Story 287/Triwizard Tournament Pre-game Training

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Those eyes were fit for his Gryffindor title of being brave and protective. "...sorry Adam" Ron said realizing his little mistake.

"it's ok ron, Now let's try apparition first, I mean if you wanna get around and not get hit You better have reason to know this" Adam said as he put down some Rings on the floor.

"Okay...Man all this stealth has made me hungry" Adam grumbled as he sat down on the side of the line of rings and felt his stomach rumble for more pumpkin juice.

"Okay..." Harry tried concentrating with this spell...slowly thinking of where he wanted to go. "Go on you can do it" Hermione said while rubbing harry's shoulder to ease his tension while still holding onto ron's arm unaware of the disaster this would Ensue.

Harry was concentrating, feeling the spell go throughout him but then he unexpectedly thought of what to feed Adam after this testing, after all Adam did help get these spells early so he deserved some kind of reward for it. However this little mess up Would prove disastrous as The three vanished in front of Adam's eyes.

"Woah! it wor-BUUUUUURP!" Adam felt weight suddenly swell in his stomach and he was forced to kneel down as his stomach expanded like how Harry described blowing up his Aunt only this time it was filled with three distinct shapes.

"Huh? W-wait what happened?" A muffled voice came from his stomach sounding like a confused harry. Adam's eyes widened and he froze but then took immediate action subconsciously by casting a protection from Stomach Acids spell on his belly.

"Where the Bloody hell are we?" The distinct confused voice of ron came through the belly while movement began to start in the rolling gut.

"U-uh oh, Guys i think...Harry you might have Warped us into Adam's stomach" Hermione said sounding nervous but still trying to act as if she had a lead on the situation.

"W-wha...N-nononono guys im so sorry!" Adam's fear welled up within him as he felt the boys and girl push on his stomach walls.

The writhing mass of skin and muscle under his chest made him literally unable to move. However as Adam was preparing to whine he heard an equally iconic sound coming from one of the toilets. "Oh My..., What do we have here?" The melancholic voice of Moaning Myrtle sounded out as she came out of the toilet to see Adam's big wide expression and huge gut full of squirming teens.

"I-i-i-i..." Adam couldn't speak well...He had become so afraid of having his friends trapped in his belly that his dialogue was suffering big time.

"Oh~ It appears you have made like a Slytherin and devoured your friends...or was it on accident and you are too baffled to even say anything?" she said in a quiet voice as she lowered herself next to Adam and touched his belly, obviously her hand phased through his belly as well as scaring poor ron causing him to jolt back and make Adam belch.

"U-um I tried to test harry for the T-triwizard tournament by showing him h-higher magics but h-he accidentally apparated into my belly" Adam said squeakishly as Myrtle gave a snicker.

"Oh...Well I know the Counter Spell" Myrtle said making Adam go wide eyed as his stomach jiggled implying that Hermione had also sat up and listened.

"Y-you Do?? Oh right you were around in the past with those spells, Please tell me!" Adam begged as he put his hands together.

"Hmmm...Okay but I expect something in return for my duty helping you~ Hmm hm hm~" Myrtle said as she looked him literally dead in the eyes.

"Okay okay! but please tell me the counter spell" Adam agreed many times over as his gut was wobbling above his knees.

"Okay...So basically you wanna say Reverse Vorax Intestina, If you do they will be digested however you will find they will reform piece by piece where the Apperate spell was performed, in other words you're gonna have to juice down your precious friends into your...Mmm~ nice buttocks and then they will come back" Myrtle said not only explaining to him about the process of getting them out but she was also flirting with him, after all they had similar insecurities.

Adam blushed hearing the way she talked and tried not to show any signs of it yet his face gave it away like a search flare. "B-but does it really have to be d-digestion? W-what if the spell doesn't work?" Adam asked being all afraid because what if Harry digests and something happens with the Goblet of fire? Plus he would lose his 3 friends if it failed.

"It's fine, I've seen it been used before at one point but it turned out okay, Try it Adam~" Myrtle said as she flew around in the air remembering that Hilarious moment when something like this happened.

"O-okay...Please be telling the truth" Adam said as he put his hands on the side of his belly and casted the spell out loud. a Pink Flash came from his wand and made his belly jiggle as it began to fill with a glowing blue fluid.

"H-hey Adam w-whats happening???" Ron of course was the most skeptical about this whole ordeal so since he was already getting flash backs to almost being devoured by spiders.

"M-Myrtle gave me the Counter-spell, P-please stay still" Adam said as he held his stomach firmly.

The stomach got to work on his squirmy meals, the three were admittedly nervous and watching the blue fluids rise up rather quickly. It was like they were being mixed in as ingredients for a potion.


Adam couldn't take his eyes off his belly as this was slowly smoothing out, No longer was it a bulbous orb of vague body parts, now it was smoothing out and making loud sizzling sounds as if a potion was undergoing hyper activity.

"I...hope it works" Adam said nervously as he felt the stomach was no longer filled with his conscious friends, now they were simply pudgy soup waiting to be absorbed into his intestine. However as soon as the last trace of bone vanished the ring on the floor where harry and his friends were at glowed the same blue color and his stomach suddenly went back to normal size and the disgusting pulp landed there like dropped porridge. "E-EEK!" Adam scooted back seeing that happen as Myrtle covered her mouth and giggled not only at the fact he got startled by the goopy pudge but also because his ass stretched out his baggy pants to the limit.

"heh here comes the best part, watch Adam~" Myrtle said as she tries to rub his shoulders but they of course go through.

Adam watches in slight terror as the goopy pudge began to take shape into 3 different orbs. The orbs formed limbs then eyes and in a grotesque manner brought back the three gryffindors and even brought their personal belongings back such as wands and Harry's glasses.

"Bloody hell that felt weird..." Ron held his forehead because he had a slight headache from his brain having to reform from the spell.

"Adam you did it! thank goodness it worked, You too myrtle" Hermione gave Adam a big hug, if it wasn't for Adam's cooperation and bravery they wouldn't have gotten out.

"Now...About that payment Adam" Moaning Myrtle said reminding Adam with her soft voice.

"O-oh right" Adam said nervous as he wondered what she would say as he stood up, his clappy ass hidden by his robes.

"Since I helped you, I want full permission to...possess your expansions~" Myrtle said which Adam couldn't stop her current movements as she suddenly dived right behind him and down.

"Huh? What just happened? Did she go in the drain?" Adam turned around looking down but there wasn't a drain there.

" Adam, you may want to look at your pants" Harry tried not to laugh as his face puffed slightly holding it in.

Adam looked down as he pushed his robes aside and to his embarrassment saw Myrtle's head and hands peeping out from the back of his pants, her face all contempt as she was sandwiched between the ass cheeks and his pants. "W-wha???!! M-Myrtle??" Adam's face went all red seeing the girl haunting his ass practically.

"This is my payment, hehe it's better than a toilet" She said as she closed the pants around her head and Adam felt a chill in his anal cavity.

"wow...that is insane how she seemed to go from Moaning Myrtle to Horny Myrtle" Ron commented as Adam just covered his bum with his robes so he can get out of there.

"Let's just go, let's pretend this didn't happen" Adam said as he crossed his arms and walked out of the bathroom with the new friend to carry along with them. Hopefully even without Adam's help harry could survive the triwizard tournament.

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