119Uncle Wang Woke Up

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In early June, the weather was so hot that it reached 367 degrees, and it was extremely hot at night. A few people who were sleeping outside got into the caravan one after another, and they didn't need to make a bed on the floor, they just slept on the floor. As soon as the air conditioner in the RV blows, it's like entering a presidential suite.

The next day, Wang Ming got up early and made some porridge. Except for Qi Jingyan and Qi Chuan, everyone drank two bowls of porridge, but everyone was very happy.

Qi Jingyan and Qi Chuan ate porridge, boiled eggs, and milk, which were very nutritious.

At seven o'clock in the morning, after packing their things, they set off.

To go to the Qindao Research Institute, they took the mountain road. Although the mountain roads are not as flat as the national roads and town roads, and some places are muddy and uneven, there are at least a few zombies on the mountain roads.

Because the mountain road is generally between the fields, it is the place with the least people. With fewer people, there are naturally fewer zombies. However, with fewer people, there are more things.

For example: "Stop." The mouse was taken aback, "There is a black mass ahead, disgusting like a snake."

Wang Ming slammed on the brakes: "Brother Mouse, don't make a surprise attack, you have to warn in advance "

"Sorry, I didn't see it, I didn't notice that thing on the ground." The mouse said.

"What dark mass? A mass?" The voice of a pigeon came from the car behind.

"I don't know, it's dark, like snakes, all over the road, it's disgusting, it scares me to death." It must be a bit scary for a soldier to say that he was scared to death.

When it comes to nausea, snakes are indeed the most disgusting thing in many people's minds.

"What is it?" asked the pigeon.

"Snake... I look like a snake." Mouse said.

The little yellow chicken basks in the sun on the roof of the car. Unlike humans who are afraid of heat, it loves the sun very much. Wang Ming slammed on the brakes, causing it to roll a few times on the roof of the car, and then flew into the air with a cluck. When it really wanted to scold Wang Ming, it was also stunned.

It's so dark...it's disgusting.

It waved its wings and said, "I'll go and have a look."

"Yes." Qi Jingyan replied.

After a while, the little yellow chicken said: "It's rice field eels. Rice field eels often live in rice fields, creeks, streams, ponds, canals, lakes, etc. Seeing that there are rice fields on both sides, it should come out of rice fields."

"It's rice field eels. " Qi Jingyan said.

"Eels?" Big Wood's ears lit up, "Eels are delicious. Squad leader, don't you know eels?" There are no eels in the mouse's hometown, "I see them...they are a bit long, some are two or three meters long, This eel... this eel is as scary as a snake." Mouse felt goose bumps all over his body.

"Squad leader, are you talking nonsense, can eels be the same as snakes?" Da Mu said, "I caught them in the fields when I was a child. The two or three meters long you said should be mutant eels. Let's catch them." A little drooling Yes, the nutritional value of rice field eel is very high. "I'm not going." The mouse said, "One or two snakes are enough. This black mass is more terrifying than facing a tiger weighing several thousand."

It's not scary, it's simply unimaginable. Hearing the mouse mentioned the tiger, Qi Chuan gave him a cold look. Qi Chuan didn't believe that eels were more terrifying than tigers, he thought he was the most powerful tiger. "Then I'll go down." Da Mu said. "I'll go down too." Wang Ming also likes rice field eels. Lin Yingying, Jiang Xiaofei and others also followed. They were not Qi Jingyan.

The space had plenty of supplies, including meat, vegetables, and fruits. For them, they were happy to catch mutated animals like rice field eels to improve their food. As a result, when a group of people walked up to the eel, let alone thinking about improving the food, their legs were shaking. Because as the mouse said, the black mass looks really... a bit scary. Like snake dens, densely packed. "This road must be 50 meters long." Da Mu said. "Yes." Wang Ming replied.

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