Story 277/Critical Failure

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This story is a DnD story based off the meme of Rolling a 1 on the 20 sided dice and failing horribly at the task but with a more hilarious ending.

Adam was an Average Elf Boy, aware of the many reformations he had went through before this but this cycle threw him for a loop. This curse he was subjected to wasn't limited in reforming him as a human but a variety of humanoids. This was just shocking to Adam because the many times in the past he reformed had been human. The Good News was that the elf people were nice and considered him a lost child.

They accepted him and when he slipped up he was actually very old they didn't mind either since Elves were very old sometimes. So he liked his new current home hidden in the woodlands and made a few friends. his newest friend was a dude named Yulo who loved playing games in the treeline with Adam including tag and hide the flower. However today Adam went outside and saw a bunch of his fellow elves staring to the side at something that Adam couldn't see. 

"what's happening Yulo?" Adam asked his friend who was also watching.

"look! A group of adventurers...and they have what seems to be a Barbarian tied up in the back of a Cart" Yulo said as Adam peered out from beside him.

indeed there was a group of six Girls which each were a different race and one of which was locked in a cage and clanging at the bars like a rabid monkey. They were lead by a tall blue tiefling who also matched the race of the other girl in the cage implying they were likely twins. the girl in the cage notably was acting very aggressive and Adam knew exactly what she was. "Murder hobo barbarian" flashed in his mind as he watched her try and break the cage.

Next to the more peaceful blue tiefling was a fellow elf who had an Emerald bow and arrows in a sling and was also fairly popular around here for calming down a wrathful Monster. on the other side of the blue tiefling was a White Dragonborn who wielded a whip with enchanted spikes on it which would cause cold damage on contact.

riding in the cart to make sure the cage didn't burst open were the rest of the group who were all humans with special enchanted swords. The girl in the cage was a darker blue compared to this leader and she was clearly a bit unhinged. Adam suspects they keep her in case of a conflict in which they would release her like a Velociraptor.

"Bud, You see that Elf there? That's my big sis" Yulo said with the sense of being Proud.

"Oh! I see-WOAH!" He yelps as Yulo grabbed his wrist and pulled him with him as Yulo went up to his sister.

"Big sis! Good to see you again!" Yulo said to the slightly taller elf girl who loomed over them.

"Ah! little rascal! who's your friend?" The Elf woman said as she got on her knee and looked at Adam.

"His name is Adam, He got lost and we decided to take him in" Yulo said as Adam was kinda nervous.

"H-hello M-miss" He said with a slight stutter.

The Elf woman chuckled and pat Adam's head. "My name is Elise, Nice to meet you newcomer" She said as Adam enjoyed the soft pat.

But Adam also noticed the Tiefling in the cage was glaring at him, her eyes fixed on him like daggers. Adam was nervous so he naturally took a step back. coincidentally as if a 20 sided die was rolled, a metal bird familiar crashed into the cage and undid the lock. the bird fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Seeing her chance. the Tiefling girl pushed open the gate and leaped at the horrified Adam with a Great Ax risen above her head. "AHHH!" Adam screamed as the Murder hobo came towards him to the horror of her party members and the other elves.

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