Story 270/POV: You ate Adam

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You were very hungry today, You had skipped lunch because you already had a Prey before, a Cute girl sitting on a bench. However since they were so small you were basically getting only a Crumb of food. You didn't even get any Fat on your Ass/Tits.

You begin to look for food, Hoping you could find something actually work fighting down your throat when Suddenly your heightened senses pick up a tasty scent. It was coming from the Park. Awesome! You know that the best prey usually go to the park to get some nice air.

So you began to walk there. Following your nose until you see where the delicious smell is coming from. Coming from a Teen with Bright blonde hair, Orange eyes, and a Green hoodie. However instead of moving on from a rather normal prey, your eyes lowered down to his waistline and realized he was definitely worth the consuming. His Ass was humongous, If you could get big curves from a Prey then it would probably be this boy.

So You walk up to him and try to bring him into a False sense of security. "Hm? Oh hello?" The boy looked up hearing your footsteps.

You decided to play it nice and waved at him. You ask him his name, He replies politely "My name is Adam, Adam Loren. What's your name?"

You reply with your name, after all you wanted to eat him so the chances of him getting out of your stomach were very low. As you were talking to him trying to get on his good side, Your stomach let out a Demanding Growling Noise.


Adam unfortunately heard your stomach growl. he stared at your Midsection and his eyes blinked realizing you were hungry. "Are you hungry? Oh my You must not have eaten in awhile, A stomach at that many decibels is an indication of Starvation" Adam stood up and put the Newspaper he was reading down.

He walked up to you and looked at you. You were nervous because this never happened before.

however it was then that Adam did something that made you confused. He lifted your shirt and rubs your stomach. "Yeah, You're hungry alright. I know!" The boy had a Sparkly expression as he had an Idea.

He looked up at you and put your shirt down. "How about you eat me?" The Boy Asks causing you to be completely shocked.

You didn't know Adam's situation, So you assumed he had a Death Wish or Something. "A-Adam are you sure?" You were little with words at the moment, after all You never had willing prey. Yet Adam kept nodding and kept a smile on his pretty face.

You kinda felt bad now, You only saw him as food but now saw how nice he was, If he had any friends then they may miss him...Then again they might be good food too.

You took a sigh and You quickly grab his head and stuff it in your mouth, and Adam finds himself quickly being pulled down Your tight throat as You heavily gulp Adam's Blonde head, a clear show that He wasn't the first person you've done this exact action to. The gulping noises quickly got quieter as He is pulled deeper in and Adam could feel the rest of his body being pulled in with his head as he hastily descends Your Squeezing throat. Before long, Adam's head pushes into Your stomach and your shirt begins to lift up again but this time because Adam's face was pressed against the front of your hungry belly

As He were forced further in, Adam seemed to be enjoying the enduring process. It didn't take long for the rest of his body to make it into Your stomach with him, forcing him against of the pile of mushy acids, Adam's body aching as he tried to get into a comfortable position inside your expanding stomach. You licked the boy's feet which were still in your mouth before you Shove the last of him down your throat. Getting him down was easy but digesting him would be not as easy. Despite this you were happy, Your stomach filled with food was what you wanted from the start so You sat down on the bench

You began rubbing your now enlarged stomach as well as tracing his outline on the front of your gut.

You thank Adam for his Honesty and willingness but you then began to feel Adam rubbing your stomach. His soft hands pressing against your strong stomach walls and instead of punching or kicking, he just began massaging your stomach.

You felt honestly kinda bad that you had to digest him, But Adam's giggling and playful rubs made your stomach act on it's own.

You began to hear the sizzling after a few minutes indicating your stomach would be melting the Helpful Boy. Your hands began to feel Adam get softer under your skin, it meant he was Digesting at an Average Pace. "h-h-hey...Y/N...Are.....Are we friends?" Adam asked slightly softly because his head was the only thing above bubbling doom.

Normally you didn't make many prey friends, after all their purpose was food for you, but this boy was not only willing but also even requested it in the first place. You couldn't bring yourself to say no. "We're going to become friends in a bit" You say as you feel Adam's structure fading away, leaving your engorged gut filled with Stewing Mush from the Blonde Boy.

Your Stomach began to retract back into your torso, breaking down the nutrients and distributing them throughout your body giving you energy. You looked down at your ass and saw it was the exact size you wanted it at. You rub your cheeks and Said "Now We're Friends, Hehe" as your ass wobbled.

You didn't know he wasn't dead though, Elsewhere Adam's curse caused him to reform and start his cycle of being friendless over again. But either way You still enjoyed the feeling of a much larger ass under your waist.

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