as nutrients.
Her stomach was churning and ready for him as Adam's head pushed into the soaked and steamy pouch. His thick crown of blonde hair clashed into the waiting puddle of gooey acids, saturating in the slush, soaking it so that soon his fluffy hair was matted and drenched in goop, clinging to him like a koala. His head filled The Worm's boiling belly, then his body began to pack in after. Forcing the walls out, spreading those smooth, muscular tissues wider and wider like a Waterballoon.
The Worm knelt down, pushing her mouth down Adam's body. She shuddered as she swallowed again, gulping in his big hips, and around his thighs. Her stomach forced out the pale skin barely showing the thin red veins that streaked across it moving oh so slightly. His body was creating a taut, pudgy ball of belly that tested the limits of her stretchy skin with each gulp.
Kneeling on the ground, belly straining towards the smooth road beneath her as she tilted her head up to guzzle down Adam's legs, a few growls sounded from her middle as his legs glistened in the beam of light from the street lamp. Even as she sucked his knees between her creepy jaws, tongue lapping hungrily beneath them, her stomach flopped around with some heavy, dense slosh, settling against the ground and poked with her knees against the bottom. She held it with both stubby white hands as she finished swallowing Adam's feet. Her Jaws circled his calves, then his ankles. She knew one prey would be good for the night so she slowly brought her false face skin over her freaky face concealing the cheek bulges underneath. Then...


The Worm swallowed the last of Adam's feet. His small, wriggling feet disappeared with a flick of her tongue. The kid sank fully into the boiling vat of acids. Curled up in a tight fetal position as his legs shoved into the belly against his own chest, knees up. The walls around her stretched only enough to press her palms against their slime-encased surface as he fought for a comfortable position.
The Bridge Worm laid back down back, panting heavily as she assumed a still position to better digest Adam. She felt the thick dome of her stomach that was caught between her pale legs and chest against the floor. She felt Adam's hands pushing around from within, the prints of his small palms and fingers dimpling out her skin, due to being this pale his hands were colored against the walls. She giggled and curls herself around her belly to then begin stroking the outlines, playing with his little bulges. Pushing a little more deeply, she felt the shape of her head, turning, mouth working. She wondered why he was squirming less than previous preys.

"Mmmm~ Y-y-y-yumm..." She mumbled as she licks her lips but it was unseen under her mask.

As Adam slowly digested she could feel her skin hardening and began to darken, this was it he was digesting to give her enough nutrition to become a Highway Worm!

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