Story 278/There was an attempt to Stop her brother

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Michael was laughing at his little brother, enjoying tormenting him in an attempt to toughen him up. He was wearing his Foxy mask and chasing him through the house while mom and dad were away. He was about to grab Evan and pretend to eat him when Evan tripped on the rug and fell down on his face.

"WAHHHH!!" Evan cries into the floor causing his sister Elizabeth to come from her room hearing the pandemonium.

"Michael?? What are you doing? Stop hurting him!" Elizabeth acted like her hero Wonder Woman from the comics that she glanced over Michael's shoulder to see.

She stood before the scared evan as he crawled away into his room and just cried on the floor all the while his fredbear plush said "Tomorrow is another day".

"Elizabeth please get out of the way, The Crybaby needs his toughening" Michael said which made absolutely no sense to Elizabeth.

"No! You aren't getting to him!" Elizabeth's freckled face reflected her protectiveness over Evan.


Michael slid his foxy mask up and gave a sarcastic eyeroll like any teen would. "Fine...But i'm not leaving empty handed" Michael said as he suddenly scooped up his little sister with a hand under her armpit and the other holding her waist as he lifted.

"M-michael what are you d-doing?" Her once heroic behavior was Incinerated as Michael licked his lips and opened his mouth which had the smell of Watermelon Bubblegum which wasn't very pleasent.

"DA-" Her scream didn't make it in time as her whole head was stuffed in Michael's mouth. The little Orange haired girl struggled in Michael's grasp but the pull of his strong throat made it impossible to escape as Michael pushed her face into his mouth by his hand which caused her to suddenly panic as her chin poked his tongue and her orange hair was brushing against the top of his mouth. "W-wait no!" She was so stunned she couldn't move as Michael moved forwards bulging his cheeks as he ate her head and licked her neck which soon disappeared into his mouth and her green eyes were peering down his not open throat. "T-this can't be happening! let me go!" Elizabeth cried as Michael while uncaring took his first gulp and Elizabeth's head glided into his throat which made a nice round imprint on his tanned throat while he slowly moved down her shoulders which gave ridges to his puffing cheeks as Lizzy felt her neck being pushed down too. "Please no! Oh No! Daddy Help!" Elizabeth panicked as Michael was now over her flat chest which barely ballooned his throat more as her head was next to his booming heart which indicated she was close to his stomach. 


he glided down her sides to reach her rump which was only a bit rounded in size as he gripped her thighs and lifted her kicking legs over his head as her head entered his stomach, she saw a bunch of Pizza splattered around his stomach implying he was not too hungry but wanted to get back at lizzy. "I-is this? H-his stomach?! Groossss!" She exclaimed as she shuffled her head back and forth to try and gag him. He simply swallowed again feeling her ass press against his throat as she was passing down slowly as he was reaching her feet, after another two swallows which pushed her chest into his belly which poked his stomach walls. 


Michael pushed her feet into his mouth and rubbed his throat feeling her ankles in them before he swallowed his sister fully. "Ahh~ This is better than Picking on Evan" Michael exclaimed as he smiled and pat his stomach which became very big. "MPPPHHHH MMMM MMMPHHHHMMM!" Elizabeth's muffled screams came from his stomach as she squirmed hard which caused it to ripple and bounce under his grey tanktop


Michael belched rudely loud as Elizabeth kicked him near the belly button which was very sensitive. "You tickle down there sis" he said as he rubbed his belly feeling her move around.

"W-when Daddy gets home I'll tell him about this!" Elizabeth yelled within his stomach.

Michael rolled his eyes and put his hands behind his head before beginning to walk to his room. Each step caused his squirmy belly to jiggle Elizabeth side to side.

Michael entered his bedroom and shut the door making sure to lock it. Now he was alone with his sister in her stomach. He lay splayed on the floor and put his hand on his stomach. "Oh? Still have energy?" Michael asked as she rubs the top of his belly as a kick and punch occasionally pushed out his rounded belly.

Elizabeth was pounding on the stomach but began to realize she is starting to feel naked. She stopped squirming and looked down at her lower portion. a green pool of stomach acid was rising and her blue skirt and socks were digested already with her leg skin having slight bumps on them from the acids getting into her skin.

Seeing this her terror spiked. "M-MICHAEL LET ME OUT! YOU'RE DIGESTING ME!" She cried and relentlessly banged on his stomach wall unaware this prompted the gut to send in more Hydrochloric acids. "Nah, You're dinner elizabeth, but hey at least Evan's safe" Michael taunted his little sister as his stomach acids rose until elizabeth couldn't squirm as her arms and lower extremities were being digested faster from submerging in the acids. Her head was above the acids and screaming against his navel.

"DADDY! MOMMY! HELP!" She cries but it's short because the stomach acids engulf her head and begin to dissolve that too.

Michael swayed his torso swishing his stomach's contents left and right helping to dislodge pieces of elizabeth from her main body.

"Heh, Wow Elizabeth you lasted longer than I thought, When you come back I'll maybe have you again" Michael stood up and jiggles his stomach watching it shrink down into his intestines sending all the nutrients into his body.


Michael felt his pants suddenly rip, he looked down startled and saw he was now extra thicc. "Oh My! Lizzy now you've bullied my pants, hehe" Michael chuckled before giving his thighs a big ol smack.

They jiggled a lot from the motion of the slap and Michael adjusted his Tanktop to be over his potbelly and then his mask over his face. "Wonder what Evan tastes like..." Michael thought deviously.

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