Story 227/Charlie's Back Alley Meal

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Charlie was absolutely disgusted with what had happened, Some of the kids in the building of freddy's had locked her outside! In the rain! She had no choice but to go and hide behind a Trash can. She hugs her knees to her chest and listens to the sound of the rain and stomach growling beneath them.

Before she could complain any longer she saw a friend of hers walk by. It was Elizabeth and she had a nice pink umbrella which shielded her from the rain. "Elizabeth...N-no i can't! I-if i do that her father might attack me...on the other hand...He might not know i did it if i got rid of the evidence" Charlie pondered if she should eat her or not. She knew that if she didn't eat something she would starve, She felt bad for what she had to do but mustered up her courage.

"Hey Elizabeth!" The brown haired girl exclaimed as she called to lizzy. She thankfully stopped and walked over to her. "Hello charlie! why are you out in the back like this? your soaked!" Elizabeth asked slightly concerned. "Some kids locked me out...say are you taller than me?" She asked as she put elizabeth's arms together which to elizabeth looked like she was comparing their height since charlie had her hand on elizabeth's head.

"Now or never charlie" She thought as elizabeth smiled. "I think we are still the same hei-W-Wait w-what are y-you?!" Elizabeth exclaimed from her cheery mood to her horrified mood as she was interrupted as Charlie suddenly opens her mouth wide and brings it down over Elizabeth's head, not letting her get away. "Mmmmmmmph!" Elizabeth Muffles in shock, as charlie started licking over her entire head excitedly, immediately drenching her in her drool. The inside of Charlie's mouth smelled very faintly fruity from the sparkling soda she liked to drink, though she likely wouldn't even be able to notice as her face is assaulted by her salivating tongue. As she thoroughly tastes her, her hands rub over Elizabeth's body, holding her arms to her sides making her drop her umbrella.

"MMMPH! CHARLIE!!!?!?! MM!" Elizabeth muffled in the cheeks of the girl who she had assumed was becoming close friends with.

Eventually Charlie has satisfied herself for the moment, and Elizabeth feels her head is pushed deeper into her maw, before suddenly being squeezed down the tight, slick tube of her throat. (Gulp~) Elizabeth's head makes an obvious bulge traveling down her neck as her shoulders are pulled in after her. Elizabeth's journey into the hungry girl's digestive tract has just begun, and Elizabeth was already thrashing around alot. It is far tighter than she had imagined, her body being squeezed firmly from every direction as more and more of her is drawn into her mouth and down her throat. The sound of her stomach growling is far louder than when she was outside, the increasingly loud noise sounding more akin to a terrifying beast than her caring friend. Worse, she can now smell the acrid odor of stomach acid below her, which is getting more intense with every swallow she takes. Frustratingly, by this point Elizabeth's arms are pinned to her sides, and it was clear that any amount of squirming wouldn't help.

"P-PLEASE CHARLIE! I-I'll get you food!" Elizabeth begged and cried for her friend to get her out of the wormy gullet but charlie ignored her

Slowly and steadily, Elizabeth's torso slips between Charlie's hungry lips, across her tongue which continues happily licking over her, and down into the sweltering heat of her insides. " Mmm... mmmmmph..." She muffles, though the crushingly tight walls of her esophagus muffle Elizabeth too much to make anything approaching intelligible speech.

Ulp... gulp.... Ulp.... "Mmmmmm..... sho good~" Charlie moans through her mouthful.

Soon enough, her orange head presses through the tight entrance to her stomach and pokes inside, which loudly churns and gurgles as it waits eagerly for its large meal. Despite the space being slightly more open than her throat, that doesn't really help as the girl attempt to get her bearings. As her body is pushed down into the tight, squeezing sack of muscle, she found that the space is pitch black, smells far worse than she had feared, is filled with hot, tingling fluid, and is still incredibly, uncomfortably cramped.

(Grrrrrrrrrrgggggllllll........grrrrrooooooooannnnnnnn.........grrrrrrr.......) "T-This is her stomach!?!" Elizabeth said in disbelief as she was pressed against the bottom, face puffing up as charlie continued feasting.

By this point, she is inside up to her hips, As she slurps her legs down like long noodles, helplessly kicking at the air as she is devoured, her belly bulges outwards to contain the afton. Her squirming form is faintly visible beneath her stretched skin, but Elizabeth's so compressed within her normally small belly that she can't do much more than wiggle in place. With a few more swallows, her toes disappear between her lips, closing her mouth around her feet and giving them a few licks before tilting her head back and taking one last gulp. "Mmmmmm.... ulp~Sorry Elizabeth i was just so hungry, I couldn't pass you up...nnnn~" she giggles, Patting her filled belly before returning to the trash can and hiding inside. "C-Charlie this isn't ok! LET me out!" Elizabeth yells trying to get her to listen to her as her gentle wiggles didn't detour charlie from making elizabeth a snack.

Elizabeth is having a much worse time than either of them had imagined. she can barely move or breathe, and it is as much as she can manage just to keep her head above the rising tide of digestive juices she are soaking in. Her stomach kneads against her from every direction, offering you her escape from her hungry insides which don't see her as anything more than an unusually large piece of meat. Elizabeth's skin is already tingling all over, making it very painfully clear; Charlie was digesting elizabeth and not going to let her go.

"Charlie?! P-Please let me out! Y-Your digesting me!" She muffles in protest, but in between being muffled beneath a layer of fat and muscle, and the loud churning that surrounds her, anything she would say would be unintelligible to the girl hiding in the trash can. That is, if she could even hear her in the first place. She smacks her lips happily as she tastes her on her burp

Unfortunately, She was that tasty food, and she couldn't do a damn thing about it at this point. As Elizabeth stew away in her insides, slowly getting softer and weaker as the churning acids melt her flesh away from her bones and The pressure of her belly being pinned against the inside of the trash can applies a gentle pressure, helping to slowly squeeze elizabeth down, her melted form beginning to slowly filter down into her intestines below.

"Sorry elizabeth, I truly am" Charlie said as she poked her small tummy as the orange haired girl disappeared. But then charlie felt herself struggling to get out of the bin. She saw it was from her expanded chest which clogged her way out. "Dang...This might take awhile" Charlie said sighing

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