Story 219/Hogging the Gumdrop Angel

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Adam was always jealous of the other kids at freddy's. They always got to eat that surprisingly life-like statue made of candy. Adam just wanted to have it all for himself. He vowed that he would get it and Not let the others have it.

he snuck out of his house and began to make his way to the freddy's next to his house. The place was closed down and he could see the main three animatronics silent on stage. They just remained motionless. The boy managed to pick the lock to the back entrance and silently opened the door. "I just gotta get to the kitchen, eat the statue, and leave" Adam recited as he closed the door behind him and used his phone to look for the kitchen. He eventually found it and can see the large coffin shaped fridge in the back. "There, it must be in there" Adam said unaware of a recent event that had turned a girl from a human into the very statue he would be consuming.

"So this is what it is up close, looks rather life-like" adam said as he looked at her. The girl meanwhile was aware finally of her surroundings. She remembered the whole thing but she was more interested in the hot blondie who stroked her body. "I better take her before anyone can find me" Adam said as he gently grabs the "Statue" Adam restrained the muscles of his throat as much as he could, so he could swallow slowly, efficiently, and most importantly... quietly. Angel's ankles and legs slid in between hungry lips, and were gently tugged into the gullet to travel down the esophagus. And all the while, she just kept trying to scream, anything to get his attention!, even as her legs were surrounded by wet, squishy warmth.

Slow and steady won the race, after all. Adam couldn't risk someone potentially hearing him gorge. The Girl kept trying to move her mouth but it was frozen shut from the chilly fridge.

Adam climbed into fridge shaped coffin as he swallowed Angel up to her waist. These purple clothes were cute and all, but they certainly didn't taste good. No matter... Adam was just doing this to get the angel finally!

Then he swallowed up to her chest, Adam reached forward to cup his hand around the top of Angel's Gummy head and shoved her the rest of the way into his gullet. His lips closing around the crown of the Gumdrop girl's skull as she was sent down with one last rippling gulp.


"Hahh... hahh..." Adam sat on the kitchen counter, and looked down to watch his meal's body curled up in that warm, squishy, wet, and slimy stomach.

"I-i finally-HIC-did it!" Adam confidently said as he wiped his mouth and rested a hand on his belly feeling the sculpture rub against his gut. "AH! B-BOY PLEASE STOP!" A voice suddenly screamed from his belly. Adam was so shocked from the sudden voice he retracted his stomach acids.

"I-I don't know where to start but I-i'm not a statue! I'm angel and I-i turned into a statue by eating the nose of a previous Gumdrop Statue and became this" The thing in his belly explained as Adam was shocked. "Oh my god im so sorry! Please forgive my sweet tooth" Adam said as he watches his belly move around.

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