"And what exactly is that?" He asks.

"Money. Power." She says with a grin on her face.

"I don't get it," he asks frowning at her.

"They say love is everything in this world, that the only thing in serve and happily love is to have love. But idiots don't know that love is only a moment of pleasure, a joke that only lasts for seconds. Those are words said by the poor to hide their pain of not having anything to live for. But I know better" she turns to the man with excitement and joy.

"Having money, and wealth is the way of life. It buys you all those stupid feelings and buys control over those helpless people who had nothing, to begin with. Instead of love be hungry for money, it the only power in the world that becomes this world to its knees. And YeonSeok had a lot of them! Where people would only get one he had both, money and love" Her eyes turn dark, Chang confused at the sudden sight.

"Kim Yeonseok uses to be the man that everyone desires, he was a man with power because he came from a weak background. Which was one of the reasons that made me fall for him, I wanted him because he was the man that could bring my life to a better place. But that idiot chose someone else, he took away my dreams of becoming powerful. So I took away both from him, love and money" she laugh evilly.

"And you ruined Taehyung life because he is the actual hire to Yeonseok wealth. You brought his family to the road after his death. I don't see him being any trouble to your path since that kid can't even afford to evil comforter-"

"This is where you go wrong" she cuts him off.

"This is the difference between you and me. You think just because taking away everything from Kim once gonna be enough. Don't you know life takes turns every second? What I took from them might not be with me tomorrow if I sit with the satisfaction that it gonna last forever. One day Taehyung can come back to bite me back and take away everything I have now" she says and the way her tone was it made her seem like a crazy person.

"Then why didn't you just get rid of the whole Kim Family? You can easily have them dead and no one would even know. Then all your problems are away" Chang asks. He didn't understand this woman.

Jeon Ryen laughs at his face "then what fun would it be one that. If I end them so easily I won't have any fun, I won't be able to see them be miserable, I want them to feel what I feel, painfully and slowly. They will pay for every second of misery they have given me. If I can kill them slowly and enjoy the process of their life being taken down then why wouldn't I right" she says and shrugs.

"I understand your hate for Taehyung, but ruining your own son's life must have been the most fuck up thing you have down woman," he says but she only faces his face.

"I have only ruined life but you have taken them. You are no better than me to point fingers. My son is my reason for the shameful reality. He is no better than the ones I hate" she says not caring if she was speaking evil of her son.

"But you fail in this one. You wanted him to marry that girl Ji-Eun but I heard he refuses, they are only friends, and she is even pregnant with another man. Looks like your plan to get her shares are failing" he says with a mocking tone.

"Life is a game, my friend, it is okay to low a few of them. So what if I failed to make them together, but what I have planned for my dear son will make his face fall on dirt" she took the phone from her desk and call someone.

"And what you gonna do that make sure son marry someone who he doesn't revenge love?" He asks curiously.

Jeon Ryen smirks, the shine on her face can reflect her evil plans "my innocent, crowed son sometimes forgets what cruel society we live in. People here are run by an insane law that objectifies the ways people should live. An unmarried man living with a pregnant woman isn't one of them. Even just a whisper is enough to in-fire those in charge" she smirks knowing exactly what she has to do.

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