Story 273/Chainsaw Girl's Unexpected Ally

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Realities are Weird, As many may have Guessed, But none are weirder than the One we have been following with Xenith Stephenson, the Boy of wonder. Earlier this year, The Boy had saved an Alternate earth from a large hive of primordial Anger and befriended some of the heroes native there. However His job was never complete, He had to chase the Primorial Anger wherever it went so he could possibly one day destroy it or at least purify it so it no longer suffered.

but such a task would take awhile, the Anger was always growing due to being able to branch off and spread across the multiverse. But this was also a good thing because as long as It wasn't together it wasn't too powerful, just God power levels usually.

Either way Xenith had to chase it, following the virus through deep space was like a game of pac-man but the ghosts constantly run from you.

It didn't surprise Xenith this time that the Virus had no other choice than to try and escape Via wormhole, so it became super dense by spinning in an Accretion disk and opened a rip in space beginning to filter through. "Nuh uh!" Xenith puffed as he threw an energy sword into the closing portal, this clogged the portal so It couldn't close.


Xenith ripped the portal back open and was sucked through like a flea through a vacuum.

The Virus had taken the shape of a bird to better fly through the vortex until it vanished out the other end. When Xenith came tumbling through he saw he was once again in a different section of the universe.

But what Xenith needed to do was save this segment, even if he was lost. "Where?" The autistic boy looked around the vacuum and spotted the eerie glow of the anger as it flows towards another earth. This one was different because Xenith's senses told him there was a lot of Evil Demons on this world, ones that would be happy tearing things apart. this distracted him as the Primordial Anger flew towards the earth like a comet, spiraling and spreading the red light in a tail behind it just in case the others didn't make it.

Xenith followed close behind, using Wall Of Ice to make it to where he didn't burn up in the atmosphere like a snot rocket through a furnace.

He ended up coincidentally ending up in another japan, though more rural than the last.

However Xenith liked rural areas, not too much loud traffic or sounds in the area. So he began to search for the beastly virus. and soon he found it, It was taking the form of a giant five headed tortoise known as Pentatoise and it was large, but not as large as the Tusked King Dragon. It made up for in size with it's impressively tough shell which also had mirror scales that reflected heat and thus gave energy to the tortoise. it was 50 meters tall and 75 meters long, yet it was already a match for this world as it's five heads were looking out of the five holes on the top of the shell.

But it wasn't focused on Xenith, It was focused on something...No...Someone else.

One of the heads had picked up a Girl with blonde hair and an average set of clothes by the arms and looked like it was threatening to snap them off! "EEP!" Xenith didn't want her to get hurt, he had to save her. However he had used too much energy to teleport over and get an attack in.

That was when he noticed something coming out of her suit. what appeared to be a chain one uses to rev up a chainsaw. The Girl seemed to be trying to get her arms out simply to pull it so that indicated to the boy it needed to be pulled for an alterior motive.

So Xenith did the one thing he could do without using much energy. Tapping into Telekinesis, he tugged at the strained chain and then it caused the girl to begin to spasm. Several seconds later the turtle head carrying her unclamped at an alarmed state and the girl fell down, but she looked different.

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