Story 223/Lovey Dovey Demonic Possession

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Adam knocked on the door of the MacNeil house, he was concerned that Regan stopped coming to school. "Yes? Oh hello adam! you must be worried about regan...err shes in her room" Mrs MacNeil said as she let adam in. Adam walked up the black stairs to the top and saw the room. He felt an odd aura coming from the room, something otherworldly. Adam shook off his confusion and knocked on Regan's door. "Regan? It's me, adam, you were absent from school a lot and I've been worried" Adam said as Regan on the other end was rather happy to hear the voice of her crush. She had him open the door and Adam blinked a few times seeing all the Crosses and Crucifixes.

"Adam I-I'm scared...There's something inside of me that I can't get out" Regan said as she hugged her crush, adam tilted his head confused. "You have something inside?" He asked as he gently pinches her stomach, he can feel something small but ridged in there. "I need you to help me get it out, please I can't bear it!" The girl said as adam thinks for a few seconds before nodding. "Right away Regan" He said as he gently leaned in and gave her nose a kiss making her cheeks turn red. he then laid down flat with his toes on her lap to let her get started

His feet were right away pulled into that awaiting maw, tongue curling over his heels, god...he tasted sweet, sweeter than both her and the demon imagined. Regan closes her eyes and swallows. Swallowing again her lips inch up his ankles , cheeks much more puffed. Tongue slurping and slapping over any skin it could. His giggles and playful hitching of breaths sounded like wonderful music to her ears. Taking another strong gulp she smirks with a mouthful. Eyes growing delightfully amused as she watched him dig his nails into the bed to keep himself steady. "You seem to be enjoying this too huh regan?" He said noticing how much she was smirking

The feeling of his feet and ankles getting hugged by his gullet. It was...a rather nice feeling. Humming as if mocking his occasional giggles, She pushes in more of his body. Legs disappearing with rapid gulps. Her cheeks at this point comically bulging out. Getting to his thighs she furrows her brows together. They were large, wide too, that could be a problem. Closing her eyes tighter she tries her best to stretch her jaw more. "Come on you can do it regan" Adam supported as he pat her cheek. Some sweat gathering before a loud 'pop!' echoes. As if like smooth noodles, his thighs glided right in. Her jaw popped out of place and actually didn't hurt! Moving a hand down to her slowly expanding gut and Cramming his hips in, her teeth nibble and tease at his abdomen. Her legs starting to move upward to make room for her gut.

"Heh-Hey regan t-that feels so good...MMmmm...." Adam slightly moaned partially forgetting why they were doing this.

It felt so good, warm, her legs curling up as those cute lips grew closer. This was all a fucking nightmare for poor Regan! This sick Demon was enjoying every second of it too! Making her eat her crush! Grabbing his sides, Teeth pushing into the fabric of his sweater , tearing it like floss. Pushing her lips over his shoulders and start of her arms , his head was so close to that dark abyss that he would soon be living in. Adam trying his best to keep his crush entertained as the brown haired girl's lips were so close. His soaked and smushed body jolting once those lips start to inch over his chin, then his own lips next. His giggles becoming muffled as the hands pushing on him only slip his head in faster. Saliva coating his whole head like a ring, eye lashes just barely touching the top lip. Regan groans before thrusting her body forward . His head being fully emerged in darkness.

those lips wrap around her arms. Pulling them both together as she sits up, plopping onto her bed. Gut bouncing from the moment as she settles her hands on her gut. Adam's arms being slurped up in seconds! Her tongue sneaking out to pull his fingers inside. Pushing her jaw back into place , Regan moans loudly, tongue sucking and pushing his hands to the roof of her mouth. Her tongue pulling right out as he grabbed it. Adam was now unknowingly history as the possessed girl leans her head all the way back. Showing her already round gullet that ripples one last time with a fate sealing 'GLP!' Lowering her head back down she sighs out and let's out a thunderous belch!

"Ok Regan i found what this is, some kind of small statue" Adam said as he picked up a pazuzu miniature and tried shoving it up her throat. she burps it up and adam gently rubs her stomach. "You know regan I like this, its comfy" Adam said as he used his hands to massage the inside of her crush. He just smiles unaware of the demon inside regan too

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