Story 282/Trapped In Minecraft: The Missing Red Dragon

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Adam and his Girlfriend Jean were taking a Trip back to The End to meet their old friend Jean the Ender Dragon.

Jean had mainly befriended the dragon because this was where she spawned whenever she got sucked into minecraft she spawned in The End dimension and since they had the same name it went from Jean dying several times to the Poison breath that the Dragon spat at her because of self defense and carelessness to becoming close friends.

But as they went to find jean they found her looking at a small picture she held with her clawed hand and looking rather sad.

"Jean? What's wrong?" Adam went over to her using his Elytra as she had perched atop one of the obsidian pillars.

Jean realized she was being all sad so she shook her head and wings which flung tears in many directions implying she had been weeping. "Oh what?? me? Oh it's nothing!" She said as she tries to be all tough and strong like she was when she first encountered Adam and tried to kill him.

But her twitch muscles in her cheek and side of her eyes were an indicator she was fighting tears. "No, Something's wrong Jean, Please tell us" Human Jean said as she towered up with Dirt blocks.

Ender Dragon jean hesitated before showing the picture. "this is Ren...He was supposed to be my mate...But for some reason Despite being told in this world's prophecy...he stopped forming and in front of my eyes exploded...I-i've never seen him since 2014..." She said not fighting back the tears anymore.

Adam and Human Jean looked at the Picture and looked at the person in it. They resembled Jean the Dragon but he had a Scarlet red coloring with dark grey horns, blue eyes, brown back spines and wing tips, and the picture was taken in the Overworld.

"Jean I'm sorry...Is there anything we can do to help?" Adam was about to ask when he lost his footing and fell off the obsidian tower.

"WAAGHHHH!!!!" Adam screamed as he fell into the end stone ground and hit with a loud splatter. thankfully no gore spilled the End as he simply puffed into white smoke as both Jeans were startled.

"Damn...He's such a klutz" Both jeans thought as they began to cheer up.

Meanwhile Adam respawned in his house on the Overworld and began to search for something to do before going to find Jean. He still had that Beacon he build awhile back after killing the Wither Girl who had three personalities equally chaotic. He realized he hasn't used it so he built a small pyramid of Diamond and placed the Beacon On top.

A light burst from the top of the beacon and lit up the night sky like the Luxor Sky Beam. Seeing this immediately gave Adam a sense of nostalgia from his real home but he quickly shook it off.

As he put the Beacon Down however He saw a strange line of text flash on in his eyes.

"RED DRAGON SUMMONED" It said in bold red letters

Adam stopped moving and didn't realize what happened until he heard flapping sounds in the distance.

He Looked towards the mountain near his house and saw the visage of a red tail sweeping across the top before disappearing. This was clear evidence of what happened. The Red Dragon was not actually deleted, but kept a secret boss with a small percent chance of appearing. In the back of his mind it made sense why it was so hidden because people find the Beacon as a Lame buff item.

He had an idea. Maybe he could bring this dragon to Jean in The End and unite them together. It would be a big battle if he decided to fight.

Adam got his Netherite Armor on and then traveled up the mountain. Between the three mountains the red dragon was taking a drink from a pond at the base. It must have been dehydrated from that long being de-spawned.

Adam slid down the mountain and caught himself before landing by jabbing his pickaxe into the side of the mountain. "Phooo...That was too close for comfort" Adam said as he wiped sweat from his head and let go of the cliffside and landed on his feet in the snow.

Adam approached the dragon. seeing he was 8 meters tall instead of 7 meters tall like Jean was. This slightly intimidated Adam but he didn't wanna give up.

Adam Approached the Dragon as he finished drinking and wiped his toothy mouth with his red scaly arm. It heard Adam's footsteps and Whirled around with smoke coming out of his nose ready to attack Adam. "crap!" Adam yelped as he prepared his wooden shield for a fight.

Meanwhile, both Jeans were currently playing a card game in the End, on the top of an Abandoned End ship. A single Shulker was watching them with curiosity as it's top shell whirled around.

"hah! beat ya again!" Jean the dragon said confidently but then they heard the iconic sound of the End Portal Swirling with a new transport. That must be Adam


A loud droning belch sound came from the End which was slightly muffled because of the distance but it indeed was there.

"What was that? That sure was Adam's burp but I've never heard it sound that loud" Human Jean said as she put her Elytra on and Flew over to the Mainland with fireworks.

It took 20 fireworks to get all the way to the Main End Area with the Obsidian pillars but once she did she saw Adam laying on the ground with a huge gut. Same size as the one he had when he Battled and Ate Jean the Dragon earlier this month.

"woah what did you eat Adam?" Jean the human asked as she landed by his side and looked at the panting boy.

"I-i...Ate something that will make Jean the Dragon happy" Adam said through panting letters.

Adam sat up and with all his muscle might burped up the red dragon.

he landed on the end stone in front of them and was covered in the slimy saliva of Adam's throat. When Jean his girlfriend saw what he had coughed up she became wide eyed. Her shocked state soon turned into a burning passion as She knew Adam was nice and kind but not to this extent! Now her heart was surely in the right direction for him.

jean the dragon soon emerged from the darkness as she had followed jean the Human.

"What's all the ruku-....R-r-ren?" Jean went from curious to shocked to slightly teary eyed when she saw the red Dragon splayed out on the endstone and unsconscious but not dead.

"How did...You get him down?" Jean the human asked Adam and he simply pulled out an Arrow of Sleep in response.

Meanwhile though Jean the dragon was kneeling in front of Ren's face and held it with her clawed hands.

He woke up feeling the sense and his big blue eyes opened wide gazing into her purple ones. "J-jean?" The red dragon said in a similar disbelief as he hadn't seen his Mate in about 9 years.

Adam nudged Jean in the shoulder and smiled. "we should leave them be...But first" Adam said as he went up to the end portal home and placed the dragon egg back on the stand.

He had known he would need to keep it just in case this happened so now it was obvious that the two dragons would be a happy family since he reunited Ren with jean.

Adam then did a double Back flip and landed in the portal going back to his spawn point on his bed. "Oh I am so gonna kiss that boy when We're back in the overworld~" Jean the human thought as she did the same except she pencil dived into the portal.

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