Story 280/Willing Rival Dinner

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Adam had finally defeated the Elite Four and Geeta by the skin of his and His partner's teeth. His Skeledirge and Him barely secured the win. They barely Won with Skeledirge using an unexpected Earth Power on Champion Geeta's Glimmora.

As Adam and Geeta were exiting the Pokemon League. They were met by an Excited Nemona who could barely contain her excitement. "Adam! Adam! You really Did it! You beat Top Champion Geeta!" She said as she had sparkly eyes, the trainer she had tutored up to this point had now beaten Geeta in a battle and now was a New Champion. 

"Oh! hehe I did didn't I? I'm still shocked I managed to pull it off..." Adam said still sweating from the battle. 

"Hey Adam...Hows about we have a battle after you heal your Pokemon? Come on, Champion against Champion!" She said enthusiastically.

"Calm now Nemona, Young Adam might be Tired after his Elite Four battle, You may need to let him rest first" The Casual Geeta said as Nemona tried to hide her Pout.

However before Nemona could Accept the fact, Adam stepped in. "Wait, Nemona, I think I can battle again, let me heal my Pokemon and get a Bite to eat" Adam said as he walked to the nearby Pokemon Center and handed his Pokeballs to Nurse Joy.

"I'll heal up your Precious Pokemon Right away" She said as she placed them on the pad and began to type on the bright digital keyboard as the Pokemon on Adam's team began to heal.

Adam was a patient boy and instead of mashing the hypothetical B button to skip over a Cutscene he waited. Eventually his Pokemon were all healed up and given back to them, which he characteristically hugged the Pokeballs to his chest before putting them away. "Your Pokemon are All healed up, We hope to See you Again" Nurse Joy Said bowing politely.


"U-um actually nurse joy...Can I ask another favor of you?" Adam asks as he knows the nearest food market was like miles down the mountain.

Nurse Joy leaned over the Counter with curiosity. "What else can I do for you?" She asks eager to know his needs.

"Well...I-i-i'm kinda hungry...A-and I wanted to know If it would B-be alright if I-I ate you?" He asks in the most polite way possible.

Nemona and Geeta couldn't hear this conversation because they were too far away but did wonder why Nurse Joy went slightly wide eyed.

The Nurse was confused but still wanting to help. "Um...Well It's a difficult response, I know you want to get something to eat but I also don't know if someone will come to my center and Need help with me not being there" Nurse joy said kind of at an Equalibrium.

"M-maybe I could let you out After I digest you?" Adam asked trying to find work arounds.

"How would that work? Wouldn't I be churned into nutrients?" Nurse joy asked not quite knowing how that would work.

"I've learned to Reform people either on my own or with Pawmot using Revival Blessing" Adam said explaining himself a bit.

This made Nurse Joy ease up about being eaten so she nodded. "Very well...You may proceed, But please stand by your word" Nurse Joy said as she leaned close enough for Adam to Commence Consumption.

Adam unhinged his lower jaw and clamped down on the Nurse's head. This made her wince, having never had it ever happen before yet she knew it would happen, but the sensation was still So new. His tongue rustled through her Pink hair sending her slowly to the back of his throat. He sampled her hair's smooth texture a little more picking up traces of Chancy Fur which made him awkwardly confused but hey food was food. 

Adam leaned forward pressing his lips over her neck. A quick succession of gulps rang in her ears as the boy used his wet tongue to draw more of his meal inside of his tired self.

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