Story 262/Adam's Really Jacked Up Partner

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Adam was making his way through Towa City, Horrified by how bizarre this once peaceful land had become. There was corpses piled everywhere and there was also other horrific sights such as fires and even bodies with their heads bitten clean off.

It was like the last reality Adam had been in, one where dinosaurs had been cloned and returned from extinction only to cause the death of thousands. but this was caused by no natural organism, Instead it was from something unnatural.

"I-i don't even wanna know" Adam thought to himself as he went into an Alleyway in order to avoid the sight.

Adam could tolerate death but still didn't like seeing a mass quantity. However in this alleyway was something worse than piled bodies. It caught Adam's attention in the form of silent dripping noises. Then his eyes analyzed a horrific sight. A Teenage Man was crucified with what appeared to be extremely sharp silver scissors.

"W-wha...?" Adam was at a loss for words, He had seen and experienced some of the worst deaths. For example being eaten by a Carnotaurus mixed with a Chameleon, Having his head chopped off by an Axe, Being consumed by a Graboid in a slightly painful way, Being killed from a Machete by a girl Wielding a Ski Mask, but this manner of death was just horrible.

But then Adam began to Hear rustling from the Dumpster beside him as he had his hands on his mouth. Then a Girl with purple hair and glasses poked her head out from the dumpster, with the silly addition of a Cup labeled with Noodles on it upside on her head.

"W-w-what happened? O-oh no...she did it again..." The girl said before fainting and hitting her head on the ridge of the dumpster.

Naturally the boy got concerned and got up.

"Hey are you ok?" Adam asked as he held her head off the ridge of the dumpster and saw it slightly had a dent but it was fine.

She was ok beside that but then as fast as she fainted, her eyes darted open but they adorned a scarlet red color. "HAH!" She also gained what appeared to be a different persona as she jumped out of the dumpster and did a flip before landing on her feet laughing maniacally all the while.

"Ooooo~ Oh my Gosh aren't you just the Cutest one so far???" The Maniac cackled as she laid her eyes on Adam.

This was Genocide Jack, she was completely mad and had a habit of killing cute boys...And Adam happened to be one of those.

"W-what is wrong with you??? A-and why is your tongue so long???" Adam asked with slight fear, The girl's tongue was inhuman in shape, almost as long as her wrist.

"Awww isn't your reaction sooo adorable??? AHAHAHHA! Time to String you Upppp!" She said in a shrill voice before revealing two pairs of scissors.

These scissors shined in the moonlight as Adam saw his own eyes in their silver reflection.

Before Adam could run away, the girl rushed towards him and Cut his knees with the Scissors while open causing actual red blood to splash everywhere. "Hah? Oh my! What an unnatural red color!" The Psychotic Killer commented as Adam naturally fell on aformentioned Knees in pain.

"AHH...Ow...N-not...again..." Adam tried to get up but then he felt a Sharp pain ring through his spine and his body immediately shut down and he fell flat on his face.

The only thing Adam thought before he was paralyzed was "Not again...I don't wanna leave here this early!" Adam thought as his body lay in a puddle of his own scarlet red blood.

Since Adam was now Paralyzed, Jack began to string him up like the boy she did before. However she did find it weird he had red blood while the boy earlier had Pink blood.

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