237/Funtime Dance Together

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Adam was walking through funtime auditorium unaware of how aggressive this funtime foxy girl was. In the darkness the girl was stirring. her yellow eyes were dimly illuminating an area as she perceived the walking figure as food.

She began to approach carefully. (FLASH!) She was blinded by a flash beacon that Adam had and twitched out madly. Adam saw her standing several meters away and from the fright he dropped the light.

"Ow ow ow!" Funtime foxy rubs her eyes in pain as Adam heard her slightly loud voice.

Adam walked forwards cautiously and the light illuminated her rubbing her eyes in slight agony. "A-are you ok?" Adam asks as his nice side was poking through.

"Y-You hurt my eyes...I-i just wanted food" Funtime Foxy slightly whined as Adam quickly realizes she wants to swallow him. "You don't get food down here do you?" He asks as he looks at the tall girl.

She shook her head and Adam began to think. He had an idea and decided that would be a good way to take a break. "Ok I'll make a deal with ya, Funtime foxy. you let me pass and go do my work on funtime freddy and when I come back you can eat me" He said making funtime foxy's biometallic tail wag.

"R-Right! Um sure, I-ill let you pass" She stepped out of the way and sat on her show stage as she watched from the darkness as Adam walked into the room.

Funtime foxy tapped her nails on the side of the stage waiting for the boy to come back. Eventually she heard the door open and she quickly stood up. Adam stumbled out of the room and was sweating heavily. "Are you ok sir?" Funtime foxy asked as she saw he was breathing heavily.

"Funtime freddy's bonnie puppet just assaulted me in there" he said hitching breaths almost every second. He took five minutes to calm down and took a sigh. "Ok so I'm finished with my shift...You can Eat me now" Adam said to the Biomatronic who's lips began to drool rapidly

"I-I honestly thought you were joking but i-i won't pass up an opprotunity!" She said pretty loudly as she picks the teen up. her maw widened and stuffed Adam's head inside.


The Hat he had on ended up falling off Adam's head and were swallowed before his entire head fell into Funtime Foxy's throat."Hey its all silvery in here yet also somehow slimy" Adam Commented. Adam stayed still in the Biomatronic's haunted grasp.


Funtime Foxy brought in more of Adam, now holding the Boy's arms down and her lips spread over the slim frame of Adam slowly gulping him down. Adam moved around still studying the mysteriously human-like throat. Now Foxy knew she had to eat Adam if she wanted more of his tasty flavor. Foxy started working on the chest which was not much of a problem due to how skinny he was, easily getting it down her gullet forcing more and more of the Teen down her throat. The small chest was gripped tightly by the gullet making Adam pant from the moistness and heat.


Adam was lifted off the ground more as Foxy worked her hardest slurping the skinny flat stomach of Adam which basically had no meat to it. Adam laughed at the top of his lungs as she licks his tum with her silvery tongue while his head was forced into the tight stomach feeling the walls pushing out.

"Man this stomach is incredibly high tech, not even tech at all" said Adam still amazed.
Adam felt both of Foxy's hands on his small ass and easily Foxy gulped rapidly getting the hips and bubbly ass down her throat as the skinny legs stuck out of her mouth. Adam kicked in the air and his shoes flung off his feet which hit the floor making an echo and Funtime Foxy swiftly slurped in the noodle legs before shutting her mouth and swallowed the feet down. Adam was dragged down the tight slimy gullet and the gut grew bigger and bigger until it broke out of Funtime Foxy's white dress and sagged down. The Curious Adam cooed and immediately starting touching the walls inside of Foxy pushing the walls with his hand and slightly cursed that he didn't have much light. 

"Woah, that was surprisingly tasty! I'm surprised you were so willing and not squirmy, Oh well I enjoyed it either way. You don't mind if You are digested are you?" Funtime Foxy asked as she gently pokes his handprints.

"Not at all, Besides I did say I would be your meal after all" Adam said as he gently hugs his knees to his chest.

Funtime Foxy listened and just slowly strokes her churning gut, letting it process Adam as she sat down on her stage, her Biometallic tail wagging quickly. Adam's eyes widened with awe as the stomach acids sloshed around him, getting her all ready to melt down. They were bright blue and smelled like birthday cake which he didn't know was to keep the children they captured from panicking. They started to tingle at his body and Adam giggles louder than ever before as the sudden tingling caught him off guard. "Hehe that tickles!" His entire body felt like it was being tickled by soft hands and it was relentless. Adam Squirmed and Giggles as his skin turned pink slowly melting away into the acids. he pressed his head and hands into the stomach walls painfully being digested in the process. Funtime Foxy giggled as well gently rubbing her gut as her tail was out of control. It just felt so good to have a full squirming gut.
She belched and Adam Giggled more, still enjoying the room he was in.
"I've never been in a stomach so fascinating" commented Adam

"You've been eaten before Sir?" Funtime foxy asks curiously as she gently sat against the stage questioning him.

"Many times, its why I let you eat me" Adam said as he kept rubbing her stomach to let her enjoy a good meal.

An hour passed and Adam was still being digested and his clothes were torn to bits but still clung to his soft body. The Tingly feeling of digestion only got worse but Adam could no longer move. It was like his body was slush every time she moved and he felt like if he tried again his arms and legs would snap and fall off.
"My Name....is.....Adam" muttered Adam as Funtime Foxy had wondered this too, this clearly wasn't her creator so she knew he wasn't to blame.
Funtime Foxy was able to not lay down the entire time but she had to do something so she squished her belly a bit feeling her soft prey inside. The sudden added pressure made Adam Yelp and then a snap came. Funtime Foxy ended up killing Adam. but she smiled and laid her head on her gut listening to the body inside her break down into soup.
The stomach took another hour to digest the limp body of Adam grinding it down into an unrecognizable stew of meat, bones, and torn clothes. It sloshed around inside Foxy and the gut churned away until it was finished. The intestines opened up and the mush rushed through Foxy's guts and she chuckled. Funtime Foxy rubs her shrinking belly all the way until it is a small gut. Foxy felt her breasts up as they ended up growing bigger and they actually snapped her stage show shirt. She took it off letting them free and felt her soft ass on the stage.

"Thank's adam, Wonder how long the people will go before they notice" She said as somewhere out there circus baby facepalmed.

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