Story 261/Legendary Meeting

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It was another Cycle for Adam, The death and rebirth he had to suffer until the end of all was still cycling back to a point where he would be living, yet it wouldn't be too long before he disappeared again.

This time the location Adam had reformed in was not earth. It was a world known as Palma, A planet similar yet had some major differences. Immediately upon reforming Adam could feel there was an evil on the boundary of this solar system, waiting, and watching. Adam obviously was nervous, Evil meant death and death for him meant total erasure from a timeline, So he would try profusely to avoid it.

Adam did spawn in a slightly peaceful place right next to a crater with a Dungeon in the center. The skies were very pretty, colored with round clouds floating across it with the breeze. "Maybe this place is more peaceful than Earth" Adam said as he sat down on the grass.

How wrong he was...He began to hear the sound of clopping, similar to a horse but more metallic as well as the flapping of scaly wings.

The Boy's eyes widened and he quickly got to his feet. Behind him were Two unusual monsters.

The first was a Centaur-esque entity with shimmering gold skin and was wielding a sword as long as it's human half

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The first was a Centaur-esque entity with shimmering gold skin and was wielding a sword as long as it's human half. it had tough armor on the human torso part as well as shoulder pads. On it's head was a helmet which seemed infused with it's skin.

The other was a serpentine looking beast shimmering with silvery gold colored scales and levitating cleanly off the ground with stationary wings, It's face resembled a Prideful serpent with blue eyes which glared down at Adam

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The other was a serpentine looking beast shimmering with silvery gold colored scales and levitating cleanly off the ground with stationary wings, It's face resembled a Prideful serpent with blue eyes which glared down at Adam.

Adam hadn't held onto his previous weapons before he died in the previous cycle, so he was completely helpless. The Wyvern exhaled fire at the boy's feet causing him to be blasted backwards from the explosion of the line of fire.

This left him prone. "N-NONONO! NOT AGAIN!" Adam cried as he covered his eyes as he watched the Centaur raise it's sword ready to Kill him.

However instead of the cutting of flesh...Adam heard Metal connecting with Metal in a sudden clash. He took his hands off his face and gazed upon the changing sight. There was a brown haired girl clashing swords with the Monster. (SHINGG! CLANCH!) The Girl was swift and not only disarmed the Centaur but also cut the wings off the Wyvern making both fall to the ground.

"S-she...saved me.." Adam muttered wide eyed, nobody had ever saved him from being killed before.

The girl sheathed her sword back into it's holster and turned around. "are you Ok?" She knelt down to Adam and held a hand out. She had such a peaceful yet powerful aura to her.

"I-im fine...Thank you" Adam said as he gently grabbed her hand and stood up.

"My name's Alis Landale, I'm the new queen of the Algo system, What's your name?" Once the girl revealed she was a queen Adam stuttered a bit and bowed repeatedly

"Oh no Need to bow, But what is your name? Your outfit is different than what I've seen around here" Alis said as she indicated the fact he was wearing different looking clothes.

"Oh! Um my name is Adam Loren, I come from somewhere else...It may be hard to wrap your head around but I'm from another Universe" Adam introduced himself and kinda explained himself.

Alis kinda felt bad since it was clear Adam was doomed to live an eternal life, She did think briefly about Dark Force when He said this, but he looked nice enough so maybe he wasn't related to that force.

As Adam was following Alis to safety, The girl stopped and put a hand on her stomach, it was growling.

"Oh my, I must have forgotten to bring food, Do you have any food?" Alis asked Adam.

Adam did a quick check in his pockets but found no such nutritious things. "I'm sorry Lady Alis, I have no food" Adam apologized.

She made it clear she didn't mind at all, but that it was hard for her to get back home without something to eat and restore the Health she lost during the fight.

Adam did have an Idea though, Though he would possibly lose his life in the process he needed a way to repay her. "Hey...Why don't you eat me?" Adam asked making Alis turn around with big shocked eyes.

"Huh??? But why?" She asked hesitantly, Meaning she really was pure at heart.

"Well It's the least I could do, Besides you saved me from dying in a painful way, So I wanna return the favor" Adam said with a nervous smile.

The Girl's shocked face turned into a gentle smile as she gently held his forehead making him slightly nervous. "Thank you, Don't worry, I won't digest you" The Legendary Alis said before she planted a kiss on his forehead making his face turn all red.

As Adam was stunned, Alis began to eat him. Adam then felt a warm wetness around his pink face that became as he Adjusted his eyes and saw fleshy bits surrounding him like a gentle hug. A resounding gulping sound confirmed her cooperation as he found himself pulled deeper inside, his whole upper body pulled in slowly while also being tasted by the Queen. Alis gripped onto his body and easily worked him along, showing little struggle in forcing the blondie down her gullet as she had done with Lassic only weeks before. Her throat bulged out as the boy began to descend, clear features of Adam's embarrassed face marked in her white skin as he was being treated not as food but a good ally.

At first, Adam expected his instincts to fight back to try and stop his descent thing, but as he felt her massage his body as she ate him up, he felt at peace with offering himself to the Queen. He just smiled within the throat as the girl showed an identical smile while gobbling him up, bits of drool running down her face as she continued to secure her meal of the boy she saved adamantly. It took a few minutes for Alis to gulp down his feet, every part of him easily disappearing down her Heroic lips. Despite it turning out to be rather easy for Alis, it had taken a fair bit for her to gulp him all down, mainly thanks to her tasting him a lot. Her belly gradually filled out with him, slowly extending out to create a distinct bulge of a boy-like shape from out beneath her armor.

Adam's knees were forced into his chest, his arms also hugging those very knees to his body from how tight of a squeeze it was. The gulp down had ended up only reassuring Adam more of how he was completely safe, each inch he was squeezed further into the Heroine leaving him feeling more appreciative of her friendship. He was still a bit anxious as he sat in the belly though, his mind still wondering what that evil he sensed was, yet but as he felt a soft rubbing on his head from Alis, he did feel that question subside.

"Wow you tasted nice, Thank you again Adam...I think I have enough Magic now to go home" Alis said as she kept her hand on her belly as she used her Fly spell. Alis and Adam began to feel light as They flew high into the skies of Palma.

However Adam didn't see any of this as the stomach gently hugs his body, Which wasn't tight but instead just right for him to feel welcome.

Alis landed in her home and gently tapped her belly. "OK Adam, would you like to come out now? Its safe" Alis said as she felt his shoulders between her skin and hand.

"Sure, I mean if you were satisfied" Adam said as the queen of Algo coughed him up, he only had small holes in his clothes from minor digestion but was thankfully alive.

"Come, Come, I have some friends I want you to meet" She said as she took his slimy hand and lead him to her home, where her 3 friends were.

Vore Stories Vol.2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin