Story 294/Mrs. Afton "Protects" Elizabeth

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Clara had a rather interesting day at work, one of her Co-workers at her job had eaten her younger brother so she could bring him to work because she couldn't babysit, but because she was focused on work she digested him which gave the office a good laugh.

She got home with that in mind and as she opened the door a Scared Elizabeth hugged her. "Huh? What's wrong dear?" Clara asked as she embraced her child. "Michael keeps eating meee!" She had teary eyes as she clung to her mother.

"Oh no, Why does he keep eating you specifically?" Clara asked as this wasn't the first time Michael did this. "I-i think he does it so he can make e-evan listen to me digest" Elizabeth was scared as she wiped some tears, she's not the crybaby much but the fact she was more food than sister made her feel bad.

Clara sighs knowing it was going to get worse so she picked up her Daughter and smiled. "Well I'll make sure they can't do that to you anymore Elizabeth" She smiled as she brought her closer and opened her mouth wide, Elizabeth's relieved smile faded into a face that was in disbelief at what was happening. her mouth opened To the Max and then simply pushed Elizabeth's head in-between her cheeks, She couldn't believe she was being eaten Again, by her mother also! she attempted to pull back but her grip was too tough. (GULP) she slid around her neck and began to make a Small stretch around her shoulders which was while her orange head was traveling down her esophagus. 

"Nggghhaa! N-no Mom!" She cried but didn't gave up because she didn't wanna get eaten again! she was lifting her up as her stomach ring was approaching Elizabeth inevitably. "Too Tight..." Elizabeth grumbled as her face began pushing through the ring and her mom's lips were slurping up her legs like 2 noodles. "Mmm...No Wonder" Elizabeth heard her mother say in a muffle as her legs were tasted. (GULP) Elizabeth's feet joined her in her belly and she felt the Warm walls  all around along with a splat sound.

"N-Nnahh! M-Mommy why did you eat me??" Elizabeth cried as she squirmed to get out of her stomach.

(UUrpp~) a Belch came from Clara's mouth as she covered her lips so the burp wouldn't be too loud. "Settle down Dear, I'm only keeping you safe from your brother" Clara said as she gave a gentle pat to the top of her stomach where her daughter's head was. The Stomach jiggled from the pat and eli kept trying to push and struggle in Her stomach.

"B-but what if I digest? L-like inside Michael?" Eli muffled as she tries to bargain and maybe get herself out in anyway. Clara let out a relaxed smile while rubbing her stomach. "Then You'll be a wonderful Supper, Dear" Clara said as she Sighed feeling the sensation of something in her stomach again.

Elizabeth began to continue pushing and shoving to try and get out as Clara watched the squirming tear up her green shirt and shortskirt. "Oh my! I'm impressed, nobody's ripped this before" Clara said as she put both hands under her stomach and walks with it so she can do some things while Elizabeth just kicked at her stomach wall.

She eventually found Michael tormenting Evan by the Couch. "Michael, what did I tell you about frightening him?" Clara said with a rather Intimate facial expression. Michael Indeed stopped and sighed before walking away.

"M-mom why is your belly so big?" Evan asked as he watches his mom's stomach shaking and thrashing between her fingers.

"Elizabeth has been scared of being eaten by Michael because of how he torments her, so I am keeping her from him for the day" Clara said with a relaxed motion as she pat her tummy making it jiggle.

Elizabeth eventually gave up but mainly because nothing bad happened yet. She sat there as the stomach began boinging implying it was moving again. Clara walked to the Kitchen and poured some Orange Juice. She still liked the stuff but didn't drink it much. She downed the glass and it splashed Elizabeth on all angles. "AH! Mommm!" She cried from inside the stomach as the drink splashed her body.

"Oops, hehe, sorry Elizabeth" She said chuckling apologetically as she walked to the bedroom to change from her work clothes to home clothes.

As she stepped up the stairs her belly jiggled a lot left and right with each slosh. It was then that Elizabeth began to feel tingly. It was the familiar sensation of Digestion. "M-mom please let me out! I'm digesting!" Elizabeth cried as she squirmed again, using her elbows and knees this time too as she jabbed at the walls. The Woman stopped and did a burp before continuing up the stairs. She held a hand on her stomach to limit some of her movements as the stomach squeezed in on her grinding acids into her sides.

Clara entered the bedroom and saw William wasn't there meaning he was down in the cellar. "Oh that mannn~ hehe" Clara chuckled before walking to the closet. she opened the door and took out some new clothes for herself. she then took off her shirt which she had to stretch to get her arms and head out of which crushed her stomach inwards.

Then she leaned down putting her chin on her belly and was able to take off her shortskirt and panties just fine because of the fact her belly ripped them. She lifted one leg to take off her sock and slipped it off, the pressure of the leg under her belly made it squeeze elizabeth's knees to her chest painfully. It wasn't looking good for the girl, her skin felt loose and squishy to the touch and her body was starting to become a protein rich slush which was filtering into the woman's intestines. "N-no...." She cried silently as the second leg raised up and that squished elizabeth completely under the acids and she digested beyond the point of return.

Clara put on her next set of clothes but felt her belly was easier to get it around. She gave the sides of her stomach a squish and felt her small bones softening as she gripped. "Oh, Well there goes eli, I'll see her later" Clara said as she gave her boobs a gentle rub as they had grown a bit since her child melted into her frame.

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