Story 233/Kokichi's Curse

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There she had him, Maki the Ultimate Assassin, with her fist clenched tightly around the neck of Kokichi the Ultimate Supreme leader. "I've had it with you! You've ticked me off for the last time" Maki spat in his face as she knew this little bastard wouldn't be missed. 

"Heh, Oh i'm so scared, You horrify me" Kokichi said sarcastically with a creepy grin replacing his choked face. Maki gritted her teeth and decided that this Stupid guy would be nothing more than shit.

There was something that nobody did know about Kokichi, Namely how he became a leader in the first place. In this case it was something that only Korekiyo would have been able to fully comprehend. If someone were to kill him then his spirit would split into 2 after he did his freaky stare and then one of it would take over the mind of his attacker and the other would respawn him like some kind of horcrux.

"But if you eat me Maki I will totally not come back from the dead and take you over" Kokichi said with a nasal sounding expression due to being strangled. However as he was giving his white faced grin Maki struck. Maki pryed open her mouth stuffed his face in her mouth.

Kokichi's world quickly became dark and smelly like the countless times he did this to get his enemies to become his allies. He slowly went down her esophagus and headed for her belly where he would rest for the transformation. Maki didn't bother to remove any of his clothes as that would be evidence for the others to pin against her. she swallowed him down since she was still able to taste his body. Kokichi's chest slid off her tongue and then she reached his stomach. His head reaches her belly and it starts to expand on the outside. His crotch was the next to make it into her mouth, followed by his legs. Soon his knees slid between her lips and then his feet. He belly grew even bigger and continue to grow as she swallowed the rest of him with one more gulp.

Maki gave a wince as she felt the feet of the foul mouthed guy slide down her throat but in the end she had him all in her belly. "That should take care of you" Maki said with a cold hard tone as she slaps the top of her round belly.

Kokichi began to squirm in her hot slimy belly to keep the illusion that he was afraid. "Ahhh! Noo you've bested me you dumb Whore" Kokichi put on his crying fake expression as he kicked and shoved against the hot slimy walls. (Groan! Slosh!) Maki rolled her eyes as she began to walk back to her dorm to digest him.

Maki was able to successfully get back to her dorm and locked it tight. She felt kokichi had stopped kicking so she assumed he had given up. "Given up already? Tch, some supreme leader you are" Maki scoffed as she gives her stomach a hardened slap making it shake. "MMMF!" Kokichi gave a yelp from the slap and already was impressed by the speed he was being digested. he watches as his biceps were being coated in the green acids all over her belly. "You better be digested by the time I wake up tomorrow" Maki scoffed as she took off her clothes and got into her sleep wear which was her pajamas.

She plopped into bed and covered herself in her blanket but her belly made a noticeable growth in the blanket. Meanwhile kokichi was starting to be no longer recognizable, his body had begun to fall apart due to the strong stomach that churned him down into proteins "hehehe, Time to get a new recruit" Kokichi chuckled before he was fully submerged in stomach acids.

In the morning Maki got out of bed and gave a stretch to get her body into working order. She felt noticeably different so she looked in the mirror. Her breasts and ass had become twice as large as they once were as she cradled her new breasts. "Tch, finally that piece of shit is worth something" She said unaware that Kokichi now could take control of her whenever he wanted. and the replicated kokichi listened through the door with another eerie grin

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