Story 250/El Lick's Licks

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Adam was currently surfing the web for something to do when suddenly he got a message from his friend Giovani. "Oh! Giovani's online" Adam said as he opened the chatbox.

"Sup Dude" Adam texted

"Adam holy shit your not gonna believe what I saw on Minecraft! It was horrifying" Giovani said to Adam as they talked

Giovani was a Latin American young man like adam who commonly played minecraft with Adam. But usually Giovani was very calm, now he was super active like an electron.

"So yesterday I got onto minecraft and was playing the 1.6.2 version when weird things started happening, There were crosses embedded into the ground in certain places which I thought was just a coincidence but it kept happening! Then I tried to farm some beef from cows but they started attacking me before I even hit them, and they don't even have that feature! Then I get to one of the rare caves and suddenly I see this weird mob. I thought it was a zombie so I slashed at it with my Iron sword but it made it chase me. Dude I took a screenshot before my game crashed and it looked like this" Giovani replied as Adam had to scroll abit to read all of this.

"Woah that looks like some kind of lady in a white mask" Adam replied as he analyzed the picture.

"Why don't we both go there and see if its there" Giovani asked as he sent Adam the link to the server.

Adam and Giovani logged onto the server. Giovani was right back where he was where he saw that Mob. He saw he was standing in a formation that wasn't there before in the shape of a cross as Adam spawned next to him.

"You weren't kidding, There's a cross here" Adam said into the voice chat as he began to walk around the world.

The two walked around the world when all of a sudden three baby zombies popped out of nowhere.

"EEK! Where'd they come from??" Adam cried into the mic as he swung his fists at the zombies but they kept pushing him back. By the time Adam killed them he realized he was lost.

"Hey Giovani? where are you?" Adam asked into the mic.

"DUDE? DUDE HELP! Call NINE ONE O-" Adam heard a terrifying distress cry from Giovani which was cut off by the sounds of sickening gulps and ending with a synthetic burp.

Adam nearly passed out hearing that horrible audio. Something had just done something to his friend. "Wait, Giovani??? Dude??" Adam said into the mic trying to get him to respond.

Adam noticed it was night in minecraft so He had no other choice then to try and find his avatar.

after some searching Adam found his avatar, or at least what was left of it. There was a cross shape in the grass and in the center were his tools which floated up and down repeatedly.

"W-what happened??" Adam said confused.

However in the bottom corner of the screen which displayed the sounds that were in the area one sound was very unlike the rest


Adam used his mouse to move his avatar's head around and he whirled it to see a mob identical to the one that Giovani took a screenshot of. it was clearly a female with the basic model of a player but she had a yellow hoodie, blue pants, and a white mask with large black pupils in them that took up the whole eye.

The weirdest thing though was that something was hanging between her legs and from under her hoodie. It didn't take adam long to realize it was her stomach! it was bloated outwards in a circle which was not normal for this game which was primarily cubes.

Then she came at him, smacking his avatar with her fist as he took damage. Adam tried to run but his avatar was stuck in a spider web. "Ah! CRAP!" Adam tried to turn off the game but before he did he got the death screen.

<Adam was Slain by Lick> Was displayed before a figure lurched out of his computer monitor!

as soon as it appeared the white mask lifted up and the figure engulfed adam's head.

"MMMPPHHH!!!" The figure gripped onto his computer monitor rim to steady herself as her strong tongue forces her prey to go into her mouth.

(GLOMP! SLURPP!) Lick hadn't been swallowing Adam as she was instead cheeking him like a Chipmunk. Getting his legs into his mouth while kicking wasn't easy but soon she choked them inside. She closed her mouth around his feet and felt the boy squirming inside her mouth.

Her mouth was bloated, his face pressed against her right cheek while his feet kick against her left as she enjoyed his squirms. "hehehe...tasty..." Lick said softly as she tilted her head back and let her throat swallow the boy.

Meanwhile Adam was panicking as his body was somehow fit into the extremely tight maw of the entity. He tried to kick at her cheek but his world tilted backwards and he was squeezed tight by the throat which forced him to curl up inside it as a piece of bolus. The bulge he made had a screaming face. (GLK!) The bulge was big as the boy was and was difficult getting in the monitor as it pushed against the ridge and momentarily choked Lick. The busty entity gagged and put more pressure in and eventually the bulge disappeared into the screen.

He sighed in relief and laid her head on her arms on the keyboard as her meal entered its rightful place. "Aaahh...." Lick put down her mask and retreated into the computer. she sat in the center of the cross formation.

Adam at first couldn't see but then his eyes lit up in fear as he realized he was sitting next to Giovani's melted pudgy body as evident by his glasses. "AHHH! NO GIOVANI!" Adam muffled as he backed against the wall making Lick burp.

She belched and licks her lips beneath her mask as her prey writhes inside her.

"Miss Lick please don't do the same to me! What did i do to you???" Adam begged as she saw his hands run around under her skin trying to get her to let him out.

Lick laughed and rubbed her stomach enjoying him but not because he was in pain. "Nah, Im keeping you Adam Loren" She startled adam by saying his last name.

"You wanna know how i know you huh? well i exploited your friend Giovani so he would tell you about me, then It got him to show me to you via his camera. I just knew I had to have you" Lick said her diabolical plan making adam realize his friend died so that this entity could keep him.

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