Story 244/Monomunchies

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"Puhuhuhu, It looks like the two dolls have gotten here, meow-" Monaca Towa said as she had suddenly hopped out of the top red door and landed right on her feet which confirmed she was not in fact handicapped and just lying not only to komaru and toko but also her friends. "You fowl bitch, you could walk the whole time!" toko spouted off angrily as monaca simply stood there before her

"You all made it, It's so surprising some adults made it so far without triggering any of the traps, hehe, well that's all going to end now, since my old now worthless friends have been unsuccessful I made a new friend to take the demons out of this flying ship" The girl said creepily as he eyes went sinister.

"What are you gonna do? get into a giant mech like everyone else?" Komaru said as she had no idea what was in store for them.

"Ahhaha!!! You fucking idiots! You have no Idea what you morons will be dealing with" Kurokuma spouted from his chair as he also knew what would happen.

"teehee, Kurokuma is right for once, Monoboy...Please enter" Monaca said as she stepped back about twenty feet.

suddenly the floor where she was standing opened and a sparkly platform came out of it which standing on top was a highly advanced version of the monokuma robots. In fact he looked so lifelike Komaru thought they were actually a real person as they did a dance spin before laying his eyes on the two girls. "Upupupu Monaca you got some curvy test subjects" The Monokuma robot said as he did an iconic chuckle.

"I-is it can't be!" Toko realized why this one was so different.

Monaca observed toko's observation and chuckled with a sinister expression. "Well If what I see in your face is correct then yes, this is Big sis junko's precious monokuma she died with" Monaca said as she began to clap her hands.

Monokuma gave an iconic grin with his new shiny teeth and he cracked his knuckles before pushing metal claws from his knuckles like wolverine.

"let's dance like wildfire!" Monokuma suddenly did a cartwheel off the platform and landed a fatal kick against toko's face knocking her back and cracking her glasses.

"TOKO! You little pest! take this!" Komaru shot with the hacking gun but then Monokuma crossed his claws and slashed right through it making it disappear.

"W-What!? It didn't work!!" Komaru cried as monokuma cackled while holding his stomach. "You didn't think I didn't plan this, meow?" monaca said as Monokuma resumed his attack.

"SHINGGG!!" Monokuma then raked komaru with his huge claws and she went sprawling to the ground.

she sat up to see monokuma walking towards her and licking his lips, his slithery tongue goes the length of his lips like a snail around a garden leaving oily saliva there. Monokuma used one arm to pick up the highschool girl and saw the look of fear in her eyes as he lifted her up.

"NOOO!!!" Komaru was about to cry but before she could cry but something pushed down on her head. The light disappeared casting her into a black void of despair. She was already short-sighted, but now she was completely blind. Slurping sounds echoed in the chasm and bounced off her ear drums. While her eyesight was worthless, her other senses were kicking in. Hot steam washed over her face singing her eyes which welled up in tears.

Monokuma held her up and was taking in her entire head. Because of her small frame, he popped her entire head in his wet maw like an over-sized grape. He crammed her petite shoulders into his mouth and swallowed. Monokuma's white and black cheeks bulged out in misshaped spheres thanks to her round head, but it was nothing for a Biomechanical machine to fret about. He had to admit that Komaru tasted pretty damn good, better than meat on the bone flair.Slathering her around with his tongue With the pressure of his esophageal muscles, Komaru's popped off and hit the floor as Monokuma's tongue slid down Komaru's Huge chest. 

Hot drool-soaked underneath Komaru's clothes giving her odd sensations.

"Help, someone! TOKI! PLEASE!"

Komaru's screams fell on deaf ears. The opening of Monokuma's stomach opened before the young girl singing her nostrils with the stench. Komaru's arms became free at that moment the first thing she tries to do being to push herself back up.

She tried with all her might but no cigar. Her arms became tired and dangled over the rising stomach acid. Monokuma was having too much fun for him to admit, but he had to hurry up on the off-chance that the other girl woke up.

Monokuma took the palm of his right hand and pressed down on Komaru's rear sending her deeper into his core. Her legs kicked about, so much so, her footwear fell off, but the Biomachine slurped them down in one go. He squinted his eyes together and swallowed sharply. Komaru's small feet bulged his neck out as they slid past his chest.

The bear boy laughed as he felt his stomach fully extend to hold his first catch, The despair was being felt literally on all angles as komaru was upside down and crying.

"MMMMMMPHH!! TOKI! TOKI! HELP!" Komaru cried and muffled but monokuma simply waddled over to toko while monaca was applauding still.

"Upupu! i could totally go for seconds, and this one may be the juiciest one" Monokuma said as he picked up toko by the feet and He closed his mouth around her feet, her heels resting on his tongue. He hadto just spend a few seconds taking in the flavour. He grabbed her legs behind the knees and took a long, needy (GULP).As the calves of his former student slid and came to rest on his tongue, a wholenew sensation washed over him. Her feet had tasted good, as he expected,but the texture of her supple legs combined with that flavour is making himfeel the feeling of despair, Another strong swallow brings his lips just to the bottom of her thighs. Her feetare now at the entrance to his stomach, and his throat is significantly pushedout from having two legs in it. He plans on claiming her thighs and hips slowly,both to taste them as much as he can, and to ease the stress his jaw will needto endure to take in something twice as wide as his head.Bringing his hands once again around her ass, Monokuma begins to suck the restof her legs slowly into his mouth. Her thighs, being much more meaty than hercalves He is looking more like a snake by the second. Looking down wasn't really anoption anymore, as his jaw is now opened far too wide, so he has to doeverything by touch and feel.Then he feels it. His tongue has arrived at the main course. Toko's godlike,gargantuan ass. He places his hands on her hips, and takes one incredible (GULP). Now he was in despair fully. The feeling of her soft pillowy booty cheekson his tongue, the way his own cheeks are stretched impossibly wide, andhow her feet are just starting to stretch out his belly, are combining for anutterly unmatched experience. He spends at least a full minute licking andlightly chewing the still sleeping Mia's behind. toko wakes up and screams seeing monokuma on her. "NO! GET OFF!" Toko screamed but it was soon cut off by monokuma quickly snapping his teeth shut on her and swallowing her whole.

Monokuma stood up and used his claw to pick his teeth as monaca begins rubbing his belly. "I can already hear them digesting, All because of the boiling lava I put in there" Monaca said as she rests her ear on his belly.

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