Story 295/Evan ate...Fem Evan?

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Evan was currently crying in his room, his Mean older brother locked him in his room again which Evan didn't like, he wanted to play outside, not in his room. He banged on the door begging Michael to let him out. All the while Fredbear watched him in the corner.

As Evan cried in front of the door, hugging his knees and sniffling. He heard a sound, a woosh from behind.

He took a few seconds to respond to the noise before hearing a second set of crying. He looked up and saw someone in the corner of his room also crying. He got up and got a closer look, holding his hands to his chest still scared.

"H-hello?" Evan sniffled out some dialogue as the other kid perked up and backed up. It was...Evan? But it was as if Evan was a female.

"Y-you look like...Me?" The girl said as she stood up, they were the exact same height, had the same eyes, yet this girl was just that, a girl version of Evan.

"You...are me!" He pointed at her the same time She did. They even had similar plushies, except This Girl's plushie was a female Fredbear.

Evan sighed seeing that she was friendly like him so he walked to her getting a bit more confidence. "You must have the name Evan too right?" Evan asks tilting his head. "Y-yeah...I-i am, D-did i fall through Space?" Fem Evan exclaimed as she looked at her hands paranoid of Space Radiation, thankfully she's fine.

"Y-you must also have a-a brother who torments you" Evan said as he looked into what was essentially a Mirror.

"Y-yeah, I guess we are the same" Fem Evan said as she gently smiles at her doppelganger.

"Yeah...But how will you get home?" Evan asks as Fem Evan went wide eyed realizing this. She didn't know how to get back and got scared again.

Evan pat her head seeing her face turn afraid. "its okay, you can stay with me until you can find a way back home" Evan said smiling at his doppelganger. She smiled and decided to hang with him.

Eventually Fem Evan heard footsteps coming towards the door. She got nervous and hid behind Evan's Dresser. Turns out it was Just Clara walking to reset the Grandfather clock outside as it had stopped working. "Its okay, thats just my mom" Evan said as he walks to his girl self and calmed her.

"I-i'm scared...W-what if they see me?" She said shivering a bit.

Evan's stomach vibrated as the boy realized he was hungry. He decided to Eat two birds with one mouth and decided he could eat her to keep her safe and also get fed. "Don't worry they won't see you in my tummy" Evan said as he leaned down to her outstretched feet.

"U-um in your tummy? W-will it be really safe?" The girl asks as her Doppelganger had his grip on her legs as she was laying against the wall and Dresser. "Please stay still, I'm going to keep you safe Inside me, I promise I won't let them see you" Evan said and held onto her ankles. Evan licked his lips and pulled the feet to his awaiting maw and licked the feet before setting them on his small tongue. Fem Evan giggled a little as his tongue swept across the feet before letting the toes touch the back of his throat.


Fem Evan was pulled across the ground a little and giggled a little feeling her male version licking her but hoped it was all for her protection as her ankles go into the tight throat. It was a slimy and weird feeling as it constantly would open up and drag her further down. Evan held onto the small hips Fem Evan had and pulled while swallowing while he also salivated and knew he would be protecting her, getting in the calves and reaching past Fem Evan's knees.

Girl Evan was being lifted up a little off the ground and she even felt her feet being pushed into the stomach which growled hungrily and vibrated around them. Evan continued to giggle about his good deed. The butt was pressed down and slid across the Bottom of Evan's mouth before being forced down his throat behind the tongue. Evan grabbed a hold of his girl self's wrists and shoved the hands in his mouth before gulping them down into him.

"It...feels so squishy inside this throat, I've never been eaten before but Mommy eats Daddy a lot" Fem Evan commented as she was being swallowed up.

(gulp...gulp) "oh my so this is how it must feel for Daddy" Evan thought as he gulps more and more of his succulent other.
Evan slurped up Fem Evan's thin belly and reached right under her nipples. The nipples resting on his lower chin before Evan pushed them down flattening them which made Fem Evan giggle and yelp and then slowly the nipples were downed into his throat. Fem Evan felt herself curling up in Her Boy Selves tight Stomach and looked down to see his eyes smiling back at her. "Have Fun Other Me, hehe" he said as he pushed down on the top of Her head and pushed it all the way till only her brown hair was sticking out.


Evan sent the head into his throat and slurped in and licked her pigtails like donuts and a final gulp finished it off. Evan traced his meal all the way down until a little head bulge poked up in his stomach. Evan licked his lips to clean of a lasting flavor and held his belly that slid out of his black and white shirt now was sitting bare on the floor. Fem Evan was wrapped tightly by the slimy fleshy walls and began to gently put his hands on her stomach walls. Adam smiled and gave the head bulge a pat before feeling something crawling up his throat.


"E-excuse me" Evan said embarrassed as his cheeks turned pink. "Hehe it's fine" Fem Evan said as she hugged her knees as the stomach moved all around her.

Evan gently pat his tummy before walking over to his toys and beginning to play with them and his belly. every time he danced his toys over his belly he didn't know it released the stomach acids. "U-um, Me? Your starting to fill up" Fem Evan said kind of scared as she scooched to a corner of the stomach which displaced some air and Evan belched.

(URP!) "Um should i get you out...Hold on...If you really are me that means you can Come Back" Evan said realizing he could get her home this way.

Fem Evan got scared realizing her other self was going to digest her! She began to kick and squirm in his stomach. "L-let me out please!" Fem Evan didn't like being digested at all, it always hurt. Evan payed no mind, thinking this would do good and that maybe it wouldn't hurt.

(THUD THUD! JIGGLE!) Evan's stomach jiggled and thrashed beneath him as his Girl self kicked and punched to be free but the walls were simply pushing back in on her and releasing more enzymes that pooled around her.

"Hehehe that feels nice" Evan felt very unlike his previous self, before he was too afraid to do much like this but now that he's doing it he's beginning to toughen up.

"P-please i-i'm melting" Fem Evan was staring to grow weak as the Digestion was starting to get much quicker, her lower body was simply a puddle of slush while the rest of her began to follow suite.

"But you're gonna come back right?" Evan said as he gave his stomach a big pat.

(BOING!) "AH! Y-yes but this hurts!" Fem Evan exclaimed but because of how tight the walls were she couldn't be heard. Evan stood up and licked his lips as he watches his stomach shrink like a balloon until he could see Fem Evan's skull wrapped up in his stomach. "Bye other me, I hope you get home" Evan said as he wiggled his hips because it felt good feeling her bones scratch his intestines.

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