Story 216/Desert Meal

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Adam was a scholar researching Biology in a nearby American Academy. He was supposed to get info on a new species to get his degree as a Xenobiologist because he was all about that. "Ok I need to find out what things haven't been researched much" The boy said as he was driving his car to the dunes and desert of texas. He got there but his car kept shaking from left to right as if something was shaking it.

Adam reached the nearby gas station which doubled as a resturaunt. He sat down at one of the booths and waits for someone to come serve him. "You seem oddly nervous today? What's up" Adam asked the waiter who was taking his order. "Oh, you must be out of town, people have been getting torn to pieces or just disappearing out of the blue" She said as she soon brought back a nice glass of soda.

The Boy was intrigued, he wanted to know more about this so he ate his breakfast and then started to drive around the deserted town. Barely anyone lived around here. he then reached a road sign and parked beside it. " I wonder what they mean by just disappearing" The boy said to himself as he watches a herd of horses running across the desert.

What was weird was that they still had Saddles which either meant their owners forgot to take them off or their owners fell off. "Wonder what happened to them?" he mumbled but he did look down to take out his phone to see what time it was. however when he looked back up the horses were gone. it was as if they never existed. "What happened?" adam was confused but did watch more carefully. he knew something had to have caused them to disappear.

Eventually though a cow strutted into view of the boy. The cow seemed to have a bite mark on it's side. "Its larger than most predators in the area, can't be a wolf or anything like that" Adam said as he took note of this, but he kept his eyes up.

Then out of nowhere something big came out of the ground. Some kind of semi-humanoid worm with three tongues that came out of it's beak-like mouth. "Incredible! A new species of animal" Adam said unaware of it's alien origins. He watched in awe as the creature used it's three tongues to wrap up the cow and pull it into it's gaping maw. (ROOOARP!) The Sound of a Discorded swallowing sound was ringing out as the cow was swallowed whole. Traveling down the throat of the worm humanoid which judging by the more feminine and curved features Adam could tell it was a female. The worm just tunneled back underground. "This animal must have Tremorsense, I'm gonna call it a Graboid" Adam said as he now needed to get an internal view of the creatures.

The boy grabbed his phone, his tablet, and some nourishment foods before walking onto the sands. he began to make stomps on the ground to catch the worm's attention. Eventually one came. He saw it's head starting to breach through the sand. It breached upwards and it's three tongues grabbed Adam by the sides and pulled him up. "This could either hurt or be very pleasent" Adam said as the worm opened her mouth. The Tongues retracted with him in their grasp and they pulled him into the throat. He felt the backwards facing teeth making his descent much more unpleasent as his clothes got shredded on the way down. The Worm didn't understand why it just kinda walked up to her but it didn't wanna pass up a free meal.

The Boy slid down her throat as a single bulge which after a few seconds just disappeared. Adam landed in her stomach and rested his back against the wall. "Let's see, the stomach has teeth in the back for grinding food" adam said documenting this.

Vore Stories Vol.2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora