Story 225/Witch Dish

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Xenith had just had an intense fight with bayonetta, she thought he was some kind of rogue demon but the boy quickly overwhelmed the witch even with her time manipulation. bayonetta lay unconscious on the top of an inverted building and had a nasty gash on her forehead. Xenith occasionally poked her mole on her face, trying to see if she was dead or not. (AMMMMROOOAARR!) Xenith's stomach let out a monstrous otherworldly growl as it required food after that fight.

Xenith took another glance at the lady on the ground and stuck his green tongue out. He pressed the slimy tendril against her cheek and dragged it upwards as his tongue enjoyed the feeling. His brain told him he should eat it so he decided she would be his meal. he acted on his reflexes as his gut was so, so empty and she tasted so, so good. Xenith situated himself at her feet and took off her guns from her heels knowing they would be a danger. he then lifted her feet up and did a big lick on the bare toes to get their taste. The toes twitched when it happened as Xenith's mouth writhed with the best taste. He knew he had to eat her and at this point he didn't care if she digested or not. 

Xenith lifted one of her legs up and placed one foot down into The Mutant's mouth. With it inside and gone from the world, Xenith put Bayonetta's weight down on the hidden foot and began to pull down the witch into the mouth with her second foot and sank with both her feet inside Xenith's throat, making a thick bulge on it. Her ankles slowly sank down into the Boy's mouth before Xenith swallowed loudly and Bayonetta was pulled further down inside of the mouth. bayonetta Lay motionless and stone cold, Xenith's hands moved up and grabbed a hold of Bayonetta's wide hips as her knees disappeared down into the wide mouth and Xenith began to push Bayonetta down and engulfed her thighs with one loud swallow.

Xenith smiled as he was feeling his meal pass down his throat, he always loved the feeling of it pushing out and in when it drags unfortunate victims down. However Bayonetta was stirring and her body responded confused to the wet feeling rising up her curvy frame. "what...happened?...!! oh my! Am I dreaming right now??" Bayonetta asked as she couldn't believe such a boy was devouring her, Surely she couldn't have overlooked him that much right?

The hands of the Child left the hips and stopped at Bayonetta's waist as Xenith's lips made their way over her rear. Deeper down inside him, Bayonetta's feet had entered the Dragon-like boy's stomach, making a big bulge on the teen's midriff that just kept growing as more of the witch disappeared in between Xenith's lips. "O-Oh my! Didn't your mother ever teach you how to treat a woman???" Bayonetta stated with a stern voice. Xenith slightly frowned. "Mawmaw said I-i shood eat mah pwoblems" Xenith said with the busty girl still in his mouth.

Bayonetta's rear and hips had proven to be the more difficult part of eating her but with some effort, Xenith managed forced them into his mouth, filling up his cheeks with each of Bayonetta's buttocks. The slender waist of the witch slid far more easily down Xenith's mouth and with it inside, his hands grabbed a hold of Bayonetta and began to turn her until she was facing the same direction as himself, giving Bayonetta a better view of his growing cheeks. Soon, Xenith's wet lips began to slowly take in the soft breasts and he moved his hands around Bayonetta until they found her breasts, instead of squeezing them he just holds them steady so he can keep her steady, even if she was his opponent earlier He still showed respect for his meal.

"O-Oh my...Why does this feel so....arousing???" Bayonetta contemplated as she isn't understanding why her body is responding Lustfully to the boy's consuming of her body.

Bayonetta's chest disappeared from view like so much of her had done before it, and now Xenith pushed down bayonettas's shoulders into his mouth. With only her head left outside of the mouth, Bayonetta's eyes went down to the big bulge protruding out from under Xenith's starry blue tuxedo. Bayonetta could not help but to feel a sense of awe when she looked down at it, before she remembered that it was her body that was inside the large stomach. Xenith's lips now covered Bayonetta's head, leaving only the Witch's face and strands of her Black hair left outside of it.

Xenith stood up with her head scrunched in his green cheeks and started to make his way away from the scene. Bayonetta wasn't able to reach for the gun that she hid in her boobs before Xenith's lips closed shut around her. His hand covered his mouth and the strands of silver hair sticking out of it in a courteous manner before making a deep and loud final swallow. "Gulp!" The thick bulge on his throat that was the Witch's head was sent down to join the rest of her inside Xenith's large stomach.

The Boy stood with his ridiculously big and round belly, poking from beneath his cute tuxedo. Xenith sucked on each of his fingers, savoring the delicious sweet taste of the Umbra Witch as his belly let out loud churns and groans

"ooh...It appears i have underestimated you child...Xenith was it? I understand you might want to use me as padding on that rather curvy rump of yours...I won't protest" Bayonetta said as she was forced in a ball shape while xenith had his hands on the sides of his belly, she was very tall and he was very short but that never stopped him. "But I want friend" Xenith said softly as she felt his fingers press onto her buttocks so he could hold her up. Bayonetta could tell that he didn't see digestion was a form of was a form of forgiveness. "I see...You may do as you wish, I am just tummy fodder now" Bayonetta decided to pleasure her pred as it was the least she could do since she did shoot him in the eyeball with her gun.

Using her hands, she squished her palms against the walls of his stomach and started to massage them, Xenith seemed to like this as he let out several giggles of pleasure. (AGAGGGBADROAWWLL!) The stomach began to release stomach acids now, ready to break down bayonetta into a fine padding.

The acids rose quickly, like a flood they rose from her curvy hips to her shoulders and stopped there. It wasn't painful either, more like a hot tub. (GLORP! GURGLE!) Bayonetta felt pressure applied to her from all angles, Xenith had laid flat on a park bench and was hugging his large belly. It sure felt nice to be hugged by such a merciful person. "See ya around darling" She said as she let the acids take her and her body was mushed down, however no parts of her would escape, not even her neurons excreted from him as her soul was planted into his plump cheeks while the boy takes a nap. Bayonetta loved her new role as fodder, surely Rodin could do the tasks she needed to do instead.

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