236/Monster Kid Genocide

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Monster kid had his heart broken from what he saw Undyne the idol he looked up to had been killed in cold blood by the human named Frisk. He was incredibly scared thinking it was all hopeless, that he had been so close to a murderer this entire time they were in waterfall.

However monster kid remembered something Undyne said, "Don't Remorse against what you don't have, instead use what you can do" which stirred in his mind.

He didn't have any arms to fight the human but what he did have was some confidence. So after some deep breaths the Monster Kid ran towards frisk! and tripped, as he was tripping however something lucky happened. As Monster Kid tripped, he found his open mouth colliding with Frisk's Blood soaked wet head, leaving the two into a situation none of them expected. Frisk's head was now lodged in Monster Kid's throat, shoved in there thanks to The Kid's tripping and Frisk's soaked head. the two(Technically three as Chara watched in surprise) stood in silence as they tried to process what had happened, Monster Kid's heart only beating faster as he realized the bulge in his throat was the Human's. Monster kId was so nervous from what had just happened, as well as the fact that the human was a killer, that he didn't even think as he began to gulp on Frisk instead of trying to spit her out. She tasted amazing, her skin sweet tasting thanks to all the sweets she had snacked on herself as well as a hint of iron rich blood. As Monster Kid began to gulp her unconsciously, the two killer girls began to realize what was happening and both grew worried themselves.

Frisk screamed out a shrill shriek, as she was met with the red-ish pink-ish cavern that was Monster Kid's bulging throat. "EWW EEW! HEY LET ME SAVE FIRST!" She called out, though it was incredibly muffled at this point, feeling the hot breath and saliva making her feel nasty all over her already damp head. She felt the kife drop to the floor in the struggle, leaving her body completely helpless. And while the boy wasn't going to see her front from the angle, Monster Kid was practically forced to stare at her ass from how he had his mouth against her. The Human flailed her arms all around in an attempt to dislodge herself from the Monster's disgusting mouth but made very little progress as she was pulled ever so slightly deeper along, towards another waterfall, one that would prove to be much more dangerous to her. All the while, her closeness to Monster Kid caused her body to press against him, her rather large, soft breasts pressing against his chest, rubbing all against him as she thrashed about. She must've been completely drenched in dust and blood, or perhaps her delicious choice of snack rubbed off on her. Either way, she tasted delicious, as if she herself was a pastry, which only added on to Monster Kid's severe confusion on how to handle the situation. "P-Please! M-Monster Kid! S-stop it!! C-Chara, help!!" Is what she tried to scream, but it was barely comprehensible, but as her feet began to lift off the ground, it was very clear what she was asking for

"H-how...this has never happened before!" Chara stood there for a moment, completely dumbfounded by the situation before her. She saw Monster Kid's engorged throat, with the shape of her assistant's face in desperate agony pressing against the flesh. A million thoughts ran through Chara's head there and then, should she reset? How was she supposed to get her out of there? Was this a sign that the loops were breaking? But upon hearing the muffled screams emanating from Monster Kid's throat, the girl knew she needed to act fast. "Monster Kid, release her! NOW! or else YOU ARE NEXT!" She ran over, and grabbed onto Frisk's waist, and began pulling her away from Monster kid... Or so she tried to, but she completely underestimated the power of Monster Kid's gulp, and just how slippery Frisk's bloody body was. With one last tug, the killer slipped out of Chara's grasp, and she fell onto the hard, stone floor of the ground.

Monster Kid's feelings of vengeance were deep, but not as deep as his enjoyment for what he was doing right now. He wasn't thinking through what he was doing fully though, his mind just focused on wanting to gulp Frisk down and feel how full she made him. Still, he felt awful about what had happened. He had already gulped up to about her stomach and was continuing at it. a mysterious ghost girl had just ran over and tried to pull Frisk out, but was now strewn across the floor, the wind knocked out of her. After a few more heavy gulps, all that was left outside of Monster Kid's body was part of Frisk's legs, mainly everything below her knees like her boots. As Frisk began to enter his stomach, Monster Kid's tummy bulged out, his Orange and brown sweater being pressed against harshly as more of her entered into it with each gulp. As Frisk began to fill Monster Kid's stomach, the boy began to truthfully realize what he was doing and realizing how dangerous it would be since she didn't reach the save point. Still, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he went all the way. 

After a couple heavier gulps, the last bit of Frisk disappeared from the Stony entrance to Hotland, and into the warmer lands that was Monster Kid's insides. Through all the squirming as he gulped Frisk down, Monster Kid felt himself almost constantly falling over, but just barely able to catch himself every time. After one last particularly bad movement from Frisk though, Monster Kid felt his balance completely disappear. He toppled over and felt his ass landing onto something particularly soft that caused his legs to stretch, as well as feeling something forced up his ass. Monster Kid felt himself yelp loudly as he felt the foreign object that had been forced up his ass squirm. The object quickly became apparent to what it was as Monster Kid felt a firm hand slapping his leg. It had been that strange Chara's head that had been completely unlucky in that it laid where Monster Kid had landed. Just like Frisk, Monster Kid had no idea what he should do, and instead, decided to try and suck her up his behind, wincing intensely as he did.

"M-Monster kid!! I-I am NOT food! Spit me out, spit me oouuuut! This isn't supposed to happen" She pleaded and begged, as she was squished into the slightly-less confined space, compared to the throat at least. Frisk continued kicking and screaming, pushing out smaller bulges against the expanded gut around her, working up a sweat. "Out, out, out! Lemme out! Not food! I Didn't even save!" She said as she kicked, putting more effort into brute force than thinking. She could feel a weird tingle on her ass, which turned into a searing burn as acid began rising to work on the sudden, large meal that plopped inside, working quickly past the mush that she was sitting on

But This was nothing compared to the shouts of Chara, as her head was entrapped between the small cheeks. "S-stop this... D-disturbing... G-get off of..." Every time she opened her mouth, not only was she pulled slightly deeper in, but it also enhanced the rancid smell that was overwhelming her senses to an intense degree. A fighter to the end, Chara shut her mouth, and started slapping and hitting the kid, to try and force him to release her, giving his thighs full force slaps, but instead of being set free, she was squished further and further inside his tight anus.

Just like his tripping earlier, Monster Kid couldn't believe what he was doing. Not only was he somehow squishing a ghost up his ass, but the whole time he was getting more used to it,  His butt treat was quickly being gulped up thanks to Chara's body being soaked with ectoplasm and some other things. making it easier for her to be squished up his tight hole. The whole world around him grew silent as Monster Kid forced Chara inside him, the only thing the boy was focused on being how good the girl being squished up his ass felt. He completely tuned out Frisk's screams to be let out, which were already fairly muffled due to his stomach wall surrounding her. Monster Kid could feel the pleasure of consuming Chara overwhelming him and as her waist reached his asshole, Monster Kid felt himself let out a loud roar that caused the boy to cover his mouth embarrassed but surprised he let an inner monster out.

This also had a rather steep effect of Chara, as the pleasure caused Monster Kid to harshly suck up more of the squirming girl, pulling up a good chunk of her lower half in seconds. All that was left was her two squirming feet that were easily sucked up with the girl as Monster Kid slowly regained his normal butt shape. It took the ghost a good minute or two to fully squish through Monster Kid's intestines, his stomach slowly bulging out more as she did. Monster Kid hadn't even been prepared for her to get in there and as she did, his sweater stretches to its limits thanks to how much it was bulging out. As his gut plopped out of its tight confines that were his sweater, Monster Kid felt a deep rumble push from his stomach and up to his mouth, causing the boy to let out an extremely loud "BURRPPPPPPP!" He blushed intensely at what he had done as Monster Kid finished her trip into his stomach. With Chara sealed inside his gut now, Monster Kid was left alone in the entrance to Hotland. All that remained was him and his now bulged out gut that was incredibly loud thanks to a mixture of deep groans and gurgles as well as the two girls yelling at him to let them out. As he sat on the rocky floor, the reality of the situation slowly hit the boy, unsure about what he should do.

He knew however he was doing a good thing, His mind began to race. he realized that his stomach may have saved everyone else in the underground. He stood up on wobbly feet and stumbled home. whenever he tripped however the sound of digital cracking was heard as Frisk and Chara both were digested alive.

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