Story 232/Leon eats Sayaka

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Leon was absolutely dumbfounded by what was happening. The pop Idol that had asked him to come to her dorm was now attacking him with a knife! Leon backed against the wall and felt something against his back.

It was a Golden Katana, which acting on impulse he wielded it and blocked the incoming knife cut. "Waugh!?" Sayaka was stuttered from the sudden fighting back as Leon brought the katana against her In self defense.

(CRACK!) Leon had hit sayaka so hard in the arm it broke her wrist like a twix. This made her drop the knife. "O-Oww...! N-No" maizono groaned in pain as she tried to escape this sudden rebellion by entering the bathroom. however Leon saw how she opened the door so with some difficulty he opened the door to see Sayaka backed into the corner holding her wrist. "What the hell were you thinking?! Stupid motive got you acting like this!" Leon yelled at her as he grabbed her by the shoulders and lifted the kicking girl up.

She looked at him with pleading forgiveness seeking eyes but leon didn't care about her stupid lie. She had tried killing him for the sake of those stupid friends and she would pay for it. Leon opened his mouth wider than Sayaka had ever seen him do. "W-what are you doing???" Maizono asked horrified while her voice was shaky from the pain and fear she was experiencing. "Putting you in your proper place!" leon said before he clamps his jaws around her head and begins to push her into his esophagus.

(GULP! SLURP!) Maizono was absolutely disgusted but also frightened as the baseball star began to swallow her whole. Her head was quickly gliding down his esophagus while his neck expanded to get the delicious snake down his throat.

Leon grabbed her wrists and pinned them together starting to slide her shoulders in too. His cheeks puffed out from the width of her shoulders but it was nothing he couldn't handle. He watches the girl helplessly try squirming out of him but it was simply ticklish to a guy like him.

(Gulp! Boing!) After another couple swallows Leon managed to get her large boobs into his throat, 2 outlined orbs slid down his throat while her head was starting to peak into his hot empty stomach. "N-NO!!" She screamed like she did in the Rec Room as she tried so hard to push herself out but leon grabbed her legs so she would stop kicking and began to thrust them in. The tasty girl went down his throat like a huge thing of pasta and the struggle was soon over as Leon's jaws clamped shut around her brown buckled shoes leaving nothing but two bulges gliding down his throat to join his meal. The baseball star sat down on the floor of the bathroom and looked at his belly in shock over what he had just did.

The Outline of the girl was prominent on his gut which ripped his shirt and bursted his belt out. He panted upon feeling her squirming inside his dark hot stomach. "M-Maizono this didn't have to come to this if you hadn't been so much of a snake!" Leon said angrily hearing the muffled sounds of his prey beg for help.

He looked up and was about to get out of there but he saw something on the shower wall. It was his name upside down! He realized she was attempting to expose this making it look like he was the aggressor. "Y-You snake!" Leon exclaimed as he turned on the water and rinsed off the wall with it while his belly shakes and thrashes.

The evidence had been disposed of and the boy walked out of Sayaka's bedroom and walked back to his own dorm. He couldn't believe he had actually eaten Maizono but it was probably for the best. "Damn...I have to keep this a secret..." Leon said as he plops on his own bed and starts rubbing his aching belly.

(GURGLE! GLORP!) Leon's stomach wasn't making anymore muffled sounds implying that Maizono was submerged in his stomach acids. "This bitch better digest by the time morning comes" Leon smacked his stomach and pulls the covers over himself to go back to sleep.

In the morning leon woke up and almost completely forgot about what happened yesterday night. He stood up and was confused at first at why his pants were so tight suddenly. "huh!? WHAT THE HELL??" Leon kuwata exclaimed as he saw his ass was three times the size it was before.

Leon remembered he had killed sayaka and that she was now nothing more than pudge on his butt. Leon had no choice but to continue the day and hope nobody noticed. Leon went into the dining room and sat down at the big table hoping Nobody found out. the only thing that would be noticed though was the absence of the Pop Idol.

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