Story 268/A Principal of a Genius Plan

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Young Adam was currently experiencing a Hard life in school, he was constantly failing his classes and didn't have a good time making friends because The State just reopened Public schools after the Trending of Covid-19 Vaccinations. They had to take it carefully since there were some people who didn't wanna wear a mask or get the Vaccine.

Because of this Adam struggled in classes a lot. It made adam get extremely low pointed...One day he was sitting against the lockers during Gym class his first class of the day as he didn't like playing sports. that was when his bully appeared, Little miss perfect named Lana Poki and she was your average mean girl at school, but she also had massive tits which dwarfed his ass size. She had no soft spots at all and it turned out she was the first to get the Vaccine making her immediately more popular. "Hey Blondie! Why aren't you in class? Oooh let me guess? You don't wanna exercise and get rid of that fat ass of yours" Lana said trying to get a rise out of Adam.

"I-I keep telling you I'm not fat! leave me alone!" had said this several times before but now he was more mad, angry that the bully was continuing to terrorize him.

"Awww Is the little Cockapoo angry??? aww are you gonna Yap at me??" She taunted at the short blonde boy.

Adam never liked Name calling, it ticked him off the most as the mean girl stood in front of him....However Nobody was around. Adam for a Second thought he could dispose of her...but then he remembered those cameras were always watching.

He began to think to himself while she mocked him. He needed a Strategy, he hated this girl a lot because of her non-stop name calling...But if He ate her the school would know. However then he remembered something he heard about from a Kid at lunch. He recalled the Principal had a Shrink Power where she would take a person's molecular and dimensional being and shrink them down before eating them, thankfully getting them out after. Adam thought...and thought...Until his face became similar to the Grinch whenever he had the idea to steal Christmas.

"You know what You are Lana?" Adam said ready to do the Name calling.

"What? Are you trying to toughen up to your superior??" Lana snapped as she tried intimidating him.

"No, You're a Bitch ass meal! HRAGH!" With that Adam charged at Lana and punched her in the nose causing her to slightly crouch because it began to bleed.

"OOWW!" She wailed in pain as Adam began his Assault, Wanting to take his time to enjoy the moment of Revenge as he sharply pushed Lana's head and Scarlet Rivered hands into his mouth and began thoroughly licking her, making the girl Scream in his mouth as she was both bleeding and crying which gave an Irony feeling from the flavor.

(Gulp!.... Gulp....!)

Adam took the Bully in Fast, savoring her as she went deeper inside his Body. Lana's pained face bulged out of Adam's pale neck as the Bullied Boy got her shoulders and elbows in his bloodstained mouth, Adam then pushed Lana further down and began licking and chewing on her huge breasts while his bloodied knuckles glistened from the flourescent lights above. Lana began Screaming as she felt her breasts being licked and chewed on drawing slight blood, her legs shaking all around as she screamed for help.
"H-HELP! I'M SORRY GET ME OUT! AHHH!!!" Lana Screamed, crying like mad as she inched down deeper into Adam's vengeful body.
"Mmmm~ Revenge tastes so great...." The Blonde boy moaned out as she continued eating Lana, the girl wasn't hard to get down now that her pride was broken like the disgusting vase that Would break from a Baseball Indoors. But the Screaming and flailing of her legs was kinda difficult, so he had to eventually grab them.
(Gulp.... Glurk.... Gulp....Choke!)
Lana's head entered Adam's Lustful stomach making it bulge out with her Horrified face, Adam got over the girl's exposed stomach area and began swallowing her Ginormous rival ass. It was even more plump than he would of wanted, plus he made the mistake of not taking her clothes off so her tomboy clothes were cushioning his chewed out revenge. Pushing Lana in even more his belly continued filling up, eventually his belly got too big his Orange shirt lifted up letting his belly sag down like a sad jellyfish.
"SOMEONE! TEACHER!? SOMEONE GET A TEACHER!" Lana Cried, Trying to assume the role of Damsel in Distress, however Adam had no worry since his stomach was a one way trip and there was no way for the annoying bully to come back up. The Student slurped up Lana's long thin legs and got her feet in his scarlet mouth, wanting to taste her one last time as he reached into his mouth and pulled off the girl's shoes and socks so he could maybe sell them later if he got away with this.
"Mmmm~Revenge...Revenge..." Adam hummed as she tasted Lana's feet, loving the flavor coming from them before he closed his mouth.
Adam swallowed Lana's feet and traced the bulge to his rotund wriggling stomach, he sat back down against the lockers and smiled at his bulging belly.
"Sorry it had to be this way Lana, but I can't take you anymore...Goodbye You brat.... HUUUUUWAAAAAPPPPP!!!" Adam apologized before belching, his belly tightened around Lana revealing more of her form.
"DAMN IT NOT LIKE THIS!!" Lana replied with angry pleas as Adam rubbed his belly, loving the feeling of being full and getting his revenge, but due to the fact he still had blood all over his knuckles it got all over his belly looking like he was an open palm artist. Over the next few minutes digestion Quickly began, acid Rushed into the organ tearing Lana's Expensive clothes and stinging her skin. However despite the uprise of squirms, this didn't effect Adam's belly, while he rubbed his belly as his meal began digesting while the sound of his belly confirmed her Demise.
(Gurgle.... Glorp.... Groan....)
Lana whimpered at the pain she was experiencing, her clothes were nothing more than tatters of cloth and her skin was red. Rashes and wounds decorated her body as she was digested, some revealing bones and others just were bleeding. The acid rose over her legs and feet making them go numb from the pain, she Gritted her teeth knowing that it was the end of her and her Entitled nature.
"I can feel you breaking apart Lana, I hope you Learn your lesson once you become my butt..." Adam commented, squishing his belly as it digested his bully. The girl inside him cries while she was in pain, hating the idea of being a part of a lower status' body. Inside lana no longer felt her legs as her bones and fragments of her legs floated around her, the belly began contracting as the acid continued rising.
"I-It burns....I don't wanna go....No....not the light...." Lana whimpered before her arms melted off, splashing into the acid before the stomach began crushing her like a Car at the Dump. She closed her eyes tight as the pool reached her neck, eventually she passed out just as her head went below never to come up again. Adam hummed as he sloshed his round belly around, swaying it side to side feeling the meat and bones rocking around like fish in a net.
"Now this bully is forever gone and out of my life, although I feel bad still...I wanted to be friends but she just relied on her Pride...." Adam said before her belly growled loudly, her belly then erupted in cracking and snapping bones as it once again contracted. As it crushed the bones fragments began poking out of her belly along with a polished skull, Adam booped the skull in his gut before he began to feel it all go into his intestines, However his ass didn't grow, instead he simply got slightly more protein than usual for his growing body.

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