Story 218/Dee Dee eats BB and JJ

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Dee Dee was always a really awkward and rather misunderstood girl. She loved fishing and playing games with people but she also enjoyed bringing others together. Most people hated her for doing this so she would sick her alter ego XOR on them and they would die.

Dee Dee was trying to think of how she should play with others better while fishing when her line caught something in the water. She yanked it upwards with shock as whatever it was came barrelling down to her. Unknown to her, It was BB a close friend of hers who was just having a swim. Before she or the nearby Dee Dee could do anything, She found her open mouth colliding with BB's wet head, leaving the two into a situation none of them expected. BB's head was now lodged in Dee Dee's throat, shoved in there thanks to Dee Dee's Pulling and BB's soaked head. All three stood in silence as they tried to process what had happened, Dee Dee's heart only beating faster as he realized the bulge in her throat was her close friend's head. Dee Dee was so nervous from what had just happened that he didn't even think as he began to gulp on BB instead of trying to spit him out. She didn't know if it was her own instincts or XOR doing it but either way He tasted amazing, his skin sweet tasting thanks to all the sweets he had snacked on himself. As Dee Dee began to gulp her unconsciously, the two children began to realize what was happening and both grew worried themselves.

BB screamed out a shrill shriek, as he was met with the silver-ish pink-ish cavern that was Dee Dee's bulging throat. "Eww ew ewwww! L-Let me out, NOW! I-I just swimming!" he called out, though it was incredibly muffled at this point, feeling the hot breath and saliva making him feel nasty all over his already damp head. She felt the Fishing rod drop to the floor in the struggle, leaving his surprisingly thin body completely exposed. And while the girl wasn't going to see her front from the angle, Dee Dee was practically forced to stare at his ass from how she had her mouth against him. The Balloon child flailed his arms all around in an attempt to dislodge himself from her Friend's disgusting mouth but made very little progress as He was pulled ever so slightly deeper along, towards another warm pool, one that would prove to be much more dangerous to him. All the while, his closeness to Dee Dee caused his body to press against her. He tasted delicious, as if He herself was a pastry, which only added on to Dee Dee's severe confusion on how to handle the situation. "P-Please! Dee Dee! S-stop it!! J-JJ, help Sis!!" Is what He tried to scream, but it was barely comprehensible, but as his feet began to lift off the ground, it was very clear what he was asking for

"H-how... W-what?" JJ stood there for a moment, completely dumbfounded by the situation before her. She saw Dee Dee's engorged throat, with the shape of her Brother's face in desperate agony pressing against the flesh. A million thoughts ran through JJ's head there and then, should she run and get help? How am I supposed to get her out of there? Was this his plan all along? But upon hearing the muffled screams emanating from Dee Dee's throat, the Desk Croucher knew she needed to act fast. "Dee Dee, release her! NOW!" She ran over, and grabbed onto BB's waist, and began pulling her away from Dee Dee... Or so she tried to, but she completely underestimated the power of Dee Dee's gulp, and just how slippery BB's body was. With one last tug, the Balloon Child slipped out of his sister's grasp, and she fell onto the hard, Grassy floor.

Dee Dee's feelings of guilt were deep, but not as deep as her enjoyment for what She was doing right now. She wasn't thinking through what he was doing fully though, his mind just focused on wanting to gulp BB down and feel how full He made her. Still, She felt awful about what She was doing to her friend, his squirming and screaming a clear sign that She should probably stop. She had already gulped up to about hus stomach and was continuing at it which was probably from XOR. JJ had just ran over and tried to pull BB out, but was now strewn across the grass, the wind knocked out of her. After a few more heavy gulps, all that was left outside of Dee Dee's body was part of BB's legs, mainly everything below his knees. As BB began to enter her stomach, Dee Dee's tummy bulged out, her yellow and pink striped shirt pushing out as more of her entered into it with each gulp. As BB began to fill DeeDee's stomach, the girl who just liked fishing for pearls began to truthfully realize what She was doing and realizing how dangerous it would be. Still, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if She went all the way. Maybe She could talk with JJ to let him off the hook, as long as She let BB out. Even though She knew that'd be a great way of getting out of being hunted, part of Dee Dee(Mostly XOR) didn't want to let BB out but She knew there was no way She'd be able to gulp JJ down with how full She was beginning to feel.

After a couple heavier gulps, the last bit of BB disappeared from the warm pond area, and into the warm sauna that was Dee Dee's insides. Through all the squirming as She gulped BB down, Dee Dee felt himself almost constantly falling over, but just barely able to catch herself every time. but it was about to become a whole lot meatier, as JJ was still on the grass. "D-Dee Dee!! I-I am NOT a slice of Pizza! Spit me out, spit me oouuuut!" He pleaded and begged, as he was squished into the slightly-less confined space, compared to the throat at least. BB felt his thighs beginning to brush up against her tongue and cheeks, knowing that once they passed through the clammy passage, it was gonna be way harder to get out. Despite this knowledge, and all his strength from running through the plains, he could've prevented that final gulp, causing him to push him back against the bloated belly wall, laying with his feet against where the throat had dropped him out. BB continued kicking and screaming, pushing out smaller bulges against the expanded gut around him, working up a sweat. "Out, out, out! Lemme out! Not food! PLEASE DEE DEE!" He said as he kicked, putting more effort into brute force than thinking. he could feel a weird tingle on his swim trunks, which turned into a searing burn as acid began rising to work on the sudden, large meal that plopped inside, working quickly past the mush that he was sitting on

Dee Dee covered her mouth in shock realizing what she had just done, It did feel very good feeling BB Kick and squirm inside her stomach but a part of her didn't want this. "B-BB What have i done!?" Dee Dee said into muffled hands as she watched JJ get up horrified. "DEE DEE PLEASE! IT'S STARTING TO BURN!" BB cried as she felt him getting notably softer. "I-i'm getting cassidy!" JJ cried as she tried to run.

But then XOR popped up and pushed JJ at Dee Dee. "Come on Dee Dee! eeeeaaat her!" XOR said in a creepy voice as balloon boy was now giving up.

The Fishing girl had began salivating again and now Grabbing onto the immobile girl, She brought her head to her maw With a bit of pulling and gulping, Dee Dee felt JJ's screaming head beginning to go down her throat, a fact the girl still didn't wanna believe was happening.

While She started off rather slow, once XOR convinced her of the fact that she would have deleted two hated fnaf characters, she began to speed up, Dee Dee was quickly gulping down JJ fasted than She'd expected. The bindings on her that XOR made were less than tasty, but the bits of flesh She ran her tongue over was the most divine food She'd ever eaten better than balloon boy, a flavor unmatched in every regard. In just a few minutes, She'd gulped up to about to the skirt part of her dress where the bindings ended. She now got to feast on her full legs, giving her more of the delicious flavor. She drew out his gulping as She got to them, but after She felt satiated, continued forcing the desk croucher down her gullet to reunite with her brother. JJ's head was just beginning to push into her stomach, she could see BB was fully bare and was also slightly reddish colored As JJ's legs disappeared into Dee Dee's maw, She clamped his mouth shut, leaving only her and XOR. With a few heavy gulps, she was fully pushed down her throat, thrust into her slowly growing and bulging gut. Dee Dee took in a large breath of air as she felt the two finally finish filling up her gut. Their bodies hugged his flesh tightly and bulged out, showing their private assets as well as Their bodies in general. It was impossible to tell who was inside him when you looked at her though.

"XOR That actually felt good" Dee Dee said as she rested her belly on the grass as the two in her stomach were losing the battle. She soon belched up two propeller hats which she confirmed was from her old friends who now were nothing but boob fat

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