Story 258/Sea Dragon Duel

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Xenith Was flying through Space, he was searching for the Planet GJ1214-b, An Ocean world where his friend Ariantorrenta was supposed to be. A year ago he had saved her from a force known as Primordial Anger which had taken her over. A quick slapping had saved her and She and him have become quite good friends. Xenith Was on his way there to tell her about the adventures he had when he was away.

There was a Small problem though, Her planet was a planet completely comprised with water, and there were currently three planets he saw that had an Aquatic Environment. "Which one...Hnnn" The Boy said as he checked his radar. The green radar was slightly blurry. He could make out the far right planet's name as...huh...Nuhboo? Naboo? Neboo? no that wasn't it, The planet Xenith had to go to had numbers in the name.

He then took a glance at the planet in the middle of the radar, he slightly shivered because the cold of space sent a chill down his spine. The planet's name was lit up on the radar...This one had numbers alright, he could make up a 4...5...4...6...ZZRT! The Radar suddenly stopped working as a meteoroid Hit Xenith in the hand where he held it and broke it.

"Ah!" The boy yelped as the device broke, This was bad because without this radar He was lost in space and Space was a Dark Forest so he could get more lost. He decided to think of something fast, and decided to settle on the middle ocean world. This was not Gj1214-b, instead it was the world 4546b, a different water world with some landmasses. As Xenith approached the blue world, he saw there was a moon circling it, which was good for it since it helped to pull the tides.

The Boy saw no other choice other than to break for this planet. now was the tricky part, Entering the atmosphere without burning up like a Californian. He noticed some Meteoroids still circling the planet, so he began to tap into a concentrative state. His mind began to tug at the meteoroids and they surrounded him in a cocoon of Meteors which helped to make the descent less hot.

Now he appeared like an Asteroid barreling towards the Ocean Surface. (SPLASHHHHH!) Xenith felt water rush onto his skin and into his clothes as he was now submerged in the big blue.

He crawled out of the Asteroid Shield and looked around. Much to his surprise, this planet was Teeming with the most exotic life he has ever seen. The boy also knew he would need to adapt to an aquatic lifestyle so he took off his shoes and socks and then kept them in the Asteroid. His DNA and RNA began to rapidly change him, his hands and feet soon adorned a more webbed appearance and his wings also changed into a double sail which helped filter water through his body to make him even faster. The last thing to change was his tail which became an identical appearance to a Thresher Shark tail, long and thin. Now Xenith was set for the Aquatic lifestyle of this water world, he would be here for awhile after all.

"Time to explore" Xenith said before diving under the waves and beginning to swim around.

He had landed in what appeared to be a Kelp Forest, with Creepvines all around him like tall wiggling trees. He was attempting to poke at one but then he felt a piercing feeling on his spine. He turned around quickly and saw a strange long snouted beast with rigid teeth having captured his tail in it's grip. Xenith didn't like this stinging sensation so he began to shake his tail violently.

This threw off The Stalker and Scared it off. Xenith now was prepared for the fact that there would be enemies on the planet that would attack him. So due to this he severed his tail, even if it hurt a bit as his body locks the Genes that would give him a new tail.

It was onwards again, Going through the ocean was easier now since he had nothing snapping at his tail, But he did get occasionally nipped at by Biters.

That was when His ears picked up the sound of a low roaring sound from somewhere deeper in the ocean's depths. It sounded like a Dragon, A Big one too. Xenith was familiar with dragons, his homeworld had many dragons on it so He wanted to check it out. So down he went, Swimming down more than 100 meters and his Thermal Sensor hidden behind his nose began to alert his brain of a packed area of heat more than 200 meters beneath the depth he was currently at.

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