Story 296/Plushtrap Food Race

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Why did Oscar have to shoplift this toy??? It was too late for him and his friends to reconsider and returning it was far from any reachable option. To sum up what happened, Oscar was trying to get himself one of those very popular light activated rabbit boy that would play a game of freeze tag when it entered the light.

However because they were a whopping $79.99 he was not able to get one, making it worse was that his Mom had to work a lot at a hospital so it made him unable to really achieve getting this toy creature. However he regretted doing this, he shoplifted the last one which had been Sent back in a damaged box.

Oscar was foolish, he took that box and left. he and his friends Isaac and Raj had been in oscar's house to experience what the thing would do on the night before halloween.

They were sitting there playing video games when they heard knocking on Oscar's door where Oscar had begun to charge the Plushtrap Chaser.

(Thud! Thud!)

The Three Boys slowly looked to the door and began to realize it was the Toy! the banging was replaced with the sound of salivation and the door handle began to rattle. Suddenly the crunching came as Plushtrap had it's mouth around the Door Handle and suddenly tore it out of the door, both sides too.

The three boys didn't stick around and ran while Plushtrap looked through the hole it made in the door. It's human-like cheeks puffed out with the doorknob being placed perfectly in it's mouth. sensing it couldn't make friends with this door in the way, He tossed his head back and swallowed the Doorknob which went down vertically in an oddly grotesque way but didn't seem to effect the Thing. It then began to literally eat through the door like an Oversized termite.

Soon there was a large enough of a gap in the door for the Rabbit boy to crawl through. He felt a lump in his synthetic stomach from the doorknob and chewed up wood but that wouldn't stop him.

The Three boys had locked themselves in Oscar's Mom's room and climbed on top of the Wardrobe feeling like Gargoyles up there.

The door they had just locked began to start experiencing the same blows that Oscar's door had, except these ones started as scraping. The Teeth punctured through the wood of the door and with some incisions took the doorknob out into the darkness of the rest of the house.

(Glp~) The sound of the Plushtrap Chaser swallowing the Doorknob came from behind Oscar's Mom's door before the chewing reappeared.

Plushtrap ate it's way into the room with those now more sharpened teeth and tossed the last piece of wood down it's throat before looking for the boys.

Eventually Plushtrap's eyes discovered the three boys on top of the wardrobe. "Ah crap, I forgot the lights!" Isaac panicked as that was the only thing that could stop Plushtrap Chasers.

The three just hoped that this would be enough height between them.

"Friends up top, come down please" The Rabbit Boy suddenly said in an Organic sounding voice. The three boys fears began to heighten because of the fact this thing just spoke.

Plushtrap walked over to the Leg of the Wardrobe and wrapped it's jaws around it and bit down, pulling outwards which made the weight of the wardrobe uneven now.

As Plushtrap swallowed the piece into the paste that was the previous wood chunks, the three boys and the Wardrobe toppled over sending the three boys sprawling helplessly onto the ground.

Plushtrap advanced upon the first two he saw, Isaac and Raj who began to feel wetness encompass their legs. They looked back and barely lit by the flouresent light of the street lamp outside was the Thing Boy. it was dragging the 2 boys down it's throat which felt so hot and wet, like putting on a sock that has been dumped in warm chili.

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