Story 246/Just for her

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Elizabeth afton finally got the right opprotunity. her precious daddy was talking to his business partner Henry which gave her the perfect time to go see Circus baby, the most shiny looking biomatronic

She smelled like birthday cake and even could make balloons with her hands! it was such a cool Biomechanical marvel that Its no wonder dear elizabeth got so close. However the problem was that there was usually children everywhere so elizabeth wasn't able to get close. However today was different. There was yellow and black caution tape around her stage making it clear that she was either broken or just needed a clean up, she did have what appeared to be cherry colored soda all over her.

"Daddy isn't watching, Nobody's around, I can make my move" Elizabeth said quietly as she tip toed over to the stage and climbed onto it.

She got over the tape and looked up at the blue eyed lady. she activated and looked down at the little girl, currently her legs were locked up from the servos being unable to work during stage play so she wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

"Hello little girl..." Circus baby tried to form comprehensive words but it seemed her voice box was messed up for some reason. Elizabeth got up closer and realized she was too short for what she wanted to do. "Wait a second" She said as she hopped off the stage to get a stool.

She brought it back to the confusion of the Biomechanical clown girl and stood up on it to get as tall as her.

"Do you w-w-w-w-agaduabbewa-Want some ice cream?" The Clown girl asked as she took an Ice cream out from the mechanical compartment Embedded into her skin.

However Elizabeth was still wanting to Keep what she thought her father made just for her. She she took her hands and grabbed Circus baby by the shoulders and pressed down. This made her arms stop working as she had watched her father work on these robots, and this allowed her to be unable to stop elizabeth from opening her mouth as wide as her father did on Occasion whenever he had to take a nut or bolt out of it for repairing.

Baby's face fell as she realized what The Girl intended to do to her. "N-No don't do it! You're gonna choke! " Her head was forced into the smaller girl's mouth, drenching Baby's hair in saliva as Elizabeth Enacted what she wanted to do for a long time.

 "Mmm! It's so tasty!" Elizabeth softly moaned, enjoying the cool birthday cake flavor of her meal. Widening her mouth, she managed to get the Biomechanical Clown's shoulders down, bringing her to one of the road blocks, a girl's boobs. She felt very hopeful she'd get boobs like this girl had someday because she liked this boy a little bit and wanted to give him something to nap on whenever he felt sleepy. Elizabeth got creative, utilizing her tongue for licking and her fingers for poking and pinching, the Girl played with Circus baby as she wanted to see how it worked, causing all sorts of shrieks and yelps from within her chest cavity, not to mention twitches as she licked the lumps of fat and toyed with the nipples through the iron of her metallic clothes.

"Nooooo This is my first day on stage!" Baby Complained, trying to move in the little girl's throat, before nearly retching as her head was forced into the Child's belly. She never got used to all the acrid smells of this stomach, and winced as a drop of gastric slime landed on the back of her neck. She was dinner for a customer this evening. Elizabeth's belly swelling with every gulp, her shirt rising up and skirt stretching with it.

Once Elizabeth had had enough, she moved on, swallowing twice to get her down to the Clown's waist, dragging her tongue on every bit of the piece of meat metal that she could reach.The clothes barely dampened the flavor. The midsection slid down, and Elizabeth ran her tongue slowly over Clown's red skirt and plump, juicy ass then gulped that down as well. The legs slid into her mouth and down her gullet with some difficulty due to their wideness.Reaching the clown shoes, she gave a final few licks before sending those down as well. Sliding through her gullet, the legs and feet soon reached the rest of Circus Baby, and with that, she was packed away into the Child's gut. Elizabeth looked down to the belly underneath her pink shirt and shed a slight tear seeing that the ice cream she had was sprawled on the floor.

Baby was forced to curl up, knees against her face, within the stomach of a Ginger girl. "Cawthon I hate this...First day on stage and I get eaten alive" she groaned as the slimy walls pressed all around her, soaking her metal clothing and growls erupting aplenty. This girl's stomach was somehow even tighter than that of her own scooper compartment, Circus baby panicked realizing she would get digested. "L-Let me go! AH! its getting hot" Circus baby complained as she tries remove but felt a hard pat from above her, and she was resigned to being food. Elizabeth could hear muffled protests and grunts coming from inside her.

"Sorry but daddy made you just for me! he told me" She said sweating as she pat her swollen gut.

Just as Elizabeth finished swallowing Baby she released a hearty burp which signalled the end of her five course. 


The burp caught the attention of Elizabeth's father. "E-Elizabeth darling what did you do??" he asked, his tone amused and concerned. "I ate the metal lady, She tasted so yummy! but I dropped the ice cream she gave me" Elizabeth exclaimed, waddling to the edge of the stage and sitting on the edge, patting her swollen gut which was almost as big as her. Elizabeth's Skirt and shirt had stretched so far to the point where her stomach burst from them and wobbled when it was free. The stomach was making churning and gurgling sounds already.

"Elizabeth w-why did you eat circus baby?? It was her first day on stage!" William asked concerned but still honestly impressed.

"UUURP-I thought you said you built her just for meee" Elizabeth said as this caused William to stop and put down his hands. "R-right i said that...I'll just have to make another one" William said sighing with his hand in his face.

(GROWLL!) meanwhile within the stomach Circus Baby was losing the battle, her white skin and metallic clothes were somehow dissolving into the little girl's body like the very ice cream she tried to lure her with. "" Circus baby short circuited from all the fluids getting into her systems and stopped moving.

"I'm gonna go home now" Elizabeth said as she hopped off the stage and accidentally landed on her belly. This made a loud crack sound as Circus baby was crushed to bits from the smash.

"Owww...My tummy hurts" Elizabeth groaned in pain until her skirt ripped from the behind as circus baby's pudge was added to her.

"O-oh goodness, what is this?" Elizabeth at first was stunned with confusion but then realizing she got bigger like this she formed an eerie near identical to her father.

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