Story 254/Laughing Meal

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Urotsuki was going back to sleep after a strange creepy dream. The hospital area she had been in was sure normal but goodness the sound was droning, It sounded like a foghorn turned into a song. No matter she had woken up and taken a break from the dream world to document her findings in her dream diary. She yawned again as she felt the sleep taking her over again. it was only 2 in the morning so She knew she could get more sleep. She laid back down on her bed and began to snore. Her mind slipped into another dimension and she was able to dream walk. she found herself in a mysterious green house, it looked old and rotten. "Its so creepy" Urotsuki said as she got on a bike and drove through the tall green hallways until she entered a room.

"Huh?!" Urotsuki gasped when she saw what was in the corner of the room. It was a large bed which on top of it was a pitch black incredibly curvy woman who's face was just a pale white dish with a drill on it, beneath it was a red crescent mouth with no teeth or tongue. Urotsuki thought she was gonna get caught but then realized she was motionless.

That was until the lady began to laugh "HAhahahaha! hah..." The lady let out a sinister humanoid cackle, her shoulders rose and fell quickly as she did and then returned to being silent.

something about this creepy woman made Urotsuki very unsettled, why was she just laughing to herself? There wasn't a TV or anything that would amuse a random person which made it even worse that some giant lady was just laughing to herself. (GROOOANNN!) The Stomach of Urotsuki growled which contrary to it happening in real life.

She didn't know it but her crush Adam had come home from his job and laid beside her. This would prove fatal as Urotsuki wanted to maybe eat this giant lady. It was a Dream after all but she was still scared. she walked behind the bush sticking out of the ground and tried to see any sort of eyes. there was none, except maybe the drill but that didn't appear to have any way for seeing. Urotsuki walked up to the side of the bed and crawled on her hands to the woman's pitch black toes. they were as tall as she was which made her very nervous. She tries to start her feast, she opens her mouth and puts her expanded mouth around her black big toes. this however wasn't a good idea as she started laughing again.

The shaking from her laughter caused her to get slightly jerked off the feet and causing her to fall on her ass. "this is difficult, every time she laughs it makes it hard to eat" Urotsuki complained as she just really wanted to eat the lady. She began to look through her effects to see what would help. Eventually she came upon the Phone option. "I wonder if this can work" Urotsuki said as she turned her head into a phone.

Suddenly the Jet black woman began to laugh hysterically and without any indication of when and where the next laugh would come from "HAHAHhhahahahHAhhhhahahahhAhhhhHEHEHEHEHEEE!" was what came out of her disturbing mouth as Urotsuki's phone head returned to normal.

This went on for about five whole minutes before the lady stopped and actually ceased laughing. Now was her chance. "Hungry! I have to eat" Urotsuki said quietly as she took the chance and expanded her jaws incredibly wide.

She closed her mouth around her giant feet, her heels resting on her tongue. She hadto just spend a few seconds taking in the flavours. It was everything She had wanted to do ever since she spotted her. Now she was sure he needed more. She grabbed her ankles behind the feet and took a long, needy (GULP). 

As the legs of the being she once feared slid and came to rest on her tongue, a wholenew sensation washed over him. Her black legs had tasted divine, as she hadn't expected,but the texture of her supple legs made her crave it even more. Only in her dreams could she haveimagined what the rest of her body would taste like, and she was dying to find out.Another strong swallow brings her lips just to the bottom of her thighs already feeling her ankles in her stomach, and her throat is significantly pushedout from having two big legs in it. She plans on claiming her thighs and hips quickly,both to taste them as much as she can, and to ease the stress her jaw will face when having to engulf something larger than her entire body.Bringing her hands once again around her black rump, Urotsuki begins to suck the restof her legs slowly into her mouth. Her thighs, being much more meaty than hercalves, have become deliciously warm from the sweat of laughing so much and taste even strongerbecause of it. 

It's driving her crazy as it felt so life-like. As her thighs enter her stomach, she makessure to take her time licking and tasting every inch of her upper ass. She is looking more like a creepy snake by the second. Looking down wasn't really anoption anymore, as her pale white jaw is now opened far too wide, so she has to doeverything by touch and feel in this dream-like state.Then she feels it. Her small tongue has arrived at the main course. The Laughing Lady's godlike,gargantuan ass. She places her hands on her hips, and takes one incredible (GULP)

Now she was really more confident. The feeling of her soft pillowy booty cheeks on her small tongue, the way her own cheeks are stretched impossibly wide like a chipmunk, and how her lower thighs are just starting to stretch out her belly, are combining for an utterly unmatched experience. She spends at least a full minute licking and lightly chewing the still Un-moving Lady's behind. The only regret she has is that her tongue isn't quite large enough to reach her lower butt. the lady's spine is now resting on Urotsuki's huge jaw, so It's raised a little into the air to face the drill faced lady.

Perhaps this is what makes her let out her first laugh in awhile. This brings Urotsuki back to her dreamy state. Can't risk letting her wiggle up now. With regret in her heart that she can only do this once, she presses her tongue into her huge jet black ass, and swallows. As her tongue moves on to her lower back her cheeks return to a more normal size somewhat of 2.2 meters in girth, but her throat bulges out with its newfound meat.Her mouth now free from it's sensory overload, she brings her hands back up again to her stomach.With her lips now gliding over her soft yet wiggly tummy, her legs are starting to bend in his own stomach, causing it to bulge heavily in an orb shape, pushing her legs and ass into the air slightly like a dog stretching. Her mouth comes up on her ribs, so she grabs onto the silky skin of her breasts in preparation to take them in.When they slide into her wide maw, she can't help but chew on them a little bit which of course draws some laughs from the creepy lady making her vibrate violently in the throat making Urotsuki slightly sick, but it was short lived.

Now just her head and arms are left outside her body. It seems like she's about to start her laughing phase so Urotsuki decides it's time to claim all of her. She gets up as best she can, lifting her heavy hands above her with her own.This does shake her from her stop, but it is of course much too late."Hwa? hahhaa! hehe-" (GULP).

Just like that she swallows her pointy head into her gaping maw. the woman started to laugh right away, trying to flail her arms and legs while each laugh shook the girl pred. But her legs are trapped in her tiny pred's belly, and her arms are pinned to the side of her head by her wide jaws. With a few more slurps and swallows even the last trace of her is eaten up like spaghetti.

Urotsuki laid on the bed feeling the large hands of the dark woman go down her throat and she sighed in relief. "MMMPH!" She could feel the woman laughing in her stomach as it processes her like the meal she was.

(UUUURP!) Urotsuki burped which automatically woke her up. She sat up in bed but felt heavy.

"Huh? What the?" Urotsuki looked down to see a large gut hanging beneath her purple shirt.

"Mmmph Um Urotsuki you ate me in your sleep" Adam said confused but not at all mad as he pushes his hands against her tough belly.

She felt herself blush in embarrassment as she realized she ate her crush, she must have done it in her sleep. she rested her hand on her soft belly and just rubs it apologetically. "S-sorry Adam, I didn't mean to" She said as she hoped she would forgive her.

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