Story 269/Tatsugiri Predicament

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Adam was trying to build a fun team this week. all Dragon Types was his test. At his school there would be little activities given out by his Biology professor who would give these out as an Extra Credit thing.

Adam already had 5 pokemon for his team which were Baxcalibur the leader, Goodra the funny one who love skittles, Dragapult who likes playing video games with her two children dreepy, Altaria who loved singing songs and also making Adam's shoulders hurt when it still tries to act as a hat, and Flygon who liked to rap with Adams other pokemon such as Exploud and Scream Tail.

However Adam had 1 slot left, he was searching for something to balance out the Water Type when he came across a certain island in the Lake which was infested with pokemon such as Veluza. since Miraidon was sleepy, he rode on Koraidon today, going through the water was easy and tracked kicked up water behind him which distracted the Veluza that commonly chased him.

He came across a small island in the center which he hadn't been to in awhile. He kinda forgot what he did here until he saw something sitting on it's knees.

"Who's that pokemon?" Adam asks as he takes out his pokedex and scans it.

"Tatsugiri, The Mimicry Pokemon, This Is a Small Dragon Pokemon. It lives inside the mouth or stomach of Dondozo to protect itself from the outside. A Water/Dragon type" The Pokedex said in it's Rotom voice.

"A Dragon huh, wow I think it would make a nice member for my party" Adam said as he put his pokedex away

This was a Curled Tatsugiri who was among the Type of pokemon that were Uncannily human yet still acted like regular tatsugiri. It seemed they were coming from the Great Crater of paldea and spread all across the world in different Timespans. 

But that wasn't important, what Adam needed to do was catch it. The pokemon was pretty small, around 2 feet in height and had a flotation sac under it's chin resembling a cloud which it seemed to like laying on. It seemed to be just laying there until it heard Adam's footsteps.

What must be noted was that Adam was wearing some rental clothes given to him by Gym Leader Kofu, which were blue clothes and ended with a white Band around his head, unintentionally making him look like a Dondozo.

Because of this when Tatsugiri saw him, Her eyes began to sparkle a bit. "Hey Hey little One" Adam waved like he had done when he first caught his dreepy. However because she thought he was a weird looking smaller Dondozo, she felt comfortable already around his presence.

Using her flipper throat poach as a sort of sliding membrane, she slithered up to him and began to climb up his leg. "Woah it's friendlier than I thought" Adam said as he didn't expect it to do this. The feeling wasn't bad though, felt like rubber climbing up his body.

When she reached his face she gave him such a big smile. "Wow you're friendly, My name's Adam" The Boy said seeing the little one's big eyes. She was trusting because he looked like a Dondozo.

Since Adam was talking, Adam's mouth was stopped from being closed by the little girl pushing herself into his mouth!

her body Squeezed into his stunned mouth and curled up in front of his throat. his mouth stretched to an uncomfortable size to accompany the Mimicry Pokemon.

"ACK! MMP!?!?!" Adam was confused but also slightly comforted because Tatsugiri's feet and pouch were gently rubbing his tongue which was flattened beneath her.

She simply wiggled around on his tongue to please him since, again, he looked like a dondozo and wanted to make sure it was pleased with it's presence.

Adam however was almost choking, she was curled up so her feet touch the roof of his mouth and wiggle her saucy shoes on them.

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