Story 263/Below Zero Frozen Treat and Curious Friend

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It had been a Month since Xenith crashed on Planet 4546b. He had previously encountered and Fought a Sea Dragon Leviathan and consumed it. But that was a Month ago. So far his goal was to fix his device as well as maybe try and find intelligent life.

Today he might find one. Today he needed to find Lunch so he had been chasing around a Brute Shark for awhile but he had gotten tired after getting it's flipper clamped in his mouth. "Mmm...Need land..." Xenith needed a good place to take a rest and began to look for somewhere to rest and eat.

After swimming a few miles He found something curious, An ice sheet floating across the almost endless blue sea. The sheer fact Ice existed like this meant that there was probably land nearby for it to have fallen off of in the first place. so in the mean time he swam up to it and dragged his wet and Now cold body onto it along with the still thrashing brute shark. Now that it was on land it would be easier to consume.

Since it wasn't a big prey, he wouldn't wanna waste his Mouth energy on swallowing it whole so he began to instead eat it raw like a Big Cat. Since it was more bulky with it's sandpaper like skin, he had to wait and make his tongue change from suction cups to slightly sharp like a Tiger tongue.

Now he would be able to pry off the rough skin of the prey. However he did forget partially to kill it first so he put his hands around the base of the neck of the thrashing creature and then crushed inwards. It instantly died which allowed Xenith to eat in peace.

As he was finally able to gorge into the flesh of the Brute Shark, he began to hear something behind him, Small Pitter pattering. With a fin in his mouth he turned around. "Penguins?" Xenith said as this caused him to drop the fin with a splat.

The creature was not a penguin, only resembled one. It was a Pengwing and it's mouth while not located on it's front was actually on the top of it's head like a conehead. These features Indicated to Xenith this animal probably was not only designed fast but also was supposed to be able to catch fish without the issue of raising it's head and instead charging straight forwards.

The thing looked like it was starving so he chewed some of the flipper the Brute shark and then put the piece in front of it. The bird naturally stepped back, it was supposed to be anxious because of it's need to escape predators like said Brute Shark. Whenever Xenith nudged it a bit closer the bird realized that this was not a trap and then lowered its head rather uncomfortably and chomped down on the flipper. Now that It had it's catch it dove back into the water, feeling thankful as it had something to likely feed it's offspring.

Once it disappeared the boy turned back around to begin eating again. But saw his meal was being already dug into by a mysterious flock of creatures. 

The Creatures there were known as Kitewings, and they were similar to birds on earth

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The Creatures there were known as Kitewings, and they were similar to birds on earth. Much like birds they were stealing his kill. "Ah! A-away away!" Xenith swung his arms around slightly to make the two Kitewings go away.

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