Story 269/Tatsugiri Predicament

Start from the beginning

"MMmff!" Adam tries to hold himself from Swallowing her but Tatsugiri wanted to be swallowed, After all Dondozo Stomach Acids were rather weak, and there was a Moisture on Tatsugiri's skin which put the stomach acids at bay and more like a relaxing sauna.

"Giri!" Tatsugiri was patient, yet starting to wiggle her butt on Adam's uvula to become swallowed.

Unfortunately Adam's throat was very sensitive like that, so Adam's body made him swallow, half her body was down his throat, his neck expanding with the imprint of her slightly widened hips and the beginning of her poach. (GULP!) Adam was unable to stop his body as Tatsugiri smiled, not caring the throat was smaller than it remembered with Dondozo.

"Giri giri!" She rubs his tongue with her hands and had a big smile as the tongue wiggles slightly in a desperate manner since his body both tried to release and swallow the Mimicry Pokemon.


Adam's tongue forced Tatsugiri down fully, the tongue pushed against her pleased face and the throat pushing her inside the narrow tube while Unblocking Adam's Windpipe so he could breathe. Tatsugiri's bulge was certainly noticeable sliding down his esophagus as it soon returned his neck to it's normal thin self as Tatsugiri slides into Adam's tight stomach.

It curled up and laid on it's flotation sack, it began to secret the moisture needed to make Adam's stomach acids completely useless, at the same time it expanded like a Croagunk's Throat Pouch not for croaking but instead for making Adam completely full.

As soon as Tatsugiri entered Adam's stomach, he fell to his knees, panting after that sudden moment. The swallowing felt kinda good though but When tatsugiri curled up in his stomach he actually started to giggle feeling it's soft squishy flotation sac tickle his stomach.

"What just...Happened" Adam said as he parted his clothes so he could see his belly, it was noticeable now and was rounder than ever, yet not enough to really be noticeable with clothes on.

It simply wiggled around in his skin trying to please him. It was then Adam realized what this meant, Adam basically looked like a Dondozo to it, and it had gotten confused. "Oh! It must have assumed i was a Dondozo...hehe That makes sense now" Adam said as he instead of spit her out right away he began to rub his stomach passionately.

Feeling Adam's fingers rub across her fishy body made Tatsugiri feel more welcome as Adam's tummy churned inwards and out massaging her gently.

"I wonder how she would feel if she realized I wasn't Dondozo" Adam thought as he just sat there rubbing the stomach bulge.

After a bit he lured her into coming out by putting food on a small plate he used for picnics. "There ya go...hmmm..." Adam gave her some food before then taking off the outfit, this showed Tatsugiri that Adam was Not a Dondozo.

Tatsugiri's eyes widened, she had realized she had been in the stomach of a possibly Unsafe Human instead of a faithful Dondozo. "G-giri!" It began to suddenly bow repeatedly which to Adam looked like an Apology. It realized it had made Adam almost choke, so she began to apologize.

"It's ok, I forgive you, But hey maybe it's not all bad" Adam said as he pat her squishy head making her stop feeling anxious.

Adam then had an Idea, if Tatsugiri was wanting to be in a stomach for safety, and relied on that as well as helping in return, Maybe he could catch it.

"Hey tatsugiri, what do you think about Joining my team?" He asks as he Held up her chin with his hand looking into her small black eyes.

With his other hand he took out a Pokeball. Upon seeing it Tatsugiri's eyes shimmered with sparkles as it realized it could come with the boy. "Giri giri!" It nodded it's head a lot as it slithered up to the pokeball and taps it with her hand. This caused her to become red light when the pokeball opened and it was sucked inside.

It shook once, twice, a third time, and then stars came out of the pokeball signalling to Adam he had caught it.

"Welcome to the team Tatsugiri. and Since you wanted it, I'll give you a proper holding place" Adam said as he held the Pokeball up to his mouth and opened, his tongue flopped out and dripped saliva onto the grass. The Boy popped the ball in his mouth and then Slurped on it for a few seconds before Choking it down, wincing a bit as he did so.

The Bulge was smaller than tatsugiri's but it was harder to get down due to its small shape. However when it did enter Adam's stomach, it instantly opened and tatsugiri spilled out into the tight stomach. Her eyes watered with happy tears, she was being protected even after her little mistake. From now on she would be Adam's little belly buddy as she began to methodically rub his stomach walls with her body being so grateful. "UUURP! Awww that tickles" Adam sat against a tree and let his stomach play with Tatsugiri, he occasionally moved his waist around to slosh the pokemon left and right so it could have more fun.

Now Adam had to get one more dragon and he would get extra credit, his eyes were already set on Area Zero as a location while also drooling feeling Tatsugiri tickle him.

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