Story 292/Elf Adam saves a Lizardfolk

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Adam had realized how much his elvish hunger could benefit him in survival outside his small woodland village. He decided he could maybe...Explore? He wanted to map out this new landscape he was born into. 

He eventually found his way into a Jungle, finding it interesting to be in. He saw a few interesting creatures in the jungle such as the Kirre which had snagged a kill of a tasty Goblin. "Survival of the fittest huh..." Adam said before walking onwards. However eventually the teen began to hear the sound of cries for help in an unknown language. He began to run in that direction and he saw a strange scaly humanoid being which was being surrounded by hungry Displacer Beasts. "H-hey get away from them!" Adam tried to be intimidating but instead caught the attention of the Displacer beasts which saw him as a tastier meal.

They began to advance upon him but Adam had them right in a Trap. Wall of Fire was suddenly casted as the Beasts leapt towards Adam and got Singed by the flaming wall. Adam gave a grin as he took a firm step forwards. The beasts feeling scared ran off for their lives while their fur was burned nearly to the skin. Adam sighed because he had used a bit of magic points to use that spell. He walked over to the humanoid he saw injured. He was stunned to see it was a Lizardfolk Queen. What was she doing out here?

"Huff....Huff..." She was still alive, but badly injured as if she had been attacked multiple times, Adam also saw her weapons were broken which pieced the story together.

The Queen had went out from some sparring in the Jungle near her territory but got dragged away by a pack of Displacer Beasts. He knew he couldn't wait too long, he had to come to her aid. "Your highness? Are you okay?" Adam walked over to her and asked if she was okay while helping her to her feet. She didn't speak Elvish so she didn't know what he said. He sighed before beginning to use sign language. "Ohhh, Right, I'm okay child...hmm, You saved me...didn't you" She used Sign language in return, thank goodness she could.

The moment she began to sign her words she took a knee and fell slightly, Adam catching her before she fell on her face. "My Name is Adam, look, you need healing and fast" Adam said in signing. "You are quite friendly for an Elf, I've never been aided before" The queen said in signing. Adam sighed before signing what he had to do. "So...In order to heal you and at the same time get you home is to Swallow you whole, My stomach has a-a spell that allows me to h-heal allies, I-if you'd let me I could eat you and bring you to your village" Adam signed and somehow stuttered while using it.

The Queen stopped for a few seconds. Her race was generally not trusting of other races, being omnivorous she would normally consume those who displeased or made her bored...but This boy was offering to help her in need. She held out her clawed hand and used Detect Magic on his torso. She felt there was magic indeed in his stomach so now she knew she was able to trust him. "Alright, I trust you, let's get this over with" The Queen didn't expect to enjoy this as Adam held her upright and Stood on his tip toes to get his mouth on her face. She found her vision going dark as warm lips spread over her head. her body is locked into place with a gentle grip encircling her leathery back and torso. The boy is clearly experienced at this as he takes it slow so she won't get scared. The gentle sounds of swallowing fills her highly evolved ears as she found the warmth spreading over her nice smooth scaly face and orange mohawk. down towards his neck."oh my, it's quite temperate down here" She muffled while being engulfed by the predatory, blonde boy.

Wiggling curiously, she found herself being lifted off of her clawed feet. The tips of her tail scrape the smooth Grass of the marshy floor as she attempts to find Comfort. he started swallowing her deeply into his gullet with her upper and lower extremities being effectively neutralized by his firm grasp and Experience. 


"Oh my, I just realized I can feel magic from the throat itself...Is this why it's comforting me?" The Queen commented to herself in the esophagus of the gluttonous savior as her head and shoulders are dragged into his slimy maw easily.

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