Story 272/Gamera and Godzilla Team Up

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Hey guys! Dude did you guys see the reveal for Gamera: Rebirth???? Duuudee im excited! I love Gamera as much as I love godzilla and pacific rim! I can't wait to see Gamera and Gyaos come to this new series. Enjoy this homage story!

This was Bad! impeding doom was coming towards humanity and earth in the form of the Mighty Shin SpaceGojiran...Unlike the SpaceGojirin who came to earth and antagonized Godzilla's son, This mighty Monster was a Super Form of that girl of crystals.

The Godzilla DNA that had flew into space had split into many different variants...and this one didn't just go into a black hole...It went into a Quasi star which at it's epicenter was a deadly growing black hole. This was the difference between the two Kaiju Girls.

The only person who knew about it, was a race known as the Atlanteans, who despite now being long gone left their inscriptions behind.

And today a bunch of explorers finally found their city, the JSDF wanted to find more about the being known as Gyaos and Other kaijus around the planet.

What they found was shocking and made them existential. It was a Prophetic drawing of Shin SpaceGojirin and it showed her flying away from a destroyed Planet.

The Atlanteans foresaw this event as they described the whole scenario...thus Gamera was made not just to destroy the Gyaos on earth, but protect earth from Shin SpaceGojirin.

However Gamera was unaware of this. but there was someone who was. A young boy named Haruo Juno who had befriended Gamera Alongside some other kids.

Gamera was always a defender of children and thus children liked her back. It was a normal looking day in the arctic for Gamera when Haruo learned about what they found in atlantis. "I...Must do something, this world is too beautiful to lose" The Boy thought as he was sitting in his Father's boat which drifted towards Gamera who's shield was attached to her back since its not in use.

She would either use it as a shield in battle or as a jet pack to fly. "Gamera! Gamera" Haruo called up to the 80 meter tall girl. She noticed him calling her and she had been laying on an Ice flow but since he called her she got in the water and only her head peaked out, she looked at him curiously wanting to know what he wanted. her eyes filled not with fiery hatred but instead friendship and curiosity.

"M-my father found this in Atlantis, He says it has something to do with you" The Boy showed her his tablet which despite being so big she was able to clearly see the mural they found in Atlantis. she went wide eyed being able to read it.

It said that in the future, The Monster King known as Godzilla would have his DNA brought to space by a Mothra Incarnation and give rise to 2 specimens of SpaceGojirin, and one of them is stronger than the other, sensing it's sibling being killed by the Adult specimen, it now is on it's way.

Gamera knew she needed to do something, But what could she do? this was years ago. "Gamera! Godzilla Jr is still alive, You can Find him, he could help you" Haruo said up to the large tusked girl.

Gamera was always hesitant to approach Godzilla Jr, thinking him to be as Aloof as the previous, however Gamera knew if she just talked to him maybe she could convince him to help her. "Mmm..." Gamera nodded before Submerging in the water and looking for the New Kaiju King.

Swimming through the arctic waters to the tropical waters was easy for the turtle kaijin. She crawled onto the land of an Island and could sense Godzilla Jr nearby. since it was so dark the only way she could find him was by looking around.

after some searching...she found him.

she found him

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