Story 252/Carnotaurus Encounter

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Adam was sure he was lost. This was the once and a life time chance to see dinosaurs like never before, but they weren't actually the dinosaurs he expected. They were Dinosauroids that came from specialized amber thought to hold normal dinosaur DNA.

Either way He felt he was in danger. Isle Sorna wasn't a friendly place. He had already had a bad experience with Velociraptors awhile back and they nearly killed him and several others. He was disappointed he didn't stay with Malcolm and the other's on this expedition and now was lost. Until he saw something. It was a chain fence which reached about as high as it normally got.

Where there were fences there were buildings. "I better hurry" Adam said as he saw it was turning to night. He climbed the fence and hopped down.

The boy had the feeling he was being watched, but he decided against it. dinosaurs normally made lot's of noise when coming so he didn't suspect a thing. (THUD!) A loud foot step sound echoed into Adam's ears and out around behind the warehouse. He turned in every cardinal direction for the source.

"What the heck? what's here?" He said in slight disturbance, knowing something was here but it was so dark and to pour salt in the wound there was a sprinkle of rain conjuring.

He eventually turned to see the shed was open. he began to make his way towards it when he smelled something nasty. the rich smell of iron waved into his nose. the doorway...was a pair of legs which had been cut deep with shredding teeth. "AH!! M-Mr? Miss? are you ok??!" Adam ran to the body and pulled on the legs.

however he soon realized it was ONLY legs as he pulled the half corpse from the shed seeing the entrails come with it like snakes out of a basket. Adam got scared and fell on his ass...but interestingly it didn't feel like concrete he fell on...something more like a roof.

He slowly looks up and sees a dark green dinosauroid face looking down at him. Its eyes bugged out like a Chameleon but not too much to fall out. she had stripes all over her which were changing constantly as if it was mimicking the rain.

Adam yelped and tried to scoot away but he ended up backed against the body. Now he got a better look at the beastly dinosauroid. no...not just one, there were two.

There was one right behind it looking more brighter. The one behind her had blood on it's lips which were making it more obvious that it existed. the creatures both stood 6 feet tall with a 10 length tail that curled like that of a chameleon. The more Adam made out of the creature, the more he realized the female one was approaching him. He didn't fear death, but this beast that was in front of him was more than scary.

Adam snapped out of his daze and got up to run. (GAOOO!!!) The sound of the Female one's roar howled out throughout the night as Adam ran. The Carnotaurus...or what Adam thought was a carnotaurus was upon him in no time, she lowered her head like a bull and then struck the poor teen.

The strike sent Adam sprawling onto the ground and sliding across the pavement with part of his cheek skin peeling off like a cheese grater. his butt was gashed badly from the horns as Adam was prone. the male carnotaurus seemed to have disappeared as it had went back to eating it's kill in the shed, while the female was about to get a great prize, Adam.

Adam felt the Dinosauroid grab him with it's weak forelimbs similar to human hands, what was scary was that they had an opposable digit which drove into Adam's ribs and began to make him seep blood. "O-owww owww oww!" Adam winced in pain under his breath as he didn't wanna be afraid of this. He then remembered that this was the first time he has seen a creature like this, If he was gonna die again then he deserved to go out to a beastly girl like this.

Using her weak hand, she picked Adam's arms off his sides and began to swallow them. Her Sudden action made Adam remember how fowl this would be, dinosaur throats were like a car compactor so this was gonna be very painful. (GULP!) The first swallow wasn't bad, Adam's hands were surrounded by a leaky red throat pooling with saliva like a water slide as the Dinosauroid slowwlllyyyy feasts on him. Unexpectedly however it wasn't chewing...Was it enjoying his expense?

The more she swallowed, the more of Adam's weak body was dragged towards her maw, those teeth could easily end Adam's consciousness with a single bite to the neck but she was taking it slowly. It was like she knee what she was doing was pleasurable, Sure she was eating to get energy for the next generation but this was just new.

Adam tried to pull his arms out as the throat constricts around them. The boy had begun to get dragged into the mouth. Unknown to him this was also the Carnotaurus' first time swallowing something whole. Unlike her brother who utterly decapitated his prey, she was trying something new for once.


The loud gulp Rang out as she finished swallowing Adam's arms which left his head inside her hot salivating maw. She tries to swallow Adam's blonde fuzzy hair and face but it was kinda difficult. "AHH!! IT's so tight!" Adam complained about how painfully tight his arms were being compressed before the Carnotaurus closed her eyes and took a swallow.

She finally swallowed his head and began quickly working on his torso. Her teeth shredded his clothes as they allowed her to get more of a taste of her victim. She could feel the funny feeling of Adam's head and arms wiggling in her throat, desperate to get somewhat in a position that won't leave him crushed.


Adam slowly but surely was gliding down the gullet of the Chameleon Carnotaurus, Soon his hands touched a wrinkly wall which was followed by his arms and then his face squeezed through a hot ring leading into the Carno's tight stomach. It was the most foul stomach Adam has ever set nose in as his torso soon followed.


Adam could hear above the carno gulping and swallowing at his kicking legs, they did little to stop her as she tossed her head back to watch the kicking limbs disappear past her nose. the more gulped down Adam got, the tighter it became.

"Oh my goodness i-it smells so bad" Adam complained as he put his hands over his nose feeling the noxious odor try and violate his senses. She watched happily as Adam's feet disappeared and she clacked her teeth together sealing his doom.

(GULP! UURP!) The Carnotaurus' tail stuck straight out as she let out a roaring belch, her prey secured in her nice round stomach. It was totally new to her so she was kinda freaking out too...but it felt so good. "I finally did it! No teeth used" She thought as she licked her lips by sticking her tongue out and pressing it on the side of her head.

Meanwhile for Adam, he wasn't having much of a good time, but he was still happy to at least make something pleased. His bleeding cuts were almost immediately inflamed with pain when drops of acids fell from the ceiling onto them. "MMMPHHH!! HURTTSSSS!" Adam complained as he pushed his feet and hands against the Dinosauroid's strong stomach. The Dinosauroid seemed to enjoy these pitiful squirms, her stomach full she decided to go rest it off. She followed her brother and walked with him back to their cave somewhere.

The stomach walls sloshed Adam constantly as they walked, the hunched girl occasionally dragged a weak claw across the top of her scaly skinned belly feeling Adam trying to get the walls to stop squeezing him. "Sister did you actually swallow a prey whole? I'm proud" Her brother said as he still had blood on his lips not noticing they were there.

"Yeah, He seemed to both like it and not because it was so tight...I honestly felt scared I'd choke!" The Girl said as she gave a sudden left turn which caused Adam to slam into the other side of her belly. (BUURP!) "Dang it feels sorta good juggling prey in there, no wonder the others fear us" She said as she crouched down and entered her cave with her brother.

She sat down and curled up like a cat and just watching her stomach. It wasn't looking good for Adam, his body was being digested alive by the beast, her stomach was half way full of acids as he tried to effortlessly kick at her stomach but his legs were gone, just soup for the girl's survival.

"MMMPHH!! OWWWW" Was the last thing Adam let out as the walls crushed in on him and pressed him down into fine paste..Killing him in the process.

The stomach began to drain itself of his fluids which were getting passed nicely into her intestines, it felt good whenever this happened. "Urppp~ I wish I could eat him all over again" She said as she licked her lips unaware that wish may be true in the future.

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