Story 210/American Chavez's fine protection

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Adam was reading a book while walking down the street, It has been a few years since the blip and he was one of the only people who didn't get snapped out of existence and it honestly scarred adam. Adam was however recovering for now. however just when he thought things couldn't get weirder a blue star shaped portal formed next to him and suddenly a girl came out and crashed into him.

"Oh my I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry" the girl said as she tried to get up, Adam got up and helped her up with a steady hand. "Oh goodness you have bruises, did something hurt you?" He asks the teen as she looks around anxious as if something were coming for her. "I-I don't have much time but I'm being chased by an angry red woman for my power"  she said as she also introduced herself as American Chavez. "Oh my! I think I know who that is, I think I can help you" Adam grabs her by the arm and pulls her into an alley.

"Well this sure isn't ominous huh?" America said as she backs against the wall. Adam then explained something that could help her survive that scarlet witch. "Ok Don't panic but I'm going to have you crawl down in here" Adam said as he lifted up his checker shirt and points at his stomach. American Chavez went wide eyed as she heard this. "You got to be joking right? No way am I going in there!" She said but then she was cut off when they both felt the ground shake as Wanda had entered the version of herself that wasn't vengeful. her entire mood shifted and her choice also changed. "yeah sounds like a great plan!" she said as she took no more than 5 seconds to strip down to her undergarments which makes adam shocked and blush. "No funny business!" America said as she made sure he wasn't staring and thankfully adam was being polite and maintaining eye contact.

"Ok I'm ready, you better be telling me the truth about this or I'll make your stomach ache as long as I am alive" America said as she warned adam of what would happen if he did end up melting her. He nodded and began to stuff her face into his mouth. he gulped it down and he closed as her eyes, trying to ignore his kind of smelly breath as well as the looming thought of the scarlet witch coming for her. Her chin slid past his teeth and onto his tongue. Adam placed his hand's on the girl's sides, pushing her in even further making her start getting coated in saliva.

He swallowed her bare chest next and thankfully wasn't licking her chest. Adam kept going, tasting her bare stomach which made her bite her lip trying not to giggle and squirm. America didn't move as her body slowly went down his esophagus and started to appear in his tight and slimy belly. On the outside, he could see his belly growing bigger as more of her was swallowed. Enjoying his taste very much, he just couldn't stop herself and soon got to her hips. She swallowed them up so that he could work on her legs. he kept going and then swallowed her feet down. The girl then curled up in his tight belly. "UUURP! There, I'm gonna keep you nice and safe miss Chavez" Adam said as he pat his tummy. "You better" She said as Adam began to cautiously walk away from this location to better protect her.

Adam walked down the street which gave him a couple weird glances but he simply frowned back, each step bounced his jiggly belly with american chavez safely tucked inside, Wanda then found the clothes american chavez left behind and she began to get furious, she was no longer showing on any mind sensors.

Meanwhile, America was curled up and had her arms crossed beneath her wet breasts as she looked at her knees which were all she could see in front of her. if this wasn't for her protection she would have hated this. but she knew if she escaped she would get caught. all she could do is let sleep take over her body.

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