276/Not a Demon but A Friend

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Many may actually be surprised by this. but Xenith already has several demon friends from his homeworld. One of which was his friend Nine who was designated to be the new Emperor of the nine hells. But Now Xenith was searching for a different demon.

Ever since the primordial anger fled him when it transformed into the Pentatoise, it had found a new more medieval earth infested with evil demons.

Demons who their anger was just the right fodder to the virus. however it is because of a certain head demon that the primordial Anger can't take full control of the demons on that planet.

Xenith however had taken a break to go back to his home world since his mother made chocolate chip cookies. despite being an all powerful warrior, Xenith was still a kid and couldn't resist chocolate chip cookies.

Due to this the virus had a lot of time to siphon and replicate what the demons were comprised of. This allowed it to double the demon population and make the demons unaware as to who was real or not.

It took a Week for Xenith to find the Virus. which by the time he found this alternate earth it had made itself a cocoon of demon summoning. Xenith knew he didn't have much time to save the planet because if the cocoon sprouted enough demons they would dig into the core and take over the planet.

Xenith found the planet and slowed his descent similar to the other few times he fell through the atmosphere at high speeds. But this time instead of landing in a city he landed in a snowy birch tree forest which at least was beautiful enough to be considered a safe zone. It was still daytime so demons would not be present at the moment. however that didn't mean he wouldn't encounter anything.

It just so happened an hour before a demon slayer named Tanjiro got seperated from his demon sister during combat with a Highly aggressive demon. they were so far apart that it was hard for Tanjiro to sense her. however she was ok. Hiding under a tree for shade since sunlight was fatal to demon.

It didn't take long for Xenith to smell her out. She was giving off the smell of a demon but also partially human scents which were of course because of the human clothes the owner of the scent was coming from.

He followed his nose and eventually found the source, a small girl hiding under a tree to protect herself from the sunlight. Once she sensed him too she guided her pink eyes to look at him. Xenith and her held eye contact for several seconds before Xenith made the first move and waved.

"Hai" Xenith said as he crawled over the log he was behind and landed on his face in the snow. He lifted his face which was covered in dirt and snow which he shook off like a dog.

The girl didn't speak, in fact she wasn't able to as her eyes gazed at Xenith. To her he was the strangest demon she'd ever seen. But he didn't give off a demonic aura at all. Xenith scooted up to her and tries to speak to her. "hello, mai name is Xenith" He said trying to talk to her. She wasn't able to reply back but did nod her head.

Xenith didn't know how he could communicate with her at first until he had an idea. He searched in his Backpack of Holding and eventually took out his old talking device. A Talking device was a Tablet that was created to help autistic kids to communicate, and even though Nezuko wasn't Autistic she still couldn't speak which was compatible with the device.

Xenith turned it on and turned down the brightness just in case before putting it in front of her. The screen had a Letters and Numbers pad which allowed one to type out whole sentences which were read aloud for others to hear the thoughts of the person using it. She took a few moments to register it and began to slowly type on it while Xenith held up the pad.

Slowly after getting adjusted to the controlling of the pad, she typed out her name. "N-E-Z-U-K-O...K-A-M-A-D-O-" The Device said out loud from the words that were typed.

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