42Arrived at the Base

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With broad beans and corn, Qi Jingyan and Hao Linfeng allocated a total of about 1,300 grains. Then Qi Jingyan put them together and urged them to form bullets together.

The current power is still the primary state when he just woke up, that is, the first-class power. After urging these bullets, Qi Jingyan felt a little tired and consumed half of the power. Some sweat came out of his white forehead.

There were about 30 mutant mice under the balcony. After the first mutant mouse was killed by Qi Jingyan, they dispersed, but after a while, they did not see Qi Jingyan do it again, and they carefully surrounded them.

"Little young master, the speed of mutant mice is faster. We should fight faster." Hao Linfeng reminded me.


Then the two shot together.

Originally, there were about 30 mutant mice surrounded by the balcony. After they shot, they immediately escaped again.

Five minutes later, the mutant mouse had not appeared yet. Hao Linfeng said, "Little young master, the mutant animals are very smart. I don't think they will appear. Shall we go down and have a look?"


Then the two jumped off the window of the balcony. For Hao Linfeng, this was a trivial. After he jumped down, he was ready to catch Qi Jingyan again, but he saw that he also landed firmly. For Qi Jingyan, not to mention jumping on the second floor, even on the fifth floor, he will jump. His subconsciously has no idea that he is afraid or will fall.

However, after jumping for two days, the mutant mouse hiding in the dark suddenly rushed over.


Hao Linfeng dodged sideways, the bullet penetrated the mouse's body, and then the mouse exploded. Young master, let's go back to back."

One... two...three...

The mouse in front of the electronic door was also attracted, surrounding Qi Jingyan and Hao Linfeng.


Hao Linfeng couldn't help cursing and underestimated the wisdom of mutant animals. What should he do now? It's not a problem to jump to the balcony on the first floor with his hands. What about Qi Jingyan?

The two of them kept shooting with their backs. But there are too many mutant mice. They can take care of the jumping mutant mice and can't climb on the ground.

The little tiger jumped off Qi Jingyan's shoulder and cracked... The little meat claw lay directly on the mouse. Roar..." The little body roared very vigorously. Although he is small, he is not very strong.

The mutant mice quickly divided into groups. Some dealt with Qi Jingyan and Hao Linfeng, and some rushed up to attack the little tiger. They always said to them that the little tigers were about the same size and more bully.

But... the little tiger was faster than them. He jumped up, and his claws ruthlessly patted the head of the mutant mouse, and his sharp nails stimulated the head of the mutant mouse.

Blood stimulated his animalishness and conquest in his bones. While his body jumped, the meat claws flashed light blue light, grabbed the neck of the mutant mouse at his fingertips, and... The whole mutant mouse was frozen.

Qi Jingyan and Hao Linfeng were stunned.

Does the little mouse have an ice power?

Among the five elements, the tiger belongs to water, and the ice system is equivalent to the mutant water system. The little tiger awakens the power of the ice system.

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