Story 217/Pigtail Girl and Evan

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Evan was walking home nervously since his brother was picking on him earlier and he just wanted to catch a break. He soon walks up the sidewalk and then sees someone. It was an orange haired girl with orange overalls and green eyes. He thought she looked like his sister so he came closer. "Hello? oh hey your the birthday boy in a few days" She said with a smile as Evan realized this was just another girl. "O-oh I thought you were someone else, S-sorry" Evan said as he attempted to walk past her but she got in front of him.

"I would let you go but you are too good looking to pass off!" She said as she held him by the face. "U-u-umm c-ccan you let go please?" Evan asked scared because he had a rough day. The Girl suddenly shoved his arms into her maw, quickly gulping at them to try and secure her soon to be treat. Evan was just weirded out at first at the girl making his arms wet, but as he felt the grip the girl had on his arms now, Evan began to grow worried and wide eyed. he tried to pull them out, but the girl's gulping power was too strong and left the Crying Child being pulled headfirst into her maw. The slimy internals dripped and soaked into Evan's hair and skin, his face being coated in warm saliva. He tried to pull herself back out, but the pigtail girl was surprisingly strong for her size as she grabbed onto Evan's body to keep him from pulling back. "H-h-hey this isn't funny! Please s-stop!" Evan cried but his pleas were met with echoes as the words went down her throat. The smell of the mouth was overpowering for Evan, all the sweet treats the girl having snacked on that day being heavily prevalent in her breath. The smell was almost sickening with how overpowering it was. With some more gulps, Evan began to descend deeper down into the Girl's maw, the Crying Child unable to fight back as she did. The bulge from Evan's head in her throat began to descend as the gulping grew stronger and faster. As Evan felt herself gulped down, he felt his sides pushed on heavily from the tight throat causing him to drop his yellow teddy bear. After feeling himself squish down the stiff tube of the girl's gullet for what felt like hours, Evan began to squish into the girl's stomach. The smell was even worse than the girl's breath, all the sizzling candy causing heavy fumes of sugar to form in the gut. While not as tight as the throat, the stomach was still heavily cramped for poor Evan, only growing worse off as more of him was gulped down. The further along Evan got, the more Pigtail Girl's gut began to bulge out, slowly hugging her Overalls tighter and tighter. As Evan's legs disappeared down her throat, Pigtail Girl felt herself utterly stuffed to the brim. The rest of Evan squished into her stomach and heavily bulged out, his body hugging her skin tightly. The two children's sizes were the same which made the whole process take quite some time, but after all was said and done, the girl was more than pleased with her efforts. She gave her gut a heavy slap and giggled watching her gut move and wobble with the soon to be birthday boy churning within.

"MMMPH! G-g-get me out of here i-i-i'm not food!" Evan began to cry as he started to kick at the girl's stomach walls. She could barely feel his kicks as he was such an easy prey. "I'm sorry kiddo but girl's gotta eat" She giggled as she looked around for anyone who was watching and started to walk home, each step bouncing her belly up and down.

The stomach was really starting to digest the crying evan as it tore into his clothes and exposed skin. It was steadily rising around him and was already up to just below his nipples. Evan's legs were pressed up to his body thanks to how cramped it was in the girl's stomach, leaving him easier to digest away with how compact he was. "P-Please let me out! I-it burns! I-i don't wanna die!" Evan begged and cried as he slams his fists against the stomach walls which made Pigtail girl veer off to the left slightly. "Geez sorry kid, Everyone knows girl's gotta eat, hey at least You will get your cake, well you will become one" The Pigtail girl said as she took a rest by leaning her arm against the brown oak wood fence and holding her stomach with the other

His skin was growing steadily redder as the acid burned into it, the layers of flesh being peeled away as he was harshly shown how he was nothing more than a bit of protein for the girl. Evan's striped underwear had easily fallen apart from the stomach acid as well, leaving him even less protection against the acids. His striped shirt was beginning to follow along as the acid burned heavy holes into it, leaving him more and more exposed to the acid. If Evan didn't get out soon, he'd be too far gone to be saved. All he could hope is that he could make a deal with her to release him.

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