Story 257/Bubble Beast Hunt

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This was certainly a Familiar world, Xenith had landed from space onto a strange planet which he had felt incredible power coming from. this world reminded him of Earth, the planet which had gone through so much tragedy. But this one was larger and had a lot of wonderful energy coming from it. 

Xenith sat up out of the crater and looked at his Stellar Map, this planet was a few inches closer to it's home star than earth was but it was still in the Green Habitable zone.

He was happy he found a nice habitable planet so he began to look for civilization. "I-its so...majestic" Xenith said softly as he walked through the beautiful Frosty Islands biome. However interestingly it was more flooded than it was icy, Implying it to be some kind of Cold Swamp.

Xenith watched as he stepped into the watery area making his pants up to his knees get wet. He didn't care about the odd cold feeling of the water against him like most people but did need to make sure his devices didn't get wet. 

The Boy Continued through the water until His nose wrinkled, he picked up the smell of what appeared to be some kind of Cat or something of the sort. He took a glance up on the side of a cold rocky cliff and saw three figures which looked like cats but they stood on their hind legs. They just curiously stared down at Xenith with wide eyes, two of them had blue eyes while the third had green eyes.

Xenith smiled seeing cats so he opened his wings and zipped up there. The force of him jumping out of the water to fly made the water around him part like the red sea for a split second. This also slightly startled the Felyines and caused them to drop their small pickaxes. Xenith landed behind them and this kicked up some snow as well as making them fall on their bottoms.

Expecting the worst, the Felyines covered their eyes. This was however washed away as They felt the Boy begin patting and scratching behind their ears. (Scratch! Scratch!) Xenith gently scratched behind their ears making them start to slowly become more comfortable around him.

"Mrrrow!" The Three Felyines went as they enjoyed the scratches. However Xenith began to smell something else, Some kind of Scaly substance mixed with metals and Skin.

He turned abruptly and saw a Human? Yes they appeared human. Specifically looked like An Asian Female who wore a strange set of armor. The Armor had comprised of red scales, as rough as rocks or steel and some grey substances smelling like actual Iron. they had a much slimmer build than a male so Xenith was able to Identify this human as a Female. Their face was covered by a helmet identical to ones he learned about in World History from the Middle Ages but again covered in the red scales. Slung on their back was a large sword about as long as they were, It looked quite heavy.

"Drat, I've been spotted" The person said as her hand twitched when Xenith whirled around to her.

She clutched what appeared to be a sling with an insect on it, the insect acting like some kind of projectile. Xenith however didn't sense anything wrong with this individual as He didn't detect Evil in them. "State your name...beastly boy" The Woman said trying to be intimidating to him.

However Xenith couldn't tell she was trying to be intimidating so he cracked a smile and waved. "H-hello...M-my name's Xenith S-stephenson" He said with some difficulty. Xenith was always one to struggle speaking, He was partially mute.

"Hey take this seriously" The Woman said thinking him smiling was a form of mockery, But it clearly wasn't as His smile turned to a confused expression.

Xenith continued to subconsciously pat one of the Felyines heads which told The Lady that he wasn't evil, Despite his almost demonic horns and wings.

The Confrontation was cut short when they heard the sound of a loud roaring noise. It sounded high pitched an Enraged catching the attention of the Woman who immediately drew her greatsword. Xenith however ducked and covered his ears hearing the roar. He had hypersensitivity in the two sets of ears so that sudden roar filled him with that painful roar. "Owweiiiee!" Xenith cried slightly from the high pitched roar.

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