Story 234/Rantaro's lucky yawn

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Rantaro was caught off guard by what just happened. a bright flash came from behind him which caught his attention. "Now what is this now?" Rantaro was about to walk over to the Camera when he instinctively yawned and waved his hand in front of his face.

Suddenly something unexpected happened. Something large and spherical dropped from the ceiling and got lodged in hit mouth. "ACK!" Rantaro gagged feeling the round object at the back of his throat. He fanned his face as he was forced to perform a hard swallow. (SLUURP!) The ball fit perfectly in the boy's stomach but it was also very heavy making him confused.

"What just happened?" Rantaro poked the bulge in his stomach but then he sensed something else. His Ultimate Survivalist skills kicked in and he suddenly turned around and did a reflex kick. the target he just hit was none other than Tsumugi shirogane and she was holding a Similar looking spherical orb in her hand until she dropped it from the kick. It registered in the Boy's mind that she was trying to kill him. "Gah! No matter I can still achieve this-W-wait what the hell??!" She was cut off by Rantaro closing in completely obscuring Tsumugi's vision and proceeded to wrap his lips around her face which he didn't know he had done in the previous killing game to another participant. Rantaro Moaned instinctively and slowly pushed forward slathering his tongue on her face and forehead. Tsumugi Yelled at the top of her lungs as a wet (GLOMPH) sounded and his jaws were wrapped around her neck. Tsumugi did her best to push the boy she was trying to kill off her but it seemed useless as his throat opened up and the fleshy cavern rippled going along with a wet loud (GLLUUURRPPP). Tsumugi Screamed as she was pulled into the tight throat of her Victim. The slimy juices of his gullet slathered over her face and the hellish tight feeling around her made Tsumugi groan in pain. While the Crossdresser cried, the Survivor boy Moaned not knowing why it felt so good. Rantaro felt his throat expand, leaving a detailed imprint of Tsumugi's screaming face.

The flavor of Tsumugi had a Blueberry flavor which made Rantaro's spine tingle and toes wiggle. "Mmmm...I can't believe she tried to attack me! I thought we were friends...But I have to do this if I want to maybe get us out of here, Maybe This is the right choice, she does taste good though" Thought Rantaro.
Rantaro swallowed and devoured Tsumugi whole, feeling her frame push past his lips and into his throat. Her medium sized chest wasn't near as perfect as his last gluttonous meal but they were still nice and plump.
Rantaro kneaded them with his teeth causing Tsumugi to kick her legs around and scream at the top of her lungs.
Rantaro felt his thin belly rumble and figured it was starving for another fat plump piece of meat while he almost completely forgot about the Shot put he had swallowed earlier.
Tsumugi's feet were picked off the ground and she wildly kicked around trying to get away and somehow free herself of Rantaro's fleshy clutches. Two plump lumps filled out Rantaro's neck as the girl's head disappeared behind his chest. Since Tsumugi was stuck he didn't feel the need to grab her wrists and instead just put them on her sides. He further pinned her to the wall and had Tsumugi wrap her legs around his waist. A big tent arose from his pants and Shuichi rubbed his bulge confused. "Wow...eating someone somehow makes me turned on, I wonder why this is such a Deja Vu?" Thought Rantaro.
Tsumugi stared down the pink flesh of Rantaro's gullet watching globs of saliva run down the walls and drip through a tight hole.
The rumbling of his stomach caused the world around her to shake. "DAMN IT RANTARO! THIS ISN'T HOW THE KILLING GAME IS SUPPOSED TO BE STARTED!! STOP THIS AT ONCE!" Screamed Tsumugi as Rantaro was also confused but didn't pass up his meal as he pushed against her butt devouring her middle. Tsumugi cursed as she slid deeper and deeper until her face made contact with his stomach entrance.
With a loud gulp that sent her hips into his maw Tsumugi felt the hole spread open and there it was. The red stomach with pulsating walls and dripping saliva with the shot put that Kaede had used to try and catch the mastermind which was still covered in saliva. The place where the killing game would end if she didn't do something. Rantaro shook in pleasure as his stomach was filling up once again. His once bowling ball sized belly middle was bloating out more and expanding with the girl's terrified face.

Rantaro Moaned in both discomfort and delight as those plump ass cheeks filled his mouth. "So sour! Hnnnghh..I like this more than painting nails" Thought Rantaro. After slathering those meaty cheeks up Rantaro brought his head back and Tsumugi's legs into the air.
Rantaro took one big gulp filling his gut full of Tsumugi's breasts. The Girl slid her arms in and started to push the elastic walls out and scream for help. Rantaro of course enjoyed how his prey thrashed and fought his stomach which was more instinctual but he didn't dare let this go to waste. It just added an extra bit of fun to the experience that was once going to be his murder. Rantaro grabbed Tsumugi's ankles and lapped his tongue around her thighs as he was making his way to the finish line. Those yummy thighs disappeared leaving just her lower legs and feet. Rantaro untied her boots and removed her socks, tossing them into the book shelf.
Rantaro chugged and gulped his Mastermind meal until feeling her soft silky feet touch his tongue. Rantaro shut his jaws and gave those feet one good lick before swallowing.
Rantaro's tongue rolled out of his mouth as he breathed heavily. A visible cloud of air could even be seen as his loose shirt could no longer hold this big belly and now it was like his belly was wearing it like a turban. The big fat pale gut full of a living woman and Shot put flopped out and hung down to his knees. The vague curled up form of Tsumugu was outlined by his stomach and it jostled around and made lots of noise.
Tsumugi Shirogane was incredibly unhappy and down right scared for the sake of the killing game and audiences expectations. "This is all so sudden but this feels all so familiar, but I think I need to get out of here before anyone comes and gets all suspicious" Moaned Rantaro. He gave his gut some soft pats on Tsumugi's ass making her yelp and squirm. Rantaro waddled over to the shot put ball that she had dropped and picked it up. he brought it up to his face and thought. "If I'm going to be digesting something I should do it quickly...maybe I should do it like how Crocodiles work it" The boy rolled his tongue out an rolled the ball in, his cheeks puffed out like large balloons making way for the second shot put.

tsumugi looked up to see the throat opening again and then suddenly a second shot put landed in the stomach. This one heavier which was her own damn fault as it prevented her from moving around much. "BURP! that must be the last bit of evidence...but I do wonder why I still feel like i've done this before" Rantaro said as he lugged his heavy belly to a safe place to digest his yummy treat.

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